Manuke FPS
It's... the last thing I ever wanted to meet at this time - no, it's the one I didn't even think of in fine dust to meet.
There it is, isn't there?
What appeared in the chat window that emerged in sight with the received sound of the message were hieroglyphics that were impossible to read as they were - automatic translation functions soon activated, translated into a joke and floated.
And most importantly, as the rain of the Harpoon missile that ejected to destroy both the flames and the ice wings poured, I was going to use the Battleship Nagato's onboard aircraft - the Zero Water Observer - to jump into the mouth of the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon).
For that reason, I looked back from the ranging station to the rear deck, and I saw something incredible in my sight.
It's crack...
Just beyond the boundaries of the new world (user world) beyond the boundaries of the boulders destroyed by the ultra-colored braces unleashed by the labyrinth dragon - where, like blood, red cracks had been created.
Would it be about three to four meters in size - in a hollow with nothing, only cracks float.
The problem is that from that crack you can see another world, not the new world (user world) or nature - and you can see giant eyes peeking this way from the other side, too, as I peek that other side.
Blood-running eyes (dull) on the big black eyes, the wide open eyelids lean as if they stick to the bones, and I feel a ghostly fear when I only look at my eyes.
"Love or not, my child, there you have it?
Mad Goddess - Prisoned by a narrow world, the birth mother of the Lord of the Labyrinth and Labyrinth (Dungeon Master).
That was ahead of my sight now. At the same time behind you can hear the rain of the Harpoon missile pouring down on the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) and the explosion of the point where both flames and ice wings are growing.
While I felt the heat of the hot air on my back and neck muscles, I was not willing to confirm the outcome of the missile attack. I could not divert my gaze from the eyes of hatred and madness (not to mention) overflowing from the cracks.
"You come to save me, you come to save me"
Beyond the crack, the large eyes distorted.
"My beloved son cooperated with me, come to my mother's rescue."
The mad goddess was (also) trying to get into this side as she hit a huge face into a crack from the other side many times.
They show me that, and I can't make a sound other than a cannon sound and an explosion sound - a voice.
"The time has come for mothers and children to gather together and wrap them all in the flames of hate!
Cooperation......? Oh well... the mad goddess is not in this world or my new world (user world), it exists in the narrow world.
I approached that narrow world only once before - yes, across the shooting range.
At that time - I feared that if the walls of the world were broken, a mad goddess would break into this side. But I didn't know how to get a crazy goddess across the world.
Is this the answer...
The Lord of the Labyrinth (Dungeon Master) and the mission imposed on the Labyrinth are the annihilation of those who live and live in nature.
You can't keep the labyrinth in one place for that. That is why the Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core), which is set in its own labyrinth, is taken into its own body and means is available to get out of the labyrinth, where the skills of "Labyrinth Creation (Creative Labyrinth)" exist.
But this is only one of the missions of the Lord of the Labyrinth (Dungeon Master). The original mission - the reason to get out of the labyrinth is to enhance the power of the labyrinth and look for other labyrinth lords (dungeon masters).
Now I'm convinced the real reason I was dropped in this world - that 'unjust loose' is an explosive and nutrient to grow the labyrinth - no, in a more guessy way, it's just chemical fertilizer.
A mad goddess drops a presence like me from another world into this world in order to get a system of reason (sayings) powerful enough to destroy the walls of the world.
And the two growing labyrinths clash, kill each other, and seize their power - the two boundaries collide violently, destroying the walls of the world.
With that in mind, I can also see the aim of the Genesis God. While cutting the wedge with the labyrinth, the presence dropped on this world can be pushed away - conveniently leaving the world with a presence that can stand up with the growing labyrinth, after eliminating the risk of the world's walls being destroyed.
It might have been the natural champion - the dragon - who was supposed to take that role. It's a joke - the defense mechanism I prepared didn't work, and even my eyelashes became a factor that took me into the labyrinth and evolved me into a mighty being.
The roar of joy raised by the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) can also be snorted.
Me and the Labyrinth Dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) had tremendous power over each other. And now the ultra-colored braces collided with the boundaries of the New World (User World), creating cracks in the walls of the world.
Waiting ahead is the resurrection of the mad goddess - we can't take the time.
If the third brace were irradiated over there, the crack would be even bigger. That blow could be a big enough hole for a mad goddess to get back on this side, and that could be the fourth shot.
"- I'm not going to help you... envy the world where the living live there forever"
I don't know if the voice I shook up reached the mad goddess as the explosion rang. But it doesn't matter if you heard it or not. It is important in itself to speak out about our separation from the mad goddess.
It's not just words, it's also a strong expression of its will in action - to control the targeting of two 41cm combined guns mounted on the front deck of the Battleship Captain's Gate, to take the brace firing stance, or to fire the main gun at the head that slowly began to unload the dragon's neck.
The aim of the 41cm combined cannon on the rear deck overlaps the large eye peeking from the crack (not to mention), but if you think this attack could spread the crack, it doesn't taste good to attack cheaply.
The first thing to discuss is the Labyrinth Dragon. If you want to destroy the boundaries of the world with a clash between the labyrinths, as initially thought - you just have to wipe out the labyrinth itself.
From the aiming monitor of the 41cm combined cannon, it is visible that it wobbles violently with the impact of a bullet landing on the head.
I was spotted in the eyes of a mad goddess (dude), my legs didn't move like they were frozen, but by voicing my decision and resuming the fight, I was able to take a step even as I trembled.
Walk slowly one step at a time - it was at the same time an act of slowly approaching a mad goddess.
Despite just one step away, the madness of spotting this one over the crack swells tens of times.
I closed my eyelids to block my gaze of fear and madness, even though I felt an unacceptable intimidation to blink.
It's the dark world and the HUD information that never disappears that spreads into sight, and the aiming monitors of each Battle Object chase the Warcraft around and continue to shell them, no matter how much they kill, I don't feel diminished.
And what was visible beyond the darkness was the appearance of a loved one. A brilliant red gold hair in the dark, that smile staring at this one, erases everything from my fear and anxiety.
Move to the rear of the ranging station with your eyes closed and put your hands on the fence -.
Do you love me, my son?
Have you also felt a goddess mad that my condition has changed, and the anxiety that springs from the crack even reaches my skin?
"- Huh."
Just looking at Ashley's smile, I felt like an idiot when I felt horrified by such a goddess.
From the eyes of the mad goddess (dude), who opened her eyes and looked directly at her again, she no longer had any emotions.
I don't even need words to call you - I laughed with my nose at you as you were trapped across the crack and jumped all at once from the ranging station to the catapult of a zero type water observation machine installed on the rear deck.
"My son?! Where are you going?
Come on, I'm tired of hearing your voice too - turn your awareness to the hieroglyphics displayed in the chat window, and choose the receive rejection feature, which is one of the communication features -.
"You're going to BL."
It was at the same time that landing on top of a zero-type water observation machine and throwing it into the BL made the chat window truly even more.