As Sin and Leno went out of the great tree of Enniunien, Aerdmed, the king of death, was waiting.

Tall, with purple hair and eyes, he's a good man.

He wears a long trench coat and silk hat and has a cane in his hand.

"Hey, Demon King's Right Arm. And the Great Spirit of Mother. I'm sorry to bother you like this."

In mild condition, says Yale Domed.

I was observing the three of them from the great trees of Enniyen.

"What can I do for you?

Singh asks to go straight in.

Without alarm, he was distributing his gaze to the King of Death.

The battle between humans and demons is over. The covenant of the Alliance between the Four Evil Royals and the Demon King has already vanished.

"Come on, don't look so scared. I've got a good story for the Omaes."

"What is it?

"This dying king knows where Nousgaria, the Heavenly Father God, is hiding in the Great Spirit Forest"

Sin makes his gaze harder.

"The aim of Heavenly Father God is the Great Spirit Leno. That divine tribe is about to mother the Great Spirit and give birth to the Son of God in order to destroy Anos, the demon king who will be reborn in two thousand years"

A blade poked at the tip of Yale Domed's nose talking about rap.

At an unstoppable speed, Sin was pulling out the plundering sword Giglionojes.

"Even Leno, with the Great Spirit Forest on his side, could not grasp Nousgaria's place. I don't think you've spotted it, King of Death."

There's a good chance that Alemade knows where Nousgaria is and what he's up to, because he's one of them.

"Isn't that a quick story? Yes, I've been contacted by Nousgalia. I wonder if you are interested in the Son of God, who defeats Anos the Demon King. No matter, I said I was interested..."

Yes, the aledmead said no. No, the blood was scattered.

Singh slashed and tore his limbs.

The scepter in the hand of the dying king falls to the ground.

If you slash and tear your arms, you will be deprived of the power to carry a weapon, and if you slash and tear your legs, you will be deprived of the power to move. Yale Domed could not move, and was as naked as a whole.

Nonetheless, he was laughing with pleasure.

"Cuckoo, wonderful, isn't it wonderful! That's the right arm of the Demon King. I didn't even give you a gap to fight back and take away the hands and feet of this dying king. I've never had an Omae sword before, but no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

His eyes sparkled like a boy, and the king of death raised his voice high.

"Anos the Demon King is not just about power, what an excellent man for people!!

I haven't seen it in a while, but it sounds like fun.

I thought you'd praise me, you turn to the enemy, so this man's emotions are a little far from understanding.

"But the Demon King has a fatal flaw. If you're an Omae, you'll see."

"There's nothing wrong with you, my dear."

The dying king nodded satisfactorily.

"Yes, that's exactly the downside. The Demon King of Atrocities has no shortcomings. There are too few flaws, and Anos the Demon King has no enemies. He needs enemies. For him to be stronger than he is now and a true demon king!

Listening to Yale Domed's speech, Sasha gives a strange look next door.

"Hey, Anos. What's that?

"He's a kid. Ever since I stroked him gently, he's come to expect something from me. He's always laughing happily when he's done it, taking a little bite out of it without meaning."

"... I have no idea, Misha, I know..."

Misha turns her demonic eye toward Yale Domed.

To fulfill, how does Misha, who is good at reading emotional finesse, gauge his mind?

"... disgusting..."

"... right..."

Misha, is that an assessment?

Apparently, that man, maybe he can't handle it.

"I am therefore the enemy of the Demon King at all times. But never on God's side!

Yale Domed has a strong theory.

All I'm saying is that's the most important thing in the world.

"I am interested in the Son of God defeating Anos the Demon King, but I doubt it will fulfill and truly have the power to corporate to the Demon King. That's why I'm teaching the Omaes what Nousgalia is up to. If the right arm of the Demon King, and Leno the Great Spirit, were your son loved by a fate that could not stop him from being born, he would be eligible to fight Anos the Demon King!

Damn, it's a young thing to say.

I guess to the King of Death, everything is a toy and everything looks like a play too.

"As always, your thoughts suffer from understanding, but the point is, if you're a Son of God to the extent that you're defeated by us, then that's it, right?

"Exactly. You know, the right arm of the Demon King."

In a feverish tone, says Yale Domed.

"Take Anos the Demon King to a higher height! That's what I want to see. That is why we must first prepare our enemies, the enemies that Anos the Demon King deserves. Neither God nor the Spirit will use all things and sacrifice the Demon King!

Sin sighs small.

"My lord, you do not want that."

"It has nothing to do with what you want. This is the fate of a demon king born as a champion. Never avoidable. If he is, he will do all that."

With a strange voice, a serious look, Yale Domed speaks.

