Maou no Hajimekata

Still, she smiled slightly, part two.

"... yabe"

"What? Tell you what, I feel good right now. It could be half a kill."

To Logan, who shrugged, Oul said so in a gentle voice.

"Stop it, it doesn't sound like a joke when my husband says"

"Naturally, it's not a joke or anything"

All the magicians who hit from the gathered information are off this, and Oul is obviously running out of room.

"My split is dead. I don't know where he is."

"You don't know where you are, but you know you're dead?

"Oh, you're right."

To Eunice's enquiry, Logan showed her glistened right arm.

"My arm used to make me the other one. While you're alive, instilling magic won't cure this arm. On the other hand, if it doesn't exist that way, it'll come back this way naturally."

"You're surprisingly clever."

"Well, Dada hasn't lived in thousands of years."

"... wait. Then you had some hands to hit. If you go through the demonic realm, you can reach Lil through that connection."

Logan hastily explains to Oulu, who throws a sharp glance at the likelihood of being able to shoot him if he is as weak as a warcraft.

"Don't be impotent. There's no such thing as a demon capable of such a delicate exploration. Basically, what kind of insane demon would help me with that? The contract is only valid while we're here."

Demons need magic to keep that entity in this world, but unlike people, they can barely get it on their own. The devil therefore covenants with the sorcerer and retains his presence by obtaining magic as a consideration.

Conversely, there is nothing to bind them to in the demonic world that does not need power to exist. Even if you receive such a life in this world, you have no step-in-law or obligation to protect it, and few demons can help you with such a thing.

But the way he put it, Oul felt another intention.

"If a drunken demon existed, you'd say it was possible, wouldn't you?

"... don't lick Master Logan. There's no room for spares."

That's what Logan says, he puts up four arms to show. The lower left arm had also lost its tip.

"But I can't. I have to be on this side. Oh, I can't trace the connection. I can't do that in the first place."

"Don't guide me."

Explore thin magical connections and open gates from the side of the demon kingdom. We need no less curvy manipulation than to summon and defeat the devil. The devil possesses a great deal of magic, so he doesn't like the little tricks he said.

There's only one person who can do that, as far as Oulu knows.

"I'll go."

It was just him himself.

"I don't know..."

Seeing the scrupulous work of combining trees to create it, Lil gave a complex look. Even though I had no choice because I had no tools or ingredients, it was terrible. The ingredients, by the way, are the beds Marcto left behind.

The broken nail was processed using a knife instead, which, by the looks of it, was of a flavor that I said was a cylinder with a pedestal. The cylinder is mounted inclined diagonally so that it rotates back and forth. And a complex tattoo was dug like a river from the tip of the barrel towards the roots, spreading from the pedestal to the ground.

"Sa, I hope it works..."

Lil set it up against the wall opposite the door and cast a short spell. Now Lil is enclosed with all his abilities as a demon, and he has no magic power to use witchcraft. But it didn't mean you couldn't use witchcraft without magic.

Even if you don't take it out of your body, the magic itself is massive right under your feet. It uses its power to suck up even more magic by incorporating the magic that leaks slightly from the magic formations that shape the junction.

A cannon that unleashes the magic gathered so once and for all... a once-in-a-lifetime demonic weapon that cannot withstand its power in a tree assembly.

Along with the thunderous, tremendous sound, the magic is emitted. The unconverging magic splashed all over the place, causing the dust to roll up and Lil coughed up a kehoke-ho.

But apparently...


In the back, which opened on the wall, a passageway peered into him.

A magic formation basically has to be a point symmetry. Not entirely symmetrical, of course, but if there's a passage at the end of the door, it's impossible to draw such shapes without the same passage across the opposite wall that pinches the room. Such a lil read hit me brilliantly.

Lil runs the hallway without darkness as he smashes and breaks the magical pine lights that were raised in the hallway. As I thought, it looks like an underground labyrinth. It won't be as big as the Oulu dungeon, but it'll have a pretty hard time getting it out.

And at the same time, she realized one possibility. Slowly return down the road, pick up and combine the ever smashed pine lights. If her predictions are met, there should only be plenty of time.

If we proceeded that way collecting materials and magic, eventually her sense of smell sniffed out there. As one who lives in the labyrinth, and as one who designs the labyrinth, he tells us that is where it reaches.

When I opened the door to kick it open, Marcto stood there with his arms wide open.

