
119Unstoppable Conditions (Demon King's Depression 15)

Refia disappeared inside the metastatic space.

When the space that had distorted part of the landscape like a pneumonia swallowed the subject, it returned softly to part of the original landscape as if nothing had happened.

... You're lying.

This, in front of me.

I... Huh!?

There is a sentiment of remorse in the hands and feet that do not move as if they were heavily bound.

I can't stop being angry at myself for not having the skill to exchange it.

With all the power of his body, he couldn't shake off anything that bound his body.

"What are you scared of?"

A wise man approaches Lenshade, who stared into the space where Refia disappeared and was standing up.

He seemed to return to me early for a moment, but he would poke at me and allow me to step into his nostalgia.


"Can't my body move more than I thought? Don't blame yourself. It's a big deal just to be able to move in this space."

A wise man captures a lean shade without creation.

A smooth, stretched fingertip from the black robe was holding Leanscheid's jaw down disappointingly.


Lean Shade leans back on her body and screams.

I feel like I'm heavily scratching my magic, just like I did when I was in Refia and Bel Adone.

When the sage let go of his hand, a lean shade with a pale complexion collapsed on the spot.

"To Lean Shade, what did you do!

"Don't guide me. I just saw it."

Without a glance at this one, just standing up, the sage keeps his gaze on Leanshade.

"The requirements leading up to the princess God are met, but have you already lost your mother? It's a shame."


Eat up your teeth and move your body forward with Jilli.

I get irritated by the body I don't think it is.

Face to face like I just found out, I don't know what to do.

Unexpectedly, the wise turned this way.

I can't see my face with a robe worn deep in my eyes, but my shooting cold gaze pierces me.

"... so when are you going to be able to move? Son of Asura."

"Hello! Wait right now, you son of a bitch!

"Those who inherit the blood of the god of war, Asura,... pity"

sleigh and sage lean over here.

... Damn.

Why can't I just move?

Belle Adone, Leanscheid, even Lefia, were able to move in this space.

No matter how much fighting spirit you put into your body, the visible creeping that covers your hands and feet can never be undone.

"Maybe that 'vessel' daughter has better prospects. … as long as we survive, but"

... refia!?

It spreads more magic from the depths of the body and causes it to convert into a struggle.

I can't afford to think about what's next. Get out of here as fast as you can for a second and don't go looking for Lefia!

"Ho, if it's just the output of the fighting spirit, it's a big deal..."

The wise man stops there when he comes right in front of me, gently stretching his fingers and touching his forehead.

"Why don't you notice that they use it differently in the first place?"

It was a moment.

At that moment, when something pushed through the body from the fingertips of the wise man, the struggle he was raising was fogged away in a hoot of an instant and vanished.

"... be!?

"Don't rely solely on the flesh. … the fool."

As soon as the body was able to move, it became completely immobile.

Disabled in this way the fighting spirit, the secret art of the Asura god tribe?

... lying.

What the hell did you do, now?

Koitsu,... the hell.

"The flesh has its own limits. Beyond that, we can't talk."

... of the flesh,... limits?

What the hell are you talking about?

"... Lord Sage"

A wise man nods at the call of Cell Azam.

If you say you don't know what you're thinking, so is Cell Azam.

The same goes for trying to trick me into bringing him here, but it even seems like he's keeping a silent eye on what the wise do.

Why didn't you help Lefia in the first place?

... what the hell are you thinking?

"... don't call me that sage. Was it Lean Shade and Bel Adne? Its princess night fork and phantom daughter have already reached enough range. I don't need any more."


"But this Asura child is like no. We're gonna die for nothing."

Somewhere ahead of the gaze of some unfortunately discarding sage was... me.



Wait, what is that?

Me,... dying?

I can't move the sage's fingertips. It's on my jaw.

"You look dissatisfied, son of Asura. But that's the reality now. If you can't seem to move in this space, take revenge or something."


Something in my body returned a reaction to that word.

Emotions that can never be forgotten boil from the bottom of the belly as they wrap around a tunnel.

"... hey, what's going on?"

"... ho, said the fighting spirit is sealed. Can you speak up?"

"I'm asking you what you mean. What do you know?

Strange, I started to have a voice.

I feel more spoken naturally than when I tried to shake it off earlier.

It's not that the body can move, but it also asks further while holding back the emotions that boil from the bottom of the belly.