"In the war with Azecyon, this dying king sifted first to make the strong man fight Anos. But it's human. The sieve's eyes were too thin to even pass except for the brave Kanon. There is no other way for Cannon to reach the Demon King than to borrow the power of God at the earliest."

All I'm saying is that's normal, and he was a grand advocate of crazy thoughts about his head.

"Let's do everything in our power to stop the Son of God from being born. Until God's thoughts outweigh ours, I'm on our side."

Singh glanced at what she called an exasperated aledmade.

But he laughs in the face that there is no dust, such as obnoxious things.

"... Sin. This guy is absolutely crazy...?

Leno whispers to Singh.

"Never mind. It's the usual. But the thoughts of the Dead King are still easy to read compared to those of the liars. If you stop the birth of the Son of God, you'll lose all interest in it."

"Kakkaka, you know perfectly well, right arm of the Demon King. Exactly. If so, isn't the answer one?

Singh turns his gaze back on the dying king.

"Lead us to Nousgaria. Kill and throw away the Son of God before he is born."

With the looting sword Giglionojes, Singh slashed both legs of the aledmed.

When the power he had taken returned to him, he immediately walked out.

"Follow me. Over here."

After the aledmade, Sin and Leno follow.

I followed the three of them as they hid themselves under the magic of Phantom Pseudomorphism.

Eventually, it was the fountain in the woods that arrived.

"There's Nousgaria here?

When Singh asks, Yale Domed nods.

"I can't even feel the signs."

"Because the divine tribe obeys order and acts. There are conditions for the appearance of Nousgaria, the Heavenly Father, lurking in this forest. Mother of the Great Spirit, come to the center of the fountain."

Leno glances at Singh and then nods with a stiff nod. Then he stepped out to the fountain.

The power of the Mother Great Spirit, or she walks on the surface without sinking.

And stood in the center of it.

"Is this okay?

"No problem."

Alemade faces Leno, who stands in the fountain.

"The Heavenly Father God Nousgaria is an order that gives birth to God. His philosophy of action becomes equivalent to that. That is, this is the condition for him to show up."

Yale Domed removed the silk hat he wore and got his hands in it.

Pull through, he had an hourglass in his hand.

The red sand in the hourglass begins to drop momentously, wondering if it emitted a disastrous magic for a moment.

"... ah...!

Leno held his left chest by his hand and gave him a distressed look.

Four or three hourglasses with red sand are arranged so that they surround the fountain.

The Hourglass of Death, held by the King of Death.

When all the sand falls, those cursed by the hourglass lose their lives.

But that's odd. His arm remains activated by the curse slashed by the looting sword.

If you're the usual King of Death, you can't use the Hourglass of Death.

"What are you going to do?"

Sin makes looting sword Giglionojes run fast.

Four or three hourglasses can play simultaneously, depriving them of the effect of their curse.

At the next moment, he made a bashing noise and also destroyed the hourglass held by the King of Death in his hand.

But with a face that doesn't eat, he said.

"The Great Spirit Leno is the mother of the Son of God. If she perishes, the Son of God will not be born. That is, if you try to destroy her, the Heavenly Father God Nousgaria will show up!

"It's crazy, I don't think it'll show up."

Calmly Sin returned the words.

"Whatever you do, you're willing to destroy it. If you are truly doomed, then so be it. As the belly of the Demon King, isn't there anything to lose?

"If we destroy the Mother Great Spirit, we can prevent the birth of the Son of God. If God the Heavenly Father appears, you can slash it and throw it away. Either way, are you trying to tell me you can remove the threat to me?

"Omae was ordered to escort the Great Spirit Leno, but that was also only on the assumption that she had escaped the mother of the Son of God. Don't you need to protect the existence that threatens the demon king Anos until you risk it?

With a bitter look, Leno saw Singh.

He remains unchanged and with a cold look he pays attention to the King of Death.

At the next moment, when Yale Domed throws a silk hat, from there, one after the other < Hourglass of Death > falls. In an instant its number exceeded 100, and in the next moment it reached 300.

The curse peels off his fangs and tightens Leno's chest.

"That's the logic of the weak."

The moment Singh carved his steps, the hourglass that was surrounding him was cut simultaneously.

The silk hat dancing through the universe was finely cut, and the plundering sword, Giglionojes, was piercing the left breast of the King of Death.

"... no, gu..."

The looting sword is a changing curse due to the area it has slashed.

Slash and tear your heart, and that demon sword will take your life.

"My lord, you told me to protect Leno the Great Spirit until Ahalthern. That life can be weighed more than anything. And..."

Sin pulls out the looting sword from the left chest of the dying king.

Stepping on the bump, Yale Domed retreated and collapsed like a puppet with a broken thread.

"Because the Demon King of Atrocities is not weaker than you must try to defend yourself until you put her life at risk"