Maou no Hajimekata

Lesson 10 Give Despair to the Greedy Adventurers -6

I'm finally here.

Wikia, a magician with blue and silver hair, said so cold to Oul, who showed up in prison.

She's already spent a few days here. There was nothing to visit the prison but my daughter, who came to deliver the morning and evening meals, and she was in quite a hurry behind her back with that sober mouth.

It is likely that Naja and Charles have already been 'disposed' in some way. I generally predicted that I would be the last person to be dealt with. After contacting Naja and Charles, they can become 'trump cards' against Wikia.

"Don't worry. All your people are alive."

"If you think you can be relieved with words like that, you're a big idiot"

Wikia speaks without a smile. In general, "alive" is no guarantee whatsoever. If you're conscious, you're alive, even if you can't do anything.

"Right. Then let's rephrase it. I haven't had any major injuries, and I haven't done anything to break my mind. If we go back to earth now, we can return as adventurers. All three of them."

"What are you trying to say?"

Wikia encouraged the core with an attitude that said nothing about such information. In fact, that information means nothing. I'll tell you as many lies as possible.

"You're a moodless guy... well. I've come to make a quick bet with you."


Oul nodded to her inquiring with a strange look over the iron lattice.

"Have them compete with me in a little, simple game. If you win, I will bring all my people back to the ground safely. If I win, you take it. The terms are three to one. It would be in your favor."

"Don't be silly. There's no way you can ride that."

Without showing any fine dust the urge to jump on the proposal, Wikia replied so. The status quo is completely blocked. Wikia's ability prevents her from escaping with her magic sealed.

"Well, I guess so. We also have a fair referee."

Oul said no, no, flames rose in the darkness, and a giant demon of all-body red copper appeared.

"If I play squid in the game, I'll give my soul to this demon and make it your win. It's a reciprocal fight. You want to take it?"

Wikia thought about it. Of course, this demon would be under Oulu's command, but a demon is essentially a being that does not become an absolute ally of man. If you become such a great demon, you will be miserable. If you were to be betting your soul, the devil would take it mercilessly. Depending on your personality, in some cases you might even turn to Wikia's side.

"Fine. I feel like listening. Explain it."

Sitting in a bed in a cell, he put his legs together, and the sorcerer's girl said so.

The contents of the game are really simple. First, Wikia and Oulu divide into an offensive and a defensive side, each of which writes while concealing body parts so that they are invisible to the other.

There are 8 places you can write: hands, feet and head, chest, belly and hips. Defensive success if the offensive and defensive written areas are the same, alternating offense. If not, the 'ownership' of the defensive part passes to the attacking side, and the offense still alternates.

The area where the 'ownership' was taken will be in the hands of the opponent by the curse and will not be able to move freely. However, the activities of the internal organs necessary for the maintenance of life, the five senses such as vision, hearing, the ability or willingness to think, the mouth or throat to speak, etc. can be freely moved even if the ownership is taken. substance, can be considered to restrict the movement of the limbs.

As for Squid Sama, it is diverse. All acts of reading the opponent's hands through the use of reading minds, telescopy, futuristic vision, demons of use, etc., as well as suspension of games by means other than the end of games due to violence, curses, imposition of hands, obstruction, disguise of hands due to illusions, etc., are considered squids, and as soon as discovered, they are taken souls by the devil, and wikia wins.

The exception is if the game can no longer continue due to the deprivation of 'ownership' of both arms, which is not included in the anomaly. Even so, we won't be able to continue the game, so it's a real defeat. When Wikia pointed out there, Oulu said, 'You have a mouth and a leg, don't you?' I replied.

Unsurprisingly, there are no irregularities on the part of Wikia. Even so, I can't break the rules with no magic sealed and no tools.

Winning or losing is a defeat when the opponent is deprived of all the 'ownership' of the flesh he has left in one place. Naturally, you can't lose if you have one spot left.

After each other's acquired 'ownership' has been restored if the win or loss is won, if Wikia is defeated, her entire body ownership will belong to Oulu, and if Oulu is defeated, she can have four of her buddies safely sent to the ground, including Wikia.

If your buddies are not safe already, they will violate the Promise Rebellion, which is why Wikia wins immediately. After taking away Oul's soul, the devil will responsibly send them to earth.

