Maou no Hajimekata

Episode 14: Let's Kill Heroes Unbroken-4

No longer in anyone's eyes was the life of the cavalry of the Grandiera army a wind front lamp.

Before the infantry of the Figurine army, the exit route is also cut off by the pitfalls. The only way for them to survive is to forcefully break through the infantry, but the central infantry is particularly thick and layered, and none of them are that easy to break through.

The rescue of the cavalry or the infantry of the Grandiera army is advancing, but not at a very timely distance. But Oulu felt strange about it.

Even when the infantry arrives, it is impossible to rescue the cavalry during the chaos. The commander of the enemy army is probably not King Wolf, but I still don't think the commander of the Grandiera army, known for its strength, would strike such a hand.

Also, I'm concerned that this damage is somewhat less. No matter how unexpected and successful the assault was, one or two of the cavalry members breaking through here are in the math. It's a unis to fight for it.

Even though he says so, the cavalry doesn't even look like he's waving a spear much just to the right and left of the front.

"... Spina! Find the cavalry's body now!

To Spina, who is supposed to be waiting on the first level, Oul sends words by magic. Slightly, a rare and hasty voice returned to her.

"Master......! It's a doll! This is not a cavalry... it's just a doll painted on silver!

"All armies, retreat!

At the same time as Oulu screamed, the infantry fell flat. It's not an arrow. It's not magic either. With some other flying tool, the infantry is defeated one after the other.

"What the hell!?

"Lord, it's a stone thrower (sling). He's throwing stones with a stone thrower."

That's what Ellen said with a harsh look. A stone thrower (sling) is a primitive weapon made of skin that flies with a string attached to a stone wrapper pocket and a centrifugal force.

"You think it's a stone thrower? Why can't I prevent that from happening with arrow-stopping magic? At this distance…"

Speaking of which, Oul snatches his magic when he grapples with the noticing Ellen. The space sways loosely and the waves spread like ripples around the oul. It's a form of exploratory magic that recognizes all the magic in its wave range.

"This is... lead!

Oul bit his teeth. In exploratory magic, there was absolutely nothing suspicious with magic. "Not at all." Whatever everything in this world is, it carries some magic. But the only exception to this is' lead '.

Iron abandoned by God, this metal, called, does not accept any magic, nor does it at the same time accept any sorcery. A bullet made of lead cannot be prevented by defensive magic.

If this is an arrow, it stops with an arrow torso or arrow feathers where the arrow butt is made of lead. But chunks of lead pass unaffected at all, and are heavier and stronger than stone. It has enough power to stun a human from above armor made of iron.

The cavalry chases the infantry to retreat. Not all cavalry were dummies of dolls; about 1/10 of them were real cavalry, commanding and manipulating horses bearing dolls.

Horrible is the smell of cavalry and military horses enough to manipulate horses without riding. And the courage to use it as a throwaway stone. Oul's surprise attack was a miscalculation for the opponent, but it wasn't unexpected. Because he played a full role as a fool.

"It's ridiculous...... you think you get victory at the expense of so many cavalry?

But as it is, the infantry could be wiped out. Regardless of the smell, Oulu's army is devastating in number. Even though it's inferior to the number, we're not going to scale the damage any further.

"'Mio. Do it." "

Oulu preaches words to Mio by magic. Immediately, a shadow covered the sky. Flying high in the sky are large warcraft with excellent flying abilities such as flying dragons, giant weird bird luks, and griffons. They each had a big rock on their feet.

Arrows and stone-throwing are easily prevented by magic. But rocks with large masses are not that easy. Crushed by one rock after another to be thrown down, the enemy's front line instantly collapsed into a total collapse.

"Now, cavalry, assault!

At that time, Oulu puts out a cavalry that has so far been kept warm. Some of the rocks thrown down fill pitfalls, not enemy positions, in the form of bridging. Running away there, the cavalry stormed into the enemy infantry.

While a primitive weapon, the stone thrower boasts a power and range that is no less pale than a bow. But there were two shortcomings.

One is that it is difficult to handle. Without much longer and more rigorous training than a bow, the stone thrower cannot be handled by Matomo.

The other thing is that the sequential shooting doesn't work. It's not as good as a crossbow, but it's not something you can release right away.

In other words, infantry with stone throwers are less smelly than other soldiers when it comes to swords, and are not weapons capable of dealing with cavalry advancing at high speeds. 100 cavalry soldiers instantly ravage enemy infantry and are further attacked by archers, sorcerers.

The loss of guard support also eliminated the advantage of a small number of enemy cavalry members, which were surrounded by infantry troops and bitten to death by warcraft.

Apparently, a lot of people have decided. The enemy forces should begin to withdraw soon. Oul breathed relieved and sat in a chair that was even formed. But it's not overwhelming. A rock-throwing attack by a flying warcraft is one of the trump cards that Oulu prepared.

It can be used for progression, defense, or siege, and there is little risk here. It can hit the opponent hard. But I didn't want to use it in this fight if I could. Because once that hand is known, countermeasures are not that difficult.

Besides, I still can't solve the other guy's response. Naturally, a battle against Grandiera is inevitable if you are going to be a winner. So Oul is naturally looking into King Wolf as well.

The way King Wolf fought, known for his bravery and courage, is simple and luxurious. Little use of tactics, ambushes, etc. always led the way, and it should have been his way of fighting down enemies with that force.

It should have been handed down to his men unchanged after the king himself stopped standing on the arrow side of the war. The way he fights to give up his power, spare it, and go for a win with a ruse is not like him, it's more puzzling than that.

A tremendous explosion blocked Oulu's thought.

"... what!?

Returning to me and pointing his gaze towards the one who sounded, a huge explosion was wrapped up on the front line, a few soldiers, dancing through the universe.

"Nah... 'blasting' magic!? What are the sorcerers doing, defend themselves against demons with magic!

"Ya, we're doing it! But I'm not a sorcerer!

The conductor screams.

Magic is something that happens with magic. If so, it can be dispelled if you interfere with him with just as much magic as anything powerful. That's what they call anti-demon defense.

However, we cannot prevent an attack of the same magnitude that is not based on magic. Preventing sharper sorcery than any famous sword will not completely disable the knife's blow. That's what defensive magic is called. but...

"It's not magic, you say!? Don't be silly, there are no big weapons, but something that can blow a human..."

"That's a 'sword trident'..."

Eunice's hard voice blocks Oul's fury.

"Sword trident... with a sword, blowing a human...!?

That's not something you can do to be an orga or a giant of idiotic power. Not to mention, there's no way a human can do it.

I mean, not human. feat of what is out of its scope.

"I can't believe you came out so fast"

Eunice said in a trembling voice.
