Maou no Hajimekata

Lesson 8 Let's Have Our First Parent-Child Fight-3

"Wow, wow, wow!

The blue of the sky and the green of the trees stretching out on one side. And to the feeling of running sliding over it, Eunice cheered.

"Oh, isn't it dangerous to get on too much"

Hodeli with his face drawn and his feet trembling.

"Brother, pity"

Hosseri sighed at the appearance of such a brother.

"Don't worry about that. You can't shake it off."

Saying, Oul leans on the magic and waves the reins he made.

What he manipulates like a horse and a row rides.

That was the big muckade I knocked down earlier.

There is little fascination in worms, but it is rather easy to instill magic and dominate them forcefully.

It would be difficult if you were told to move hundreds of feet freely, but if you were to manipulate only two forelegs, there would be no construction. That way later, Mukade's body takes the liberty of communicating the movement behind him and walking. The body of the great muchad crawled smoothly over the trees, and proceeded as he rubbed over the woods with little or no shaking.

The front half is raised high, and near the heads of the Ouls, far above the woods, in the sky.

Sure, if you do fall, you'll just be sorry, but it's surprisingly good riding on the back of a flat muckade, invisible but don't worry about falling in case you're surrounded by cubes and room shapes.

Above all, proceeding that way, I was able to take a good look at the dungeons in the woods that I could not see walking on the ground.

"I don't know, it's something you live in."

Watching the woods that way, you can see well the demons fleeing the progression of the Great Mukade.

A number of things were seen, such as those that were people-shaped like little ghosts, those that looked like beasts like wolves and serpents, those that could only be seen as flames or lumps of earth moving to be willing, and those that, when eyeballs floating on the skin of a tree were opened, moved closed and repeatedly, could not even see what the hell existed in an oul.

"When I was exploring with Marie, all I could see was what Trent was capable of."

"There are also those who perceived the authority of the lord and were fleeing... perhaps the majority of them recently inhabited. If it's the forest where God lives, it's comfortable for those freaks."

"Is that what this is?"

Oulu depressed the gavel in such a way that it did not fall to his heart.

In his senses, he is incompatible with God and the devil.

It's a strange story that it coexists, but I thought maybe their power to enclose without contradicting reason and magic has a reason around it.

"But you still don't seem to be here"

Oulu groans down where he once found Sophia.

It was the heart of a forest dungeon, where dungeon seeds were installed.

"Is it the volcano?

"I guess so"

To Eunice's words, Oul nods.

It seems that God basically wants to stay out of his dominant realm.

But Sophia is not the god of the woods, she is the god of the dungeons.

If I was in the dungeon, I was free to move anywhere.

The deepest if you reject Oulu. It would be the top floor of the pile of trials.

"But why did Sophia fly an oul?"

"Well. Did you persevere because you didn't deal with her for a long time, or are you angry that she was behaving well with the other women instead of Marie, my mother..."

Either way, Oul thought he didn't know to meet him and not question him.

The Great Mukade quickly steps over the forest dungeon to reach the foot of the volcanic dungeon.

"All right, that's good enough. Thank you very much."

When Oul pounded Big Mukade's head, he sent a signal back to near the center of the woods.

From here on out, it's difficult to travel with that figure, and Mukade is vulnerable to heat.

Besides, that strength would be a good protection for a forest dungeon.

"... the hotel is amazing"

On the side of Oul dropping off the big muckade, Hosseri said so pompously.


"Aren't you scared?

Ask and you'll get more questions back, and Oul tilts his neck.

"You mean that mukade? I'm guessing you guys powerless and controlled it with surgery. What do we need to be afraid of?

To Oulu's answer, Hodeli and Hosseri looked at each other.

"My lord, I am not, and Hosseli asks if there is any resistance to riding such aliens instead of horses."

"I'm not a woman or a child, and I don't need to be scared like a bug."

Oulu is stunned by the words of Hodeli, who does not get the guidelines.

Are you going to say that it wasn't the risk of falling that you were trembling, that you were afraid of bugs, etc?

"Don't you think you're stuck in shape?"

"Whatever the look of a woman holding, what's the point in the demonic figure?

"... then"

"Brother. Wait."

Ignoring the cessation of Hosseri, Hodeli's appearance changes deliberately.