There is a way in the labyrinth, no matter how much you create to get lost, you can't go ahead without always passing through. Otherwise, because it's not a labyrinth, it's simply a passage with many exits. I had a feeling that Marcto would always wait there if he sensed that Lil had escaped.

"Hey, that was a long time ago, Lil. Most of all, it's time for a woman's support."

In the middle of the dialogue, Markt's face exploded. Lil's impromptu magic cannon sparked a fire.

Three more in a row to keep standing. The explosion flame bloomed like a flower. You can't leave the scene any more than you wait. In the meantime, Lil was given plenty to prepare for the battle.

"Phew, now I think this has lowered my drinks a bit"

"That's good"

Lil opened his eyes to Marcto, who emerged from the smoke blast. Its body kept the shape of a person, but its eyes shine like red balls, its mouth drawn and torn to its cheeks.

"Oh... sorry. Looks like we're losing shape on the boulder."

"What is it, you...!

I didn't think you were who you looked like. But this is too far from people.

"Well, it's like..."

"Yes, I am the devil."

Like taking over Lil's words, Marcto opened his mouth and laughed.

If that were as horrible as the devil, Lil might not have thought anything of it. But even though she lost her appearance as a person, she felt rather horrified by a smile that was still human.

"Don't be silly! I can't believe the devil summons the devil..."

Say it, Lil takes a breath. That's what I tried to do to Logan. Whatever the difference between the sophistication of the method, I was about to do exactly the same thing as Markt.

"Yes, we are like you."

Marcto's body changes to a foreign form as he makes a dizziness and sound.

"Even so, in my case, it's a different kind of person who became a demon."

Overall, the shape is closer to people than Logan. With just more arms to six and horns growing from the temples and forehead, the body is not so much what it was.

However, the hegemony and magic felt from that body was still remarkable compared to Logan.

"You're lying......!?

A demon as powerful as this has never been so when it comes to searching all over the demonic world. It was not obviously believable that it existed in this world like a person.

"Come on, Mr. Lil. Let's come. We have a church ahead of us."

"... church?

"Yes, it's a sacred place, vowing our eternal love to each other."

So Marcto pushed open the door behind the room.

Lil breathes in the sight that was spreading ahead. As for overall construction, it is certainly close to the church cathedral. An altar is set at the back of the elongated and deep room. And instead of a chair, countless demons were pierced and decorated through its chest as if it were Moz's early sacrifice. Just like Lil, they seal that power, and they can't die or live.

"What do you say? The sights I've prepared for you."

"My taste is too good, I think I'm going to throw up backwards"

Fellowship between demons is rare. But still, it was very unlikely to be a good sight.

"What, you'll love it soon, too. Come on, take this."

Marcto sticks his finger up against the chest of an international big demon decorated on the altar and takes out his heart. The devil cramped his body as he raised his distressed voice. The devil doesn't die that much...... he doesn't.

At the same time, Lil learns the secrets of Markt's unusual amount of magic.

"It is a testament to our pledge of love. Come on -"

He's eating the devil.


Marcto extends his arm to the retreating lil as he offers a beating heart.

Another arm grabbed that arm.

"I'm sorry, but this woman has been sold."

The man who grabbed Marcto's arm waves his other arm and paints a tattoo in the void at a snarky speed.

"You're a female orc, but hold it."

A lightning strike fired at close range struck Markt.


"Sorry to keep you waiting"

Drawing his body from the shadow of a sledge and a lil, Oul spoke out in agony.

"Fool, why are you here!?

If Lil's survey is a hit, that's more than anything to avoid.

"Of course that's because I called you."

Marcto remained intact, fingering Lil's shadow with a clear face.

"Use the little devil there."

"Did you even notice me..."

Little Logan pounds his tongue.

"Welcome aboard, His Majesty the Demon King Oul. I knew you were coming. There won't be anybody else to come here."

Flip the cloak with a sawdust, and Marcto shows it respectfully.

"I have no grudges against you. Rather, I am grateful, Your Majesty. Thanks to you, it was just an imp I got so much power"

Little by little, little by little. Eating the demons of Oulu's subordination in an unpretentious way, Marcto became so mighty. There is no other place in Oulu to look all over the continent, such as a magician who can serve so many demons. He was the one who raised Marcto to be a monster.

"So I'm very distressed... but I still have to ask my loved ones to leave"

Marcto's cloak flickers like a buckwheat and wings, and his fingertips draw a magic formation.


Lil's voice of restraint didn't even make it, and the light emanating from Markt's fingertips pierced Oulu's chest.

"... what?

