
44Virgin Vs Blue Mouse (Virgin's Hurray 4)

It was a dangerous place.

The intention was to gauge the timing by wandering from the shadows, but suddenly the magic barrier developed aggressively into the situation.

I cannot help but reflect on what was an unthinkable course of action.

But I can't help what I've done.

Think about what you need to do now rather than regret what you couldn't do.

A flame swirls in the back of a slightly open room.

How many people will believe me when I say that was a furrat with dark blue fur until just now?

If I were you, I wouldn't believe it first, and I can't believe this is how I saw it right now.

The flames fluttered and the momentum rose well.

I think the background around me looks distorted with pneumonia.

I want you to give me a break. That's a pretty hot range, isn't it? The heat I feel on my skin is getting kind of awesome.

The flames in the high temperatures spread all at once so as to cover some high ceilings.

... Coming.

Expand the magic barrier and escape the flames that descend.

Excellent magic for strength and speed of activation, but it can only be done on the plane, and the area is only to the extent of hairy growth in the basin.

If they made it into a tea towel wrapper with a high temperature flame, that would be the only thing that wouldn't happen.

Several numbers are simultaneously deployed to create umbrellas in such a way that they complement each other's clearances as scales. I ran under that umbrella with all my might and managed to get out of the flame range.

The heat, which I was able to safely rub without burning all over, burned my body properly.

Yeah, this sucks.

How many magic barriers did I put on the opponent's casual blow?

The flames roll up and look back at me.

What about the living flames? Not so bad, huh?

I've never seen anything like it before.

We have to figure something out, Jiri. There's no doubt about it.

Flamed and sifted like a whip.

I tried to find out if it would arrive at this distance, and the tip part that arcs on the bow flew by a thousand cuts.

Can you fly?!?

Expand the magic barrier on both hands to secure the phase to the palm.

Draw a parabola and slide the face diagonally onto the flamebullets that fly in. If you hit even one straight shot, it would be out. My gallbladder chills at the pressure and heat of flamebullets like that.

If we get close, we'll be wrapped in flames, and if we keep our distance, flame bullets will fly.... Not like this.

Assemble the spear of light in agony and release it to the target.

It is a magic commonly used by the brave Eusis.

The spear of light flew into the center of the flame winding in a straight line, piercing its center and piercing it against the back wall.

... right.

Put on a flamebullet that will fly at your feet and somehow fix your collapsed position. I don't even like the aim inside.

If it's a natural flame, I guess we can do something about that fire source first, but what do we do when the other person is the flame itself? This.

I don't even think it would honestly disappear where the air was cut off because it's so blazing indoors like this.

Whew. I'm bored with this octagonal feeling.

If this isn't in battle, I want to roll to the ground right now and bump my hands and feet. I don't like fights like this that I don't know what to do, just to be clear.

Transfer your gaze to the entrance where you came in.

From behind, the operatives' uncles are eager to fight while hiding themselves so they don't find out.

He signaled and popped up like he was refraining, but I think he was right. They are quite a few people who have been trained, but in terms of combat power, they are only a clump of hands in this situation today.

I'm sorry, I'm doing my best to protect myself.

But if you manage to nail the demon in front of me, you'll be able to help that kid who's been kidnapped later, with the agents' uncles.

The point is, it's up to me.

If I can do something...


...... hmm.

"I don't know why there's a Virgin in the human world, but apparently it's real."

A flickering flame takes on the appearance of a large mouse.

It's just a contour, though, and it remains a lump of flame.

What are you talking about?

"It would be great to be able to keep me from attacking, but I wonder if there's nothing I can do just to protect you. I'm tired in there, and I'm gonna burn my whole body."

"You seem confident, but you hate me. I'll do something about you before I do."

"You don't have any hands or feet? It's only funny if you're too strong."

Agh. Sure.

I hate the fact that I can't tell you back.

We have to do something. Something.

"I'm gonna miss you, so I'm gonna keep going home."

"... Yes?

"It stinks, you. I don't know what you're doing here, but it's not the time. It's time for a chase from Demon King's Castle. Still, I'm busy with things. So go home."

"... so can you give me your daughter?

""... what?


...... hmm?

It's like the demon in front of me and someone's voice wore it right now.

"Why would you do that?

Mr. Lefia in the back is looking at this one with a Kyotong face. I can't help it. In the middle of such a demonic land, you must have never thought help would come.

"Rest assured. I'm here to help you."

"So why did the Virgin scream?"

"... I can't see the story"


... I don't know, this discomfort.