Thin, sharp eyes reminiscent of a raptor become a black-eyed true circle with no white eyes as if they were holes, and sharp fangs grow all the way up when you wonder if your lips ripped to your cheeks. His nose lifted and his entire face protruded into a conical shape, filling his arms with fine scales astonishingly.

"Say the same thing, even if we are not human beings"

"You, what the hell are you..."

Oul shrugs unexpectedly at Hodeli, who asks with a crouched, deaf voice.

"Let's be horrible. Ugly. Do you still think this has nothing to do with appearance?"

"No, I don't care what it looks like. What kind of animal is this?

I have fangs, but I'm not a wolf or a lion. There are scales, but not dragons or snakes.

Oul carelessly touched the face of an entirely unrecognizable organism with a frown root.

"This one's in the jar."

"Crocodiles? Don't be stupid. Speaking of crocodiles, that would be a big lizard like a dragon living by the water. You don't look like this."

Scales are elastic for a hard touch and touch completely differently depending on the direction you stroke them. Even though it was smooth if I stroked it from the tip of my nose towards my neck, the opposite felt rough.

"Oh, really, it's funny"

If you speak of it, even Eunice will be amused and touched, and Hodeli will be caressed bewildered but still.

"Got it. You're a shark!

"Oh, did you sometimes call it that..."

Finally I think of who I am, and Oulu nods satisfactorily.

"Certainly rare with beastmen of aquatic life. I've never even seen this before. Well, if you're a rare creature, you don't have to worry about your appearance."

"Chi, rare...?

To Oulu, convinced by one, Hodeli held his head.

Oulu's reaction to what he had assumed was too different.

"Dear Hall, what about me?

Even my sister, who stopped Hodeli if she realized it, had revealed its true nature.

The hands and feet are covered in deep hair, pins and pointed triangular ears protrude from between the hair, and a blocked tail extends from the buttocks.

It's not easy to see, the beast. Who would like it, such as a daughter with a mountain dog's face?

If the woman in your arms finds out about this look, she'll hate the boulders...

"You are unusual or irrelevant. Wolf Beast, that's how many hundreds there are in my labyrinth."

Such Hodeli's predictions were betrayed even by the flat voice of Oulu, who seemed not even interested.

"I don't know what to say. You guys said you were brothers and sisters, but no blood connection? I didn't know it was another race."

"... we weren't originally like this. A body that became alien by the curse of God."

Yes, it's a curse. He touched the wrath of a whimsical God and was transformed into something unnecessary.

Hodeli tells bitter stories about everything she hears that she fears and dislikes.

"What, so you're just a human being under a curse"

Oul said that in a light manner.

"Do you recognize us as people?"

In a trembling voice, Hodeli asks.

"It would be obvious"

Because he is a man who serves God, Oul thought of them as angels and demons.

Those who said so are not even strictly organisms.

Because I don't raise new lives, I don't take meals.

Compared to that, there is somewhat of a mix of beasts, probably from fairies, but for Oulu it was in the realm of men.

"Master Hall, isn't it weird for me?

"You're so much more natural with it."

When I told Hosseri to stare, his expression remained unchanged and only his tail shook.

It's really easy to understand.

"Then will you hold me again?

"It's okay. Oulu, even a child whose hands and feet are birds or whose lower body is like a snake or whose whole body is like water can go at all if his face is cute."

Before Oulu answered, Eunice said so and said, "Right?" and peek into his face.

Oul couldn't say anything because he did have Halpuia, Lamia and Undine.

"The boulder is recognized by the princess..."

Oul shouts inside out what he means to Hodeli, who groans as deeply as he feels.

"I'm the Demon King. What kind of things can unite demons because they look like races? If it's different from people, it's fine if it helps with that difference."

"My pleasure."

Saying so to elucidate, Hodeli knelt down, pulling out every sheath of his hips sword, and hoisted it before the oul.

Hosseri also lines up beside it and imitates it.

That was Oulu's unknown manoeuvre, but it was considered as much as what it meant for what lived in a martial arts to offer weapons.

When Oul receives their sword, he pulls it out of his sheath and stares at his body.

The blade, which draws a loose arc, floats with a unique character, shining without a single cloud.

It was as beautiful as a work of art, with so much practicality as cleaving a great mukade.

"Good sword."

Oul says and gently slaps them on the shoulder with that sword, tucking them in the sheath and returning them.



All his brothers and sisters received their swords, and drowned their heads deeply.