There is no pain. It's not even painful. Instead, Oul looked at his hands with a feeling of overflowing power. And after a moment, I realize what they did.

"You summoned my soul... you summoned me!

"Now you're no different than just a human being"

Oulu naturally comes here with a wooden doll created by witchcraft, living in a shape. I don't even have a single haircut itch if my soul is elsewhere, trying to be shattered.

But if there's a soul in there, whether it's a tentative initial body or not, it's not a story. If the shapes are destroyed in that state, the soul will also be crushed by it.

"I'm sorry, but I never meant to be anything more than human."

But Oul stuck his finger in his chest without the wind he had cared about.

When the skin of the slip and surface was peeled off, a magic formation was carved into its body made of wood. A junction within a junction to disable Marcto's technique to prevent detection.

"From time immemorial, monster extermination is a hero's job and market."

From there, with a glowing sword, Eunice popped up.

A sharp blow of divine speed, but Marcto takes it lightly. His six arms were raised with a big black, shining sword and spear, as well as a one-handed sword and shield. I instinctively feel that none of them are ordinary, and Eunice finds herself at home.

"I mean, what is this place, gross!

Seeing the sights around him, Eunice screamed and Lil noticed all the time.

"Shit, here then...!

This place, with countless half-lived demons scattered around it, is terribly distracting, even if it's not about demonic boundaries. That's more than even the labyrinth of Oulu can compare. Marcto, the devil, gains power on this occasion, and the power of the divine English Spirit is diminished.

"Damn it!

And that's not all, Marcto is strong in the first place. Even Eunice attacked him with six arms.


It was the spinner that emerged from the tiny bottle where Eunice threw. She is the natural enemy of the devil. Being a demon-eating slime, she grows everywhere by eating the magic that makes up the body of the demon, nullifying all sorcery. But that too.

"I know. Your weakness."

It is ineffective for Marcto, who has an entity based on his body when he was a person, not on magic itself. Though absorbed by its own magic, Marcto takes the bottle out of his hand and sprinkles it on the spinner.

Conditions under which her slimming is lifted...... salt water. When I realized it, Spina's body melted instantly, leaving only the white man's body.


Eunice takes the blow of a sword that swings toward her. There, a great sword and a spear pierced him. Eunice opens her eyes wide and has zero blood from her mouth.


"I don't want to hurt your friend too much."

With a gentle voice color, Marcto whispered sweetly. Eunice's body collapses as she pulls the red thread as she shrugs.

"If your mouth speaks of this, let's miss it.... right. If you pledge your love to me, you can keep His Majesty Oul alive, too."

The devil's heart beats so hard as he drips darkness from Marcto's palm.

"Oul, I..."

"No, don't even think about it."

Oul punched Lil's head lightly with his fist, lodging his grievous determination in his eyes.

"Are you going to eat the devil and get stronger? Don't go down."

And he glances lightly at Marcto, mocking him with his sighs.

"In fact, aren't you out of your hands and feet? Sire, she deserves me better than you do. Please, pick it up."

"I refuse."

The sword is waved, as if to deny Oul's voice. That inevitable blow, however, slashed the sky.


"Eunice, Spina, well done. I bought you some time."

His body was sinking deep into the ground, marking Markt's blow. No, the ground, the floor, it's sinking.

"You're already in my stomach"

The moment Oulu said it, countless spears protruded from the ground and pierced Marcto.

"This is it!

He opens his eyes in amazement as he strikes it off easily.

It wasn't that big of a deal to miss a labyrinth without magic.

The columns, the floors, the walls, the ceilings, everything in the room stripped Marcto of his fangs.

The agate on the floor with his mouth open chewed his legs and a spear stretched out of the wall pierced his entire body into the gap shaking it off. The pillar twisted and bound itself like a serpent, and the ceiling roared and crushed Marcto.


Marcto slaps all of it down with his sword, glowing his eyes like burnt coal.

"Boy, you're next."

Declare it in a tone that Logan puts aside. Oul's control of the labyrinth meant that the bond that was made in its shape had also become ineffective.

The demons who had been condemned were attacked by Marcto at the same time to clear up their grudges.

"These mutton fish!

A spear sweeps away the demons. But they were clasped with arms, and their legs were slashed, and their necks alone, yet they were wrapped in marcto. And retrieve the magic of your deprived self.

"G, ga, ga......! Mocha, I didn't know you'd bother carrying the bait!

Fangs grow all over Markt's body, and he spreads countless agates to bite the devils against him in reverse. But the movement stopped perfectly along the way.

