Maou no Hajimekata

Offer Heroin-3 Alone

"Mm-hmm. It's like you're such a jerk."

It was the maid by the name of Merliah who explained that to me in an unusual tone.

Back to back with a tongueless tone like a toddler, its appearance was so beautiful that it did not seem like a very samurai.

Essentially, the samurai are gathered on the assumption of the beauty of the sight, so their average is very high, but among them, the beauty of Meliá leaves no place to be.

The pure white hair stretched up to the ankle is as smooth as silk thread, and the purple eyes are like gems. Sleek limbs have abundant fruit, perfect even in shape as if God had created them. The scarce expressions went hand in hand and were as beautiful as a doll.

"Why is that?

"Because Ourusa is so sweet."

But every word spinning from such a beauty incarnation is followed everywhere.

The appearance and contents were too chaotic.

And above all, the anomaly is its magic.

Human beings, even if they are not magicians, are more or less magical in their bodies, but neither can the fine dust feel magic in Meliá's flesh.

It doesn't mean he's as strong as John or Lhasara...... rather, he was likely to lose to kittens, but his lack of specialty was also out of the group.

"First of all, the lid gets wet, so the lid gets wet."

No, no, no. Bell opens his eyes slightly to Meliá, who takes off her clothes.

"So, soak up the yu and ooze"

As Meliá pulled the lever in the bathroom, the water, which was all over the giant tub, roared and whirled.

"Come on."

Melia stares at the diminishing water as she sits down in the tub.

"Um... shouldn't I have taken my clothes off even after I ran out of hot water?


Unexpectedly Bell asked, Melia raised her voice as impressed.

"Oh, but it's gonna get wet."

Well, you'll get wet if you sit on the bottom of the tub.

In the meantime, Bell wrapped his arms around him, took off his shoes and sandwiched his skirt briefly into his hips.

It's embarrassing to expose your skin to boulders all of a sudden.

Fortunately, Melia didn't blame it either, so Belle decided to start cleaning in that outfit after the water ran out.


The bathtub floor drained of water is infinitely slippery, and the bell is dangerously rolled over and manages to hold up.

"There's something I can do to keep it from slipping..."

Turning to seek it out first, Melia was about to slip and throw her body.

"Ouch... don't you?


Melia stands up completely as she dyes her nose bright red.

And he bravely starts scrubbing the floor with a brush, but soon he slipped and rolled again.

I see, this is why you have to be naked, Bell is convinced.

But nevertheless, while polishing the floor, Belle asks Meliá sideways.

She's so beautiful naked that even same-sex sighs are likely to come out.

Every time Meliá brushes the floor, its rich twin hills are shaken at all costs.

It was as if I had forgotten something called shame somewhere. I didn't even have any sleigh to hide it with my hands, and I slipped and rolled around on it so many times that I could see just the important part.

"Calm down. Slippery, so step on your feet and walk slowly"

I couldn't stand how many moles appeared on that white skin, and Bell said so unexpectedly.

"Ugh. Oh?"

"Here's …"

I run all the time, so I fall for it. Keep the soles of your feet on the ground, if you move to rub them, they won't fall that way. When Belle let him try, Melia followed him as if he were a bird chick.

"Really. Thank you, Beiru."

As a samurai, Meliá laughs with no wind at all, even though she says she is a senior.


After cleaning the bathroom, Melia stretches out her body happy.

"All you have to do is - if you want a yu, you're done."

When Merliah undoes the lever she pulled at the beginning, the water overflows with sound from the design of the lion carved on the wall.

It's simple to do, but it was quite a heavy labor just because the tub was huge.

"Show me your body. Somewhat, but I have a sense of healing magic."

Even after teaching her sliding legs, Melia still fell several times.

He fell into a tub made of stone without clothes. Instead of moles, one or two abrasions, it's not strange if they're made.


But Merliah's body didn't have a scratch anywhere.

No doubt nothing happened to the knee that confirmed the mole was formed or even the head of the nose that was red and swollen.

"You know, Melihaha-ji, it's a joke."

"Fragments of the Virgin?

To Merliah's awkward explanation, Bell remembers all the more.

Certainly about nine years ago, the Demon King's Army attacked Raffanis, the religious state, and the name of the Virgin who grabbed it should have been Merriam. Raffanis then became a nation due to the invasion of the Demon King's Army, but I didn't know she was a samurai here.

"I don't know, Meizanjin, how long have you been here, so, the injury will be over soon?"

Merliah's explanation was something I'm not sure about, but I somehow guessed why a child like her was doing the samurai.

And that's when.

"Did you get the water?"

Suddenly a low voice thrown from outside the bathroom surprised Bell all the way up.

"Yeah, I can do it, sigh!

"Thank you"

I won't forget, this voice. Without having to listen to Meliá, I found out that that was Bell's purpose and that it belonged to Oul, the Lord of this dungeon.

Oulu came into the bathroom without the wind that cared about the bell and sat down on the steps set next to the tub.

"I can't help it. I can't."


Then in a natural motion, Melia sprinkled water on him and began to bubble the soap.

Then he sprinkles that bubble on his body, hugs it to the oul and starts cleansing his body.

I see, this is the most important job.

Bell endeavored to observe his senior's work as his face rose bright red.