Manuke FPS
Final story
MK48 torpedoes and polar-colored braces clashed, and blown smoke deprived the periscope of vision, but it was no longer a relevant story.
A nuclear submarine Ohio's bow descends from ultra-high altitude into a brace that has slightly attenuated its power due to the explosion of the MK48.
The sight I see from the periscope - I'm not actually peering into the periscope, but the periscope monitor screen that floats in my sight overflowed with brilliant light in an instant.
I don't think it's really in the braces that bring ruin to nature - the brilliance that slowly flowed through the monitors was giving me a spectacular view that I didn't think I was in the process of falling from an altitude of 30,000 meters at super high speed.
If we keep going, won't we reach heaven somewhere? The warmth that made me care and the sense of security was there.
But - it's definitely the nuclear submarine Ohio that I'm holding on to right now.
The last attack carried out to destroy the Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core) inside the labyrinth dragon - into the depths of its mouth.
Yes, that's the last of it.
There is no way you can do anything with a regular firearm against a labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) turned into a moving labyrinth by one of the islands.
There is no way that its interior is not as overflowing with warcraft as it is outside, having unleashed so much warcraft that it raging frenzy and overwhelming the new world (user world).
Numbers of violence are the strongest force. Power enough to bounce it back is not a substitute for letting it go at no cost.
In the battle so far, once recovered CP (Crystal Point) was also depleted again, making it impossible to continue any more battles or withdraw.
But you don't have to worry about that anymore - wait for that moment (when) as you watch your original potential endurance diminish.
And a labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) agate appeared at the end of the brilliant path of light.
"No, no, no!
Increase your momentum like a roar (every) and aim for a radiant polar color deep in Agate.
The moment 16000 tonnes of large mass settles on the agate of the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon), its impact becomes such a shockwave that it rocks heaven and earth that it ripples across the whole new world (User World).
The sand and warcraft that wind up in the shockwave are slammed against the boulder walls that cover the New World (User World), and the giant body of the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) is crushed and rolled up as the ground cracks.
The shockwave, which was damaging but suppressed while destroying the boulder walls, turned the force's destination into the sky.
Turning from an ultra-high altitude into a falling nuclear potential, massive earth stones and warcraft and fragments of the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) were spraying up high in the sky, and the original potential that caused this great shockwave was crushing the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) agate and causing part of its hull to enter the interior of the labyrinth as it tore the dragon's neck.
I rolled around to be shaken inside the command post in a shock where a falling nuclear potential clashed with a labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon).
When he struck his body at the desk of the command post and stood up because the movement of the original dive had stopped, the heavens and earth where the bow had fallen were back to normal.
Nevertheless, it was not upright, but stopped with a side tilt.
And when I put the periscope monitor back in the front that was blowing into the corner of my sight - there was hell spreading out there.
A burning land with a full view - a burning field that rotates periscope monitors and checks the perimeter of the original potential, but inside the labyrinth should be no room or passage.
Even smoking black smoke holds a red flame, and from the cracked surface a magma sprays up and arcs.
Keeping turning the periscope wondering if there was anything, something completely different existed at the end of the burnt earth that lasted everywhere.
Frozen lakes and giant statues of ice standing there - at first glance I knew immediately what it mimicked.
“El Cayness in the North" - size is only slightly smaller, but the attitude of spreading the wings wide and releasing the braces but bending over the upper body as if to protrude the agate was similar to that of some labyrinth dragon releasing a polar-colored brace.
And as it was sandwiched in its protruding agate, a great magic stone (dungeon core) was shining.
- I found it.
Before the final goal, the power comes into your hands unexpectedly - but this is inside the labyrinth, and the Warcraft is walking wide, naturally.
From the scorched earth - from the frozen lake, which never melts, the black beast springs up one after the other, turning into the shape of a warcraft as it groans.
In an instant, an army of warcraft appeared, filling the lake and protecting the Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core).
"Release all firing tubes -"
There are two major types of soldier outfits on board the nuclear submarine Ohio, one being the MK48 of long torpedoes fired by the bow. And the other is the Tomahawk missile of the cruise missile.
The endurance value of the original potential remains very small, as it penetrated through the ultra-colored braces into the interior of the labyrinth. If even one more push is made, the atomic potential ends with a destructive verdict, blasting, and not releasing a blow to the Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core).
