Maou no Hajimekata

Episode 13: Let's Make a Beloved Dungeon-5

When Pattiri and Salih awakened consciousness, it was not a simple room made of stone, but a room made of sun-dried bricks and decorated with luxury.

"Oh, finally, Princess."

His father, who was picking olive salt beside him, notices Saliha, who brought his half body, and speaks up.

"Is that it? Me......"

"I guess I'm so tired of exploring the pyramids. I slept well."

"Pyramid...... dungeon. Oh."

Salih's memory comes back to life in his father's words. Yes, it was. After finishing the stone dungeon offensive experience, she lay in bed with the intention of going back to the inn before her father and falling asleep.

"So, how was your adventure?

"Yeah, it was so much fun! You know, from the sword, the fire came out, the big monsters came out..."

Sleeping eyes awaken instantly and she tells her father what she has enthusiastically experienced. My father heard it with a grin as he nodded yeah.

"So at the end of the day, a monster as big as a crocodile... is about the size of this inn. You fought such a monster, you managed to win, and you helped the king who was caught! That's the first time I've been there!

"That's amazing. Boulder, it's my son, Salih."

Salih was feeling somewhat lacking, even as he was good at his father, who applauded and praised him with a patsy clap. I feel like something more, fun, wonderful has happened. But when I tried to remember it, I couldn't remember it, as if it had taken Kasumi to remember.

What I remember clearly is the excitement for the unknown and the overwhelming sense of well-being. It's all filled and comfortable to rise to heaven. It was like multiplying the joy of eating a treat served at the annual Summer Festival, a festival of riches celebrating the flood of the river of Mother Annil, hundreds of times.

"... Hey, Dad"

When I remembered that, there was a voice from Salih's mouth that sounded natural and sweet.

"I want to be here again."

That was some sort of gloss-inclusive voice, like she'd never done before.


Burying her body in hot water, Oul exhales deeply.

Semen and tear blood in love fluid, urine besides tears in saliva. It was a comforting thought to finally wash away the dirty body with roughly all the body fluids that people secrete.

Suddenly there, thinking that a white body had appeared in the void, he jumped into the water as he made a fierce wave splash.

I couldn't confirm that for too long, but there's only one person who can or can do this.

"... Sophia"

Oul called his daughter's name with an angry voice as she wiped her soaked face.

"How'd it go? Did you have fun?"

But Sophia looked unwillingly, and peered into Oul's face with her glittering, radiant eyes.

"It's... well... um..."

If it was fun or not, it was a good time. Dyeing an innocent, innocent little girl who knows nothing into her color is definitely a joy that excites everyone if she is a man.

That's all the more so if you're a talented girl who absorbs like raw yarn the more she dyes. But how dare you answer a boulder like that to my daughter?

"Wasn't it good?

Sophia stuffs herself all the way to the words of a boiled, uncut oul.

"No, that's not it. But I don't know what the intention is. Why the hell did you do that?

"Mmm. There are three reasons."

Sophia started explaining it with three fingers up with a serious look on her face, folding it one at a time.

"The first, because I was simply happy. He was the first kid to break my dungeon."

"Hmm. I don't know that"

Oulu also understood that a dungeon prevents intrusion, but at the same time is willing to hope for its breakthrough. I can't say such a long thing in a situation where life is at stake, but that mood is no wonder if it's a dungeon I made as a play.

"Second, because I wanted my dad to be happy too. Salih was cute and very brave, so I thought I'd be glad."


As a Dungeon Master, it is delightful to be in contact with a great Dungeon Seeker, even on the side. When it comes to play, Oulu is not half-baked to attack the labyrinth, which was also involved as a director.

"The third one is...... because I wanted to see what Dad rewarded me with"


"'Cause you said you shouldn't look at your dad's room, right?

It is true that this time Salih and I came to terms with the study that we created provisionally in the pyramid, not Oulu's room. But we should have mastered all the walls and ceilings so they wouldn't be peeked at beforehand.

"How did you see that?

"I borrowed Salih's eye."

Can you even do that? To Sophia, who answers honestly, Oulu was stunned.

I can borrow the sight of Oulu and other creatures to see the distant ones. It is common sorcery to use creatures like cats and bats as demons and make them into your own ears.

But I've never heard of using humans as demons, and if you're as much a magician as Oulu, you can see the creatures who made the magic contract to use them. Salih had not become a demon. That means Sophia can steal the sight of a creature who is neither a demon nor anything. That was stunning.

I knew there was more that I could do day by day, but how should I deal with what I could even do that I couldn't imagine? Besides, Sophia probably doesn't recognize that as an anomaly. You can't even tell me to report what I can do for granted.

"Hey, Dad."

Sophia tried to rub against the oul and approached, saying:

"I want you to do the same."

Somehow, I expected that to come.

"... no"


"Me and you, you'd be parents and kids."

Even so, Oul questions his words.

Speaking of parents and children doesn't mean there's a blood connection. In the first place, Oul, the Demon King, did not have such a combination of ethics either.

If so, why?

Why, to hold Sophia...... no, even to hold an inferior grudge is so repentant.

"Why can't I be a parent or a child?"

Sophia stuffs as she makes a stubborn voice.

"I've grown up."

Then he took Oul's arm and pressed it against his own chest.

The bulge no longer belongs to young children. Although I can't say it's mature, if you say it in size, it's so much bigger than Salih.

Solidly asserting the woman there is so soft that it does not seem like it belongs in this world, and the skin sushi and scallops that do not know the decay even beat the superb silk. Feels like you want to touch and moan all the time.... Still.

"That being said, you're just a kid. I know the difference between love and love."

Owl let go of Sophia, to an impulse stronger than his carnal desire.

"What do you mean?

He said, "You like me as a man."

"I don't... I don't know"

To Oulu's inquiry, Sophia frowned.

As a concept, I know.

For example, Sophia could understand that the love Marie pours on Sophia and the love she holds for Oulu is something of a different kind.

But it also seems different from what Lil holds in Oulu. It's not just Lil. Both Eunice and Spina, Sakuya and Zana for Utsu and Tena. Even while you're doing the same thing, the emotions you have towards Oulu look different.

If there were at least other men and women with patterns like that, we would have been able to compare them.

"'Cause I only have a dad who's a man,"

Logan and Hodeli were considered not to be in the natural.

"If so, it means it's too early for you. You don't have to rush. One day I'll know it's natural."

I don't want you to regret it because I'm your precious daughter.

Oul concluded that that's how he must feel.

"... ok!

Will it cause another seizure and fight with dislike, etc.?

When Oul thought so, Sophia replied with a bright voice, in contradiction to the proposal.

Oul, who thought he would be angry or obstinate again, is plunged into the void.

"If you're convinced, still..."


And Sophia snorted, and said unto the unmistakable Oul.

"You're going to be the biggest so your dad can reward you properly!


That's not the point.

Sophia's figure scratched out again before Oul answered that.