Heading to the upper level of the underground dungeon, Me and Misha were up the stairs.

"Catch up?"

Misha asked.

Though Sasha is preventing her from using the magic of Flight (Fres), she naturally can't keep up with her walking at the same pace. They could be running over there.

"It's okay."

I raise my legs slightly, and I step on the floor of the dance floor with tons.

Gagga, Doddo Doddo, and the dungeons in the basement began to shake heavily.

It's so trembling that it's even hard to stand.

"Grab it."

"... mmm..."

Stick to my hand, Misha manages to withstand the tremors.

It lasted about a minute or so or the shake finally subsided.

"You can let go now."

Misha let go of her hand softly.

"What did you do?

"I changed the terrain a little and made a stop. Now I can catch up with you even if I don't want to."

We move on.

Eventually, when I finished going up the stairs, a bright space appeared in front of me.

This is the room of the Natural Magic Formation I went through when I came.

There was Sasha.

Standing still, like I'm on my way. Probably because there's nowhere in the aisle that should have been there when I came. Earlier, when I stepped on my feet, the terrain had changed dramatically and was at an end.

Hey, Sasha.

When she spoke, she shook her body terribly, and she turned.

He clenches Wang Zheng and sets himself up.

"Is this your fault, too?

I guess you're saying the room is at a dead end.

"Well, do you think I'll teach the traitor?

Sasha makes her gaze harder.

You can't read my aim, you must be on guard.

"If you want Wang Xuan, you can kill me."

"What, Misha wants to make up with you?"

Sasha rounded her eyes and exposed her frustration.

"You're not stupid. You forgot what you did to me earlier?

A sharply spoken word.

But Misha just looks straight back at Sasha.

"I'm stunned. Stupid doll for the book. Anos, you too. I can't believe I'm getting what this kid says. Look, there's no such thing as that kid you've been putting in a long time. No life, no soul. Tomorrow, it'll just disappear."

"Hmm. I heard that earlier, so what?

Sasha answers if my words were unexpected.

"... yes, we talked. Don't act so much like you're alive to your doll. Are you afraid to disappear?

Sasha tells you to argue.


"What's the difference?

"It is decided that I will disappear. Nothing to be afraid of."

pale, Misha said.

"But before I do, I want to make up with Sasha. That's all."

Kick her stare at Misha.

"I want to know the truth"


Like a rare hesitation, Misha asked without fear.

"Does Sasha not like me?

Sasha did not answer that question.

She turned to me and said:

"Hey. Again, maybe we won't compete?

I wonder what you're going to say, you unpunished woman.

"What kind of battle?

"I'm going to paint a magic formation. If you can magically exercise that magic formation at first sight, you win. If I can't, my win"

It is difficult to use and magically exercise the magic formations built by others. That too, if you don't know what magic it is, you have to fully understand the procedure at first sight. Normally, the side drawing the magic formation would be an overwhelmingly advantageous battle.

Unless it's me.

"Are you sure? In such a way in my favor. You can put more handles on it."

"No problem. Something you can never do."

Hmm. Confident, you mean? Interesting.

"Bet on what?

"If you win, I'll answer that kid's question"

"What if you win?

"Follow my orders and you will use one magic."

That's an odd condition.

"What magic?

"Oh? If we don't make sure, maybe we're scared and we can't compete?

Huh. You're a pretty knowledgeable stirrer.

It's not a broad condition of absolute obedience to one's orders, but daring one use of magic, which would be the only way to increase the enforceability of < contract (zect) >.

Originally, the contract could not be broken at a half-breed price, but that is why I am wary of my magic. Making the terms simple and limiting works harder.

"That's good. Take it and stand."

Sasha smiled satisfactorily and used the magic of

Check the contents and I'll sign it.

"So? What about that magic formation?

"I'm going to draw"

Sasha turns her heels back and walks out.

It's just in the center of the room that she stopped.

He closed his eyes quietly and held the upright Wang Xuan with both hands.

A particle of magic rose and a primitive magic circle emerged at her feet that would become a magic formation. The circle gradually widens to a large extent and extends throughout the room.

Quite a bit of magic formation. A little too much for Sasha's original powers, for example, but Wang Xuan and < The Undead Bird's Lawsuit > were bottoming up her magic powers and assisting her in building a magic formation.

Magic letters float in the Magic Circle, and one Magic Gate after another appears.

A dozen minutes have passed. Sasha is still building a magic formation, but I still don't know what kind of magic she's going to use.

There are two reasons.

One is that I don't know this magic.

It was in the age of mythology, nothing like any magic. In the course of two thousand years, new magic has been developed. Or out of Sasha's confidence, it could be something she developed herself.

The other is because the magic formation is still utterly unfinished. From what I've seen, I haven't done 10%. This gives me too many choices, and just me, it's impossible to narrow down what magic it is.

"How long are you gonna call me?

"Don't worry, we'll be there by midnight tomorrow. By the time she disappears."

Given the pace of construction of the magic formation, is the completion just after midnight tomorrow or something?

I see. Daiichi, it must be an operation that takes away my time. Did you also think that if Misha tried to exercise magic before it disappeared, she might fail in a hurry?

Or maybe you're up to something else.

"Oh? Have you been in a bit of a hurry?

"You challenge me to battle, so make sure it's complete at best. It's useless to think of any small worker."

"That's a lot of confidence. Look at that. I'm gonna win this time."

Where does that confidence come from when he says he showed and followed all that strength difference in the squad-by-squad countermeasure exam? It's not like Sasha doesn't know what I'm doing.

"Interesting. Let's spare that reckless courage and don't watch it until the magic team is done"

I sit on the spot and close the Devil's Eye.

I used the magic of < Magic Clock (tel.) > to make sure I knew the time.

Sasha is focused on building a magic formation. That's the size of it. If I'm at all wrong, I won't be able to make it in time. That would not allow her pride.

With quite a bit of concentration, Sasha continues to draw the magic formation without mistake.

Eventually the sun sets and the moonlight plugs into this room.

Misha stared at her sister.

I desperately build a magic formation, sparing even a blink and keeping my gaze on it, trying to burn that sight into my eyes.

And so the hour and hour passed, and the hour showed eleven and forty-five minutes of the night.