Maou no Hajimekata

Episode 17: Let's Draw a Bow to Heaven -7

"Eunice ooh!!

"Hey, Lil, whoops!?

Pushed down by a lil who built momentum and hugged her as she jumped in, Eunice rolled off the chair. Shortly before that, the fork she had in her hand and a plate with a pile of pasta on it, and the table with it, instantly transferred to the corner of the room.

"... Welcome home, Eunice"

"Mm-hmm. Spina right now. Did something change?

Though hugged by a cub and a lil, Eunice returns words to Spina on My Pace. In contrast, Eunice raised a question mark at her, hardening her expression and holding her chest down.

"I have a lot to ask... well, just eat."

Oul puts it on the table with a plate with a pile of pasta on both hands.

"No, you can't eat that much on a boulder!?

"Fool, this is for me and Marie"

Oul said in a frightened tone as he pulled the lil from the varnish and put the table back in position. But served on a full plate, that was clearly too much for Marie to eat, no matter how much she said the platter was.

"Uh, yu...... pussy!

When Marie comes into the room, she screams like that. Though I sent my gaze to Eunice for a moment, that was quickly taken to pasta on the table and changed.

"Marie's the same."

Eunice grinned bitterly as she stroked her head as she stuffed pasta into her mouth indifferently.

"Still, that was a little surprising. I didn't think Oul would believe me so straightforward."

said Eunice as he carried Nico and the dish to his mouth.

"I just did that because I stepped on it as the most likely way to do so. Don't get me wrong."

Lil grins with Niyaniya at Oulu, who answers suddenly.

"If that had failed, there was a good plan B ready to push it into the body I had saved and re-brainwash it. Yeah, we don't need that body anymore, so we can dispose of it."

"I'm in awe"

"Wait, don't burn my body -?

When Eunice stopped in a hurry to snort Spina without hesitation, the sorcerer's brother said "it would be decided to be a joke" and "of course it's a joke" in his true face. I've never heard these two make jokes.... Eunice was forced to convince me that she was happy to see me again.

"I mean, that's why I left that body..."

Lil sighs frightened.

"What reason did you think that was?

"It's... you know, sentimental..."

"... Ha"

When Lil answers that, Oul mocks with his nose.

"Goddamn, I'm angry!

In that same exchange, Eunice smiled.

"... boiled, are you hungry?

Marie asked, comparing Eunice's empty plate to her face.


On that cheek of Eunice, tears were conveyed at some point.

"... I give you"

How she misunderstood, Marie stuck her plate out to Eunice.

"Thank you, but I'm fine."

Eunice replied with a smile, not even wiping the overflowing tears, but with a sense of realisation that she had returned to where she should have been.

"... because my chest is already full"

"Even so, what were you wearing that helmet?

The lively meal also paragraph, Lil asked, pointing to the full face helmet placed in the corner of the room. In her lifetime she preferred light attire, and her helmet shouldn't have worn it on Loc.

"I'm not good at acting or anything... so I was wearing it so I wouldn't find out by the look on my face. Basically, English spirits don't really change their expression."

Apparently the English Spirit is somewhat free to change his gear. It's in principle the same thing as a lil shaping clothes with magic.

"After all, you were free to move when you were called as the English Spirit. I thought it was strange because I had no desire to kill..."

"Yeah... because your brother cooperated"

Eunice had a slightly strange look and squealed so.

"Your brother's ability is' lead '. nullify every technique and deny its existence. Magic is no exception. So, I am not bound by the Virgin's magic, and I am free to act."

"Was it Zytreed who dropped the flying carriage?... but then he leaves himself, too?

To Oulu's inquiry, Eunice nods.

"And so is your father. I just don't think you're gonna be on my side because you're both willing to take down Oulu."

"... are there wolves too"

I asked for my daughter, tell her... and Oul got sick of it. He's the one I never want to see again if I can.

"Please give me your daughter, do you feel like going to bow your head?

"If that's what you want, lower it as much as you want."

He is one of the most famous heroic kings on the continent, no matter what his long history. A brave name that lives to that age and makes the child a hero again. If you are also an English spirit, you can assume that you have 100% Wolfe's strength during the full season, regardless of old age, etc.

"How many English spirits are there?

"I'm in. Seven. So, each one of us has special abilities... I think we can use magic."

Eunice leaped and shifted in front of Oulu to show.

"I'm here. It was called 'Jumping Pawn'. The ability to travel in an instant, no matter how far there is a bond. Looks like we can trace the magic to find a destination for the magic. I'm the best at carrying myself and the other one at best."

It's unscrupulous, Oul thought. It is a power that overshadows the principles of witchcraft from the ground up, such as ignoring the world and distance.

"Your brother is" lead, "disabling every technique. Your father says he can kill dragons unconditionally if they're dragons."

"… does it relate to the great deeds he/she has done"

Creation of the transfer gates remitted by Eunice when Oulu was caught in Figlia. I guess that's Eunice's greatest feat and ability to see the consequences. And Oul has largely guessed what magic looks like.

"Rationality is the power to encourage reason and shape the world. I mean, magic is the art of making sense... the law."

Wolfe can't beat a dragon so that things fall to the ground. It creates the very law that it is normal. That's the spell.

Sorcery twists and bends reason, but sorcery has a law of sorcery. Shall I call it demonic reason? What magic can and cannot do is clear, there are a number of determinations and common sense. The spell twists and bends it, twisting it down.

"I don't know exactly what the other four are capable of. I killed one just now, so I guess the next three. It was called" Demon Bullet, "" Ignorance, "" Immortality. "

With his name, Eunice explained their brief appearance, etc.

"... Demon Bullets and Ignorance would probably be 'Demon Bullet Archer' Rex and 'Blind' Gaius." Immortality "is... I don't know."

Oul lit up his memory and named a hero who seemed to be applicable. Known by two names: "One Hundred Shots," Rex, a bow famous man who has never removed an arrow. Only once in his lifetime, the ploy missed the aim of that arrow and shot his wife.

Blind Gaius is a special example of an acquired 'hero'. He was blind, bathed in the blood of a saint, and said he had obtained vision. Afterwards, he said, he dedicated himself to killing numerous monsters, fighting for the world, but was killed by a saint's disciple.

"Hey, an English spirit is when a hero dies, right?

"What are you talking about now?"

Lil waved once again at Oul, who told him as if he were frightened.

"No... 'Immortal', if you're not dying, I wonder how you got to be an English spirit"

Mm, and Oul sighs for a moment. But I didn't think that was because Lil's words were the best.

"... there are an infinite few who say immortal heroes. But no hero dies in the true sense"

The ability of a hero is basically God's gift. There is no way that a hero will not perish when he says even that God will perish.

"Mostly there's some kind of weakness, and if you poke it there, you die. It could be an ankle, it could be a back, it could be some kind of pledge to keep."

But that's the law of the earth until you get bored. The magic used by the English spirits who sanitize the power God has given them on earth and ascend to heaven is a step higher than that.

The immortal man who became the English Spirit will die fulfilling...?

In Oulu's chest, a little anxiety arose.