The phase of hesitation has passed. All the strays have blown off and we have been getting ready without leaving behind the worries of our hindsight.
All we have to do is go home - to Ashley, to where Yumil waits, I'm sure we can go home... believe that -.
The openings of the VLS (vertical firing system) twenty-four units at the top of the hull are opened one after the other.
"- Fire!!
Flying over VLS while blowing up explosive flames are usually twenty-three warhead equipped Tomahawk missiles.
Hitting the target point of attack on the perimeter map mapped instantly at the same time as the labyrinth entered, the Tomahawk missile poured inside the labyrinth as it drew a large arc.
And the last shot fired late, this one, is the only demonic weapon the nuclear submarine Ohio has - the nuclear warhead equipped TLAM-N "Tomahawk Land-Attack Missile-Nuclear".
~ ~ DANGER ~ ~
Tactical nuclear weapon
10: 00.
At the same time as the TLAM-N is fired, the visual field floats with a flashing indication that counts down ten seconds to the use of a nuclear weapon and the landing, and a warning sound is sounded from the sound collecting sensor that informs the danger.
Why TLAM-N is called the Devil's Weapon - that's largely due to VMB specifications.
Unlike other missile weapons, the once-fired TLAM-N is impossible to shoot down while flying, landing at 10 seconds from launch, no matter how far or how close.
Its destructive power is highest within the VMB, forcing all players and NPCs, other than those who fled inside the nuclear shelter, the only way to avoid it, to give KILL judgment to bring about death, in addition to drastically changing the topography of the map.
In addition, it also has the effect of completely destroying all boarding and support weapons, regardless of enemy allies, and rendering new support weapon summonses impossible for a period of time immediately after the detonation.
What happens if one player suddenly uses such a weapon? Boarding weapons such as support weapons and mobile vehicles are chunks of CP (Crystal Point). Few of them are rare vehicles that are difficult to get back or super expensive like the Bagger 293.
That's irrespective of the enemy allies, it all goes back to irreparable nothing. It was an inexorable story that not only the enemy side, but also the player who summoned the original dive, would be attacked by his allies.
And these effects were also adapted to the players who fired them, and the use of TLAM-N meant, in other words, the loss of the nuclear submarine Ohio.
With that blow, I shot off the big magic stone (dungeon core) that sparkled with the ice statue Elkaynes as a pedestal.
That means I'll be dead in ten seconds.
You don't have to look at the moment of landing, you know exactly when the moment of death will come if you only look at the countdown in front of you.
I don't even doubt its power. VMB firearms and weapons have become reality and amplified their power. TLAM-N and it shouldn't be the exception.
No - even before the power to be amplified, it would have been possible to destroy the Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core) and completely defeat the Labyrinth Dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) from inside the labyrinth.
Even assuming the Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core) was deep in the labyrinth, I was convinced that everything would end with a TLAM-N launch from the entry at the original potential.
That's not my prediction or anything. Elkaynes himself said - if you hit him with great magic from the inside, there's no such thing as destroying him.
The countdown cut five seconds left.
Usually ballistic Tomahawk missiles land inside the labyrinth, causing a big explosion and rocking the entire labyrinth.
This is a power that could bring down the Labyrinth. Severe vibrations and explosions echo to the issuing station, where the body rises.
I'm not worried about anything after this.
Even after destroying the Labyrinth Dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) from the inside, it was after destroying the Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core).
Even powerful enough to break the boundaries of the world, there should be no resurrection of the mad goddess - and the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) itself is inside my new world (User World).
Outside the boundaries of the Labyrinth Dragon is my new world (User World), and the Mad Goddess peeks this world further out.
Take a good look at where the means of your resurrection will perish - if I die, the new world (user world) will be completely unlocked, and either it will be just an island, or it will be a particle of light, or every crack and labyrinth born on the boundary will disappear, and there will be no means of resurrection.
I can't see the result, but if it works, the nuclear explosion that destroyed the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) from within will even kill off a large swarm of warcraft overflowing with the new world (User World).
That's it - you're going to pay the price of my life, but there's no remorse or grief. Because I believe - I assimilate VMB to this system, and the power of the Mad Goddess.
And the count showed 00: 00, and my body was wrapped in a blast of light with the nuclear submarine Ohio.