"What... is this...!?

"Ould, I'm done rejoining the line, praise me!

"Marie, it's not too shabby.... and more than half of the junction is from me, right?

Marie and Merizand, two of them looking just like each other, rushed over to Oulu as they had to. Now that Oulu has mastered the labyrinth, he can call for reinforcements as many as he wants in the magic formation of the transfer.

"Marie, Mary, even you..."

"Of course we're not the only ones here."

The cockroach, the cockroach, sounded like breaking a cow's femur.

'Cause it's all about Lil.

That's the sound of two giants fisting.

"Well, that too... more than that, my daughter."

"I have to thank my sister for being adorable...?

"Uh, father, brother, I'm fine, but don't overdo it, okay?

Eunice, who was completely healed by Oulu's sorcery, modestly says, whether it reached Wolf and Zytreed's ears.

"Got it? You seem like you're going to be a lot stronger, but you're not going to lose your strength."

In the souvenirs of the underworld, Oul throws his words to the demons of destiny to die for.

"There is no such thing as a number of violent"

"At least say the power of bonding there!

With Lil's penetration, how loud the noise sounds.

Beyond where the two angry English spirits stood, they were crushed until they became further sand.

"Absolutely, I'm impotent..."

The moment he returned to his labyrinth, Oul fell asleep to fall. The spirit of the demon kingdom erodes all things. In an attempt to enter the shapes, the devil's oul crossing was tantamount to swimming in a sea of strong acidity.

"If you're dead, what are you gonna do?"

Lil shrugs as she gently strokes that amber hair. I wonder how worn it out. Unusual for him, he was resting his spirit and body back in his original flesh.

"... demon, or..."

Inside Lil's hand, a blunt, shining red gem was gripped. It's Markt's heart. He secretly gave it to Lil at the end, even though the sturdiness alone, which had retained the prototype in the attack of the two English spirits, was astonishing.

"If you want eternal time with him, feed him this"

Leave me that word.

He became a demon, keeping people's memories and intentions. If Oul could do that too... such temptation would pass in Lil's mind.

She stared at Oul's lips. I get to sleep regularly. It's terribly defenseless there, and nothing stands in the way of Lil throwing his heart in there.

- I stopped.

Often I patrol... No, really, I don't have to worry.

I didn't expose myself to feeding Oulu something like that. I just put my thoughts around what it would be like if I did.

"What, you can't feed me"

Oul accidentally said that and took Marcto's heart out of her hand.


Some times. He threw it into his mouth with pacli.

"Hmm. Nothing unusual..."

Oulu shrugs as he chews. And, suddenly, he opened his eyes wide.

"Gu, ah...!

And groaning, nodding to the ground. All the way through my back, my arms grow, and the horns grow from Merrimeri and her forehead.

"See you again... Nice to meet you, Lil"

And he laughed so much as his eyes shimmered.

That grin, in two with the span, cracks.


Eunice's swinging sword was amputating him from head to groin.

"I see, will it still be so"

Huh, and with the elongation, Oul, who was lying, wakes up his torso. And he looked at his own generation, which became Marcto, wandering.

"Well, yeah, there's no way there's going to be such a good story. Maybe you thought you were Marc, but I don't know... at least the guy I know wasn't that kind of guy."


Faster than saying anything, Marcto was chopped to pieces by the sword of Eunice, and now it is time to vanish from the world.

"Thank you for your hard work"

"Yeah. I wanted revenge, too."

That's what I tease you about, put your sword away, and Eunice turns her gaze to Lil.

"Lend it to me."

And when I said that and let Patti close one eye, he metastasized and disappeared.

"Oh, you know, oul..."

Left alone in the room, somewhat awkward, Lil searches for threads for conversation. Should I apologize or say something else...

"Never mind."

That's faster than she decides, Oul said.

"Anyway, my soul will definitely fall into the devil if I die. It's not bad to be your kind."

"But it's not Oulu."

I've thought about that many times already. Even if Oul's soul becomes the devil, as Lil is another being, even if he is taking over Raz's memory, it is no longer another being. Even memory doesn't take over.


Oul also nodded and affirmed it.

"You're not a raz either. But I loved both... no, I still love you. Touring the same opponent three times and being attracted three times... don't you think that's a bad idea?

Turns out that's a comfort word for Lil.

"Yeah... right"

But Lil nods at it.

That's not astronomically likely to happen, and it's not a pin.

"Yeah. Maybe not bad"

Still, she smiled slightly and put her thoughts to a distant future.