Nasty sweat makes my back stick.

"Mr. Leffia...... That's right."

"Who's in the refia? Awesome! Who better to make mistakes with than who!

"... you know what?"

Is that it?



"You're wrong, Virgin. This kid's name is Bel Adne. I don't know why I got it wrong, but it's not a refia."

"... wait, no. Shh."

Easy. Easy. Calm down.

Calm down, it's times like this that calm down.


... Different people?

"Seriously? Ahhh!?

I screamed, but that's not the place.

What is this, what is this, what is this?

Different people here?

You're lying, you're lying, it's impossible.

"I'm sorry I'm in the middle of something, but I don't have time for this. If you find out you're wrong, just... Refia?"

Show how the fiery demon realizes something.

Sure, if you find out you're wrong, it's not like you're fighting an unwanted battle here.

I don't have time for this because it's the same thing.

"... Refia. I'm sure the demon king's kidnapped the human daughter by that name."

I suddenly started thinking with Boso.

If you want to pull, now might be your chance.

I think the other one here thought the same thing. My daughter, Mr. Beradne, wants to know the timing.

That kid is a lot prettier too.

I'm not sure what's going on, but that kid also doesn't look like he's here of his own free will.

Apparently the fact that a young daughter has been kidnapped unintentionally, although it was different.

It's not like I can help you with anything, either, just because the circumstances are the case...

With a flash of clearance, the child ran out.

Running out towards a different entrance than I came in.

"... I won't let you get away with it"

"Shit! Waya, but hey!

You lost all interest in this one, and the fiery demon let your body slam up thinly in an attempt to chase your daughter away.

"I won't let you!

He blew a holy air bullet (Force Barrett) to cover him.

It is the first art of divine magic, beating the magic of holiness. I didn't have time to put the surgery together and let it out.

But in such a preliminary procedure...


The fiery demon flew when it hit the holy air bullet (Force Barrett).

... Is that it?

"Get out of my way! Virgin!"

The fiery tip that was about to entangle her escaped daughter flew, and the fiery demon, bitterly, gathered her body back where it had been.

Looks like it's working very well.

Could this be!?

"Don't run away from me now!

If it is a Holy Air Bullet (Force Barrett), you can fire as many shots as you want.

It wasn't even that difficult of a procedure originally.

I don't have enough room here to help you until the end, but if it's just cover to get away from here, it's not like I can't.

I know this isn't the case.

But after all, I have a daughter who's been kidnapped in front of me, and there's no reason to keep quiet and walk away.

"Grrr. This! Damn!"

The outline of the fiery demon is distorted by a series of holy air bombs (Force Barrett).

The damage doesn't seem to be that bad, but the impact of a direct hit doesn't seem to bring the body together.

Like a candle fire stirred by a gust of wind, it remains dizzying but unstable, and has not kept its shape.


At last, my turnaround was unraveled.

The swirling flames are extinguished and the figure of the original furrat with the blue fur is there.


Expand the surgical ceremony fast and put it together anew.

The flame of purification. It's advanced magic that summons and burns down divine flames. This magic can cause physical (material side) and mental (astral side) damage.

"Don't burn!

Mood flashes. A blue and white fire column surrounds the blue furrat.


I have a slight discomfort with the magic activation.

No way, they resisted!?

It is hard to believe that you resist this magic, which is also at the top of sacred magic, with your own magic. Unlike magic, which causes direct destruction on the physical side (the material side), the flame of purification can also cause damage to the mental side (the astral side), reducing the effects of magic resistance. Although it is possible......

It doesn't matter if it's possible or not.

This is Farrat? You're lying.

It just seems like something else that absolutely looked like Farratt. Obviously beyond its limits as a species.

Fire columns disappear and the blue furrat collapses.

If it's true, it burns out without a trace, but the resistance has succeeded. I knew I hadn't been able to exert my original power.

Still taking a lot of damage.

Build the Spear of Light again.

The blue furrows are burnt over time and the breathing sounds are fine. I knew I still had breath.

I don't think I'm going to let them suffer in vain, even if they say they're demons. Now...... especially.

Stop breathing in one thought!

"Wait, no! Don't kill me!

"Holy shit!?

Haz's daughter, who ran away, was coming back.

I'm sure my daughter's name was Mr. Beradne. The Mr. Beradne returned to the scene and stood in front of the blue furrat.

What are you going to do?

You must be the one who just got his life targeted.

"Not any more...... You don't have to."

Mr. Beradne pleaded with me with a sad look.