Maou no Hajimekata

Lesson 10 Give Despair to the Greedy Adventurers -1


Alan gently tilts his body against the roaring, swinging, august arm. At the same time, I get nostalgic and flicker my sword. Countless lacerations instantly ran on the skin of an orga as hard as iron.

"Gww...... gahhhh!

Not as frightened as he was when he was torn apart from his whole body, Auga shakes up her thick arms like a whole tooth in an attempt to smash Alan. There, Wikia's unleashed flamethrows burst.

His whole body is engulfed in flames, he also unleashes a boulder orga, poking at one knee. Najah slashed in there, waving his sword at the horizontal giraffe, and Auga's body was revealed in his upper and lower body with his hips.


When you pay the blood paste on the sword and put it in the sheath, Charles rushes over to Alan and touches his arm. When she casts a short spell, the warm light wraps around Alan's wounds, instantly recovering him beautifully.

"Um, that's great power. Two Swords, Sword Thrashing, but let's call it."

Staring at the sword that has now broken the orga, it is Naja the warrior who says happily. Long stretched redhead like loose wavy red copper, a long beauty. A woman from Grandiera, in the South, with a bold, sappy temper.

"... it wouldn't be nice to have +1 Longsword or something"

Putting in a blur and a penetration is Wikia the Mage. She is a beautiful girl with straight stretched blue and silver hair of Sarah, scarce and oligarchy in her expression, but thicker and more heartfelt than anyone else in its fruit.

"Oh, I think I'm a nice name,"

What's broken between them, like they panicked, is the monk's shal. She's a little girl with green hair like emerald in her bob cut. She looks pretty young, but contrary to her appearance, she's the oldest in the White Art. He smiles and soothes his heart even when a groan occurs at a party.

So my sword is the sword of cleavage.

And the only man at the party who answered that he was going to pound his hip sword is Alan, the leader and swordsman. He's a beautiful blonde, blue-eyed man who not only does the arm of a sword, but also does the untangling of a trap to witchcraft, an all-rounder. He is an amazing adventurer who combines fearless bravery with calm judgment.

They were only four, challenging the 'Labyrinth of the Wicked Mage Oul', rumored to be vicious, and had already stepped to the fourth basement floor. Giant slugs on goblins, oaks, orgasms and dragon fries...... different monsters held their way, but none of them were enemies.

Instead, from the occasional crates dropped by monsters, you get powerful magical objects, gold coins, etc., and their fighting power just keeps getting better and better. The sword Alan and Naja got is one of them.

"Than that, Alan...... over there"

Kuku pulled Alan's sleeve and Wikia pointed to the back of the bend. As Alan peered into you, behind the aisle, he saw something big. It's a well-made door with both openings, unlike anything I've ever seen.

Alan swallowed a saliva at the door, just saying there was something.

"What do we do?

"There's plenty of magic."

"I'm fine, too."

"I'm not tired. I don't have a problem with that."

In one word, the member grasped his intentions accurately and reported his physical condition.

"All right, then let's go"

He snorts and Alan gently examines the door. There are no locking holes and they don't seem to be locked. Look over at the members again and signal the timing with your hands without speaking up.

Three, two, one...

At the same time as 0, Alan kicked open the door. Naja slips through next to it, then Alan jumps inside the door, and Shall and Wikia go inside and close the door. The operation was carried out almost instantaneously.

While Shall and Wikia are closing the door, Alan and Naja pull out their swords and run forward. Beyond the door was a large hall, with a giant monster sitting in the center, a monster with a bull-head, in a rough body about 3m.... minotaur.

Alan and Naja stuck together from left to right as they approached the monster before Minotaur rose. Minotaur lifts a giant axe while in a seated position, which prevents the spear easily.

Minotaur stood up snuggly in front of the two, who struck his tongue and took a distance for fear of striking back.

One hand gently lifts and shakes the big axe that humans would finally be able to carry by themselves.

The enormous body and the length of the axe pattern go hand in hand, and the range is not half viable. Alan barely backstepped it, but Naja was inevitably blown away.

"Are you all right?

But despite the shock enough to allow her to have her torso amputated, she doesn't have a lot of scratches. Char's chanted magic was lightly enveloping all members' bodies, reducing damage.

"Oh, thank God. But I'm a little off the hook."

Minotaur waving a big axe in a wide area. Although Alan barely turns it around, the axe that hits the ground hard destroys and flies parts of the floor, infinitely scratching Alan with fine scratches. Furthermore, the destruction of the scaffolding killed Alan's quick steps, making it gradually more difficult to dodge.

"... I'll try to stop the movement. Because it won't last very long."

That's right, Wikia starts casting long spells. Naja nodded, advancing towards Minotaur.

Towards her new arrival, Minotaur waves his axe in a sideburn.

"Whoa, whoa!

Roar, Naja stabbed the sword as hard as she could on the floor. Shortly afterwards, an awesome shock strikes her, but the blow of the great axe does not break the sword that stabbed her on the floor, but stops in front of Naja. An awesome shock strikes Naja and a blade devours the sword's suppressed left arm, but not enough wound to render it incapable of combat.