The definition of safety was a troubled result: 'that after returning to the ground, you are in a physical and mental condition that can fight exactly the same as your ex'. I really wanted to make it about 'I can fight the Ouls', but probably at least it's about a curse that I can't resist. Wikia had no choice but to compromise that there was nothing she could do about not dragging Oulu out to the battlefield first.

"So suppose we start? You can go ahead."

Oul slowly lowered his back to the chair and turned his iron plaid against Wikia. Between them stands a silent, flame-wrapped demon, with four arms together to stare at the two. A table and brush like a spectrum table were provided to cover the bills with one hand.

Needless to say, this game is in the vanguard. Because you win when you have one more flesh left in your opponent's possession. Wikia slowly overlaid her thoughts. No time limit is specified for this game.

If each other randomly designates a location, there is a 1/8 chance that the attack will fail. Regardless of the end, you don't have to think too deeply about the attack at the beginning. But that's why Wikia thought deeply.

The value of the eight species of sites is not reciprocal. That was transforming this game from a mere battle of luck to a complex one that needed to be read. If the attack succeeds, the area will belong to the target, albeit temporarily.

If they take my arm, I won't be able to write letters with my hands. In other words, at that point Wikia loses. It would be possible to write with your mouth or feet if you had to, but I don't want to do such a humiliating thing if I can, and I can't do it with my belly or hips even if I want to. Arms must be protected as a matter of the highest priority.

Conversely, Oul is somewhat advantageous in such circumstances. Even if both hands and feet are tied, there is no such thing as writing letters with magic if even the mouth moves. Wikia is at a disadvantage in the pre-match part, even though it's called reciprocity.

But that's where there's a gap to get into, she muttered inside.

"... I could write"

"You've been thinking for a long time. Fairly good."

Wikia gives the bill with the site written, and Oul also gives the bill. In response to Wikia's long thought, Oul had written an answer to the bill with little concern.

And the devil altered each other's bills, and said with an unpleasant voice like a metal sleigh.

"On the offensive side, Wikia. Designated site 'left arm'. Defensive side, Oulu. Designated site 'Head'. Attack ha success, owrno left arm ha wikiano monotonal"

Oul's left arm shines in silver, Dan! A glowing wedge was struck with both the sound of

"Hmm. Then it's my attack next."

Oul didn't look like he cared, and he lay low writing on the bill without hesitation again. Wikia first turned her thoughts to Oulu's defensive bills. The first thing Oulu protected was his head. I thought the limbs, especially the right arm, which is the dominant arm, were most likely to be protected, but that prediction came off.

Is there any harm in getting your head taken? Sure, my head is an important area, but I don't think it's that harmful because it doesn't take five senses, movement of my mouth, will, etc.

Sorcery and behavior can be done as usual, and it's forbidden to let them close their eyes and interfere with the game. I don't have nerves connected just because I own them in the first place, so there's no way I can move Oulu's body to Wikia.

Wikia gave it to the devil when she wrote the part on the bill after she was troubled. Just like earlier, the devil looks at the bills on both sides and speaks out kick-ass.

"On the offensive side, Oulu. Designated site 'chest'. Defensive side, Wikia. Designated site 'Right arm'. Attack Ha Success, Wikiano Chest Ha Ourno Monotonals"

Wikia's chest glows and the amber chains stretch and tighten gently.

But it didn't feel particularly painful. As initially stipulated, both the heart and lungs seem to be working fine in the areas needed to sustain life.

But the chest, and Wikia couldn't hide her inner surprise. At first, I thought I was definitely coming to get my limbs. If you try from Oulu, seal your head on the limbs, you can win. It's a battle, so you don't have to go get your chest. But maybe that's why I went to get it. You're poking behind it against Wikia, who logically predicts in view of her priorities?

"My next attack."

That's how Wikia offered the bill. Now give it away without so much worry. Oulu, as always, put out bills almost always between them.

"On the offensive side, Wikia. Designated site 'right leg'. Defensive side, Oulu. Designated site 'Right arm'. Attack ha success, owrno right leg ha wikiano monotonal"


A silver wedge pierced Oul's right leg, and Oul raised his voice as he was slightly impressed. Wikia's strategy of going to fetch limbs has been read. But there shouldn't be that much crisis in Oulu. For him, neither his arms nor other parts make a difference in value.

... but that's where the gap comes in.

Wikia grinned softly as she put the silver and amber magic of the universe into her sight.