
128Chichi now there

"Whoa whoa whoa!?

A kicked up knee punches out under his chin.

I chewed and swallowed the scream, which was all the way up to my throat, along with a cheeky chicken all over my mouth.


... rubbed.




Do what?

What? What?

Why would you do that?

I can't grasp the situation, and I do get confused in my head by the various sensations that linger on my chest.

A little old man who is kicked through the jaw and leans back slowly exposes his torso to defenselessness in front of him.


My chest,... rubbed?

I wore out all the clothes I was wearing, but now I wear only one thin blouse on my bare skin.

No blouse.

Why, more so at a time like this.

Directly conveys the feeling of being eagled.

Disgust and sloppiness ran through my spine at all costs.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!?

With the screams that have been in again, I close my eyes tightly and slap my full rolling sobat in.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!?

The old man, who devours a blow of the whole body without being able to receive it in the air, adds even more twist to the cone rubbing state.

He blew up the walls of a rough shack of construction and blew it outside with pieces of wood and dust scattered radically.

"Ha, ha, ha..."

Let's calm down.

Let's settle down first. Yeah.

Clean up the chicken that stays grabbed in both hands for now.

...... yeah. Delicious.

Taste the fat on your fingertips, palpitate all upset and sooner, and breathe for now.


With both hands, the eagle remains grasping.

What? What? Why would you do that?

My body trembles at Zowa Zowa and the tatters I feel on my spine, holding my body up with both arms.

Desperately stomping on the unpleasant fear I felt for the first time that I was about to lose my strength from my hips and knees.

"... Awkward, now what the hell?"

The little old man, who flew out of the cabin, rose up peeling, his head covered and stood up.

It looks like there is no damage to the full two-combo.

Though I was in a mood for it, I didn't know I'd get up without anything after eating that one......

This old man. He's not the only one.

It overlaps with me having to raise my alert level a lot and my old man's gaze as a kyoton.

"... be!?

A chair I grabbed and threw in my lap hit the old man clean in the face.




I couldn't calm down.

"No! Heck!

Tearful eyes throw allowances or gradually what was in the cabin.

"Hey, boob!? No, wait!

My little old man approaches me little by little, protecting himself from flying groceries.

Honestly, I'm scared.

I shudder at the fear I've never felt before.

"... real? It's a real chick!?

"Hey, uh!

From a big hole in the wall, the old man rode himself out and crawled back into the cabin again.

... Shit.

I just think I misjudged the situation out of haste and confusion.

You shouldn't have thrown things like this, you should have just cleared the shed for escape.

Confront the old man in the shed.

Both the exit to the outside and the big hole in the wall are beyond the old man's back.

Rest in peace.

"Please don't come! Heh heh!

"Please wait! It's a misunderstanding!

An old man approaches me with his hands in front of him.

You'll get caught like this!?

My vision suddenly slipped diagonally where I turned, trying desperately to escape.


"Are you in danger!?

The world turns upside down with a leg taken and momentum.

I didn't notice the dishes scattered on the floor because I was in a hurry, and I put my foot on the rolling cup.

I felt like I'd been pulling my hips all the way, but the momentum didn't stop, and I fell straight onto the floor.

My elbow hurts when I hit it hard.

"... Yikes, what!?

Trying to get up, something pulls my leg.

Looking back at what...

Thoughts stopped there.



Shh... What, this.

Looking back, my pants slipped down to the edge of my knee and my plumply exposed buttocks were there.



"I don't like it. Ahhh!

Returning to me, I rush up my pants.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute. Yeah, yeah, yeah!

I cried, I cried, I cried!

Why is this happening!?

Why is this happening?!?

"No, chi, chi, chi, chi, chi, chi, chi"

Raw ass seen.

Raw ass seen.

Raw ass seen.


"Chin Ugh!?

A kicked up right leg plunders the tip of his mundane old man's jaw.

The old man, turning his eyes, fell on his back all buttern and lost his mind.



Seriously, give me a break.


"Makotochi! Sorry, dude!

Rubbing his forehead with the momentum to bust through the floorboard, the old man who regained his sanity just kept flat apologizing.

I was rubbed in the chest and seen raw ass. Speaking of, I'm round at the corner of the cabin, holding my knee, with too little face up for shame.

... I can't be your daughter-in-law anymore.

Will you even get me one of these?

The Demon King.

Still managed to stay on the spot because if you live here, you might know where you can go back.

I can push in here all the time.

I can't replace my belly on my back.

The old man said he had no idea there was a biological woman in this place, and when he touched me he thought it was a hallucination, he said there was a chick there?

Regardless, I don't mean to push you down with an evil idea or ramble you up, but it seems to be a bargain sale for force majeure...

"How can you be so sorry for such a daughter! This Zen Mondo, whatever atonement may be, exists with a whole body of spirits. Please, forgive me peacefully!

I walked into the cabin on my own and stole it, and I have something to do with it, so the old man isn't actually the only one who's bad.

I know that, but it's going to take a while now to swallow.

'Cause they saw my raw ass.

The heartbreak is deeper than Naruto's.

Old man, again, Mr. Zen is even laying down an apology like this, and just forget about this...



Zen Mondo?

I look up at that rare name that sounds familiar and stare at it even lowering my head.

I've heard that name a lot since I was in the village.

It was also a feature of the village festival.

That role, it was definitely Maori, Haz.

What is the image in the story......

Something's a lot different.

But I don't even think Zen Mondo's unusual name is walking around.

What I didn't know came from my mouth was confirmation.

"... Could it be, Sword Saint Zen?

Mr. Zen, who was flat-faced and prostrating himself, reacted with a pickle to the words he inquired half-heartedly and looked up in surprise.

"Do you know about the awkward?

... apparently in person.

Seriously, seriously?