So a stone wall rose on both sides of Minotaur. Wikia magic. It was meant to be used for defense, but it forcefully limited Minotaur's movement, which could not be stopped by a half-breed curse.

"Naja, go on!

Seeing as an opportunity, Alan penetrates towards Minotaur. When Minotaur quickly pulled the big axe back on hand, he swung it down as he wished toward Alan.

But Alan flips it gently. Thanks to the stone walls on both sides, the great axe cannot be swung and can only be swung down. That alone makes it out of step to avoid an attack. And then he kicked Minotaur's wrist, which became a forward leaning position due to an attack induced by Alan, and Naja jumped.

Run up those thick arms as you run up the stairs, waving your swords with your hands across the stairs. I've got it. The blow pierced Minotaur's neck.

But with the sharpness of breaking both the torso of the Auga, we don't get to snap the thick neck of Minotaur. The sword stopped about 30 cm eating in.

"Goddamn it!

I rush to pull out my sword, but that doesn't make sense either.


A shock struck Naja. But that's not a Minotaur attack. I thrust her, the soft shock of Alan's arm. And then he was beaten up by Minotaur's haughty arm, and it was the shock of his heart to see Alan dancing through the universe.


Usually a sober Wikia screams.

"Dude... well, yeah!

Even as he bled from his mouth, Alan answered with a grumpy voice.

"Ya, fuck! Shut up... Shull, Wikia, Naja!

Alan instructs. The three daughters grabbed his intentions in an instant.

Minotaur waves his arm and punches the stone wall. The tentative first wall made of magic couldn't stand before the arm power of Minotaur, making a roar and collapsing.


Scratched, Minotaur progresses with his anger exposed. The aim is Naja.

"God, give me the light!

At that moment, Charles sheds light with sorcery. It is the light of God that destroys evil spirits and creatures of the night. I can't even scratch my hair earlier on Minotaur, but it was enough to blink its eyes.

Minotaurs who lose sight for a moment in intense light and are able to relax. Naja jumped again toward its neck, lowered low in the protruding position. In that hand that holds nothing, the sword cast by Alan fits in. Almost simultaneously, Wikia's magic wrapped around the sword and glowed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!

With all her strength, Naja waves her sword straight down. That blow, which was unleashed in such a way as to pinch it with the sword of Naja stabbed on the left side, now it was time to break Minotaur's neck both ways. The giant shakes about, makes a sound and sinks to the floor.

"Are you okay, Alan!

"Now you're curing the wound."

"Don't be impotent."

Not long after the sentiment of victory, the daughters rush under Alan. Shull plays healing magic with a quick mouth and puts his hand on Alan's belly.

"Thank you, Charles."

Eventually the wound healed, and Alan took Shall's head. Naja and Wikia complain on both sides of her eyes narrowing with joy.

"Am I the one who stabbed the stomach, but not me?

"I think I've worked a lot too."

"I know, thanks to Naja and Wikia"

As she stroked them, Naja grinned and Wikia dyed her cheeks while pointing her shaped lips "at the same time. Alan realizes he's been favored by the three of us. but I couldn't pick one of them all the time.

"If you think you have something coming this far for the first time, this is pretty much a colored guy"

Suddenly, I heard a low voice as if it sounded from the bottom of hell. Turning to the voice in a hurry, there was an amber-haired man sitting back on Minotaur's body, looking at Alan and the others as if they were worth it.

I don't know his face because he's wearing a strange mask, but he looks like a normal human man with no weapons or protective gear. But Alan and the others laid their weapons on that anomaly that nobody noticed until they were called out.

"Are you... no way. Evil sorcerer, Oul?

"I don't know."

To Wikia's inquiry, Oul nods. Tensions ran on Alan and the others at the unexpected appearance of the Lord of the Labyrinth.

"Hmm, I didn't know a magician who was making a scene all over the country was such a young man. You're lucky to show up with a scarecrow without putting on a guard."

Naja hands on the sword. Swords are the lives of swordsmen. I was collecting it when I ran over to Alan. Otherwise I almost got stuck dangerously.

No signal, and at the same time Naja and Alan ran out. The Sorcerer opponent's battle is a fast-track Theory. No matter how powerful sorcery is manipulated, its flesh is fragile and dull. You can kill him before he takes a magic blow.

Alan has a neck, Naja has a torso. The blow fired to pinch, however, could not harm Oul's body.

"The swordsman of a light-hearted man moves yang, the blow of a swordsman of a woman is destined. A monk prepares to recover in case of an unforeseen event, and a mage shoots backwards for cover? In an instant, well, this is the only concerted move I've made."

Observing the two stopped perfectly in front of him, Smudge and Oulu said. It's not just the two of us. Neither do the two guards, moving their mouths painfully but without a voice, nor can they activate their magic.

"But even parties like that get caught up in simple traps like this. You didn't think it was a little weird?

Wikia tries to take the ring off the words, but of course it doesn't come off.

I was cursed. Wikia's ring, Shall's wand, Alan and Naja's sword, everything we got in this labyrinth.

With great power, you can't just defy the Lord of the Labyrinth. Such a curse.

"Well, swordsmen can't move, magicians can't use magic. You want me to deal with him like that?"

The body of Minotaur, who lost his neck, rose up slowly.