"You don't think he's dead because of haha, do you?

"Answer what I hear!

"We can't talk about this as we are now."

"Just say it! What do you know!

"It's what you want to know. … so you're satisfied."

"Don't tease me!

I won't listen to my body even if I try to pack it all the time.

Even though there is no distance from the sage, it seems crazy.

One breath and a wise man stared at me.

I don't care about that seemingly gaze.

After putting aside time as if to be determined, the name was quietly, just quietly, told from the mouth of the wise man.

"... Sunra is not dead yet."

Exasperating emotions ran through my body.

Anger and hatred intersect, burning black emotions rush from the bottom of my belly to my brain, and I feel like I've got more in front of me.


Sunra, the previous demon king.

During his brief reign, he imprinted fear and resentment in the Land of Demons, leaving deep claw marks that would never disappear,... Demon King.

No way here, and more importantly, what is its name.

Sunra is... alive.

I knew he was...

You weren't dead yet!?

"Where! Where is he?

My emotions overflow as if the bottom of my stomach could bounce.

The wise man shook his head at me screaming as if he were going to eat.

...... I didn't mean to tell you!?

"Say what! Tell me! Where!

"I told you, you can't do it now."

"I don't mind! Even if I can't stab him, I'll eat him in the whistle!

"We can't afford to miss wasting our lives."

... Damn.

Calm down. Calm down first.

There's no point in just barking in this situation right now.

We cannot repeat our failures in the Holy City here and now.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply.


Push your emotions in and think calmly.

I've daunted myself with a name I can't even think of, but I'm not.

It's not about Sunra that matters right now. It's Haz.

Calm down.

Don't get me wrong about what's important.


...... Refia.

What matters now is the refia.

Soon, but I have to go help Lefia.

For that reason...

Calm down.... think.

"... what do I do?

Slowly open your eyes and look to the wise.

I turned myself into a black robe, looking like a luxurious woman at first sight, this monster in front of me.

Huh, I felt like a wise man laughed.

He remains faceless with a hood worn deep in his eyes, but the sage's cohesive atmosphere feels a little different.

"What can I do to convince you?

"... I thought I'd keep wasting my time, but surprisingly, the switch is good. Less trouble and more help."

"Funny. I'm asking you what you want from me. Answer me."

"That's brave. I don't hate it, you know."

Without answering my question, the wise man turned to Ser Azam.

... and you're being looked at lightly, me.

I regret it, but now I have no choice.

"Let's keep this one. If it's like this, it won't take long."

"For your consideration, it hurts"

"... what do you mean? It is"

"It's up to you."

A wise man comes one step closer.

"If you meet the requirements, you can tell me about Sunla."

Sage's thin fingertips glimpse my jaw tip, which remains motionless.

Abominable. Shall I bite you?

When I opened my mouth and tried to bite him, the sage just snagged his fingertips.

...... chip.

"It's a good thing you're well.... right, one more thing if you're going to be honest. You can think about the safety of that 'vessel' daughter."

"... you're going to help Lefia. You must have flown all the way."

"It doesn't make any difference to have them take a 'try'. But if you're honest with me, you can protect your life in the meantime."

It hurts.

I can ignore that condition... hey.

"... how far can I trust you"

"You can't fool me. You don't have to do that in the first place. I don't mind if I don't trust you, but I'm not the one who's in trouble.... What do we do?

"... ok. Please."

"I'll keep my word."

This is the only place...

It doesn't make things any better when you turn away from the fact that you have no hands or feet.

"Depends on... Don't worry."

"Best regards"

"You can't do it like that."

Cell Azam bows his head deeply to the wise.

... What's the relationship between these two?

It just kind of seems Cell Azam is more reluctant to be a wise man.

When you're thinking about the questions that have surfaced, the landscape around you changes gallantly on the lid.

Even though he was a haz in an open place between the trees, within a moment he was moving to somewhere, surrounded by mossy rock like in a cave.

There's no sign of the Cell Azams there either.

"... be!?

"I don't need anyone else now. Don't worry, I just put it back."

Sage says, walking away towards the back.

If you look closely, there was something behind it like a stone table.

... what? This is it.

Too tasteless for a sense of life, but something like a sculpture that would have obviously applied its hand can also be seen there.

A wise man can look back at me, still unable to move.

"So let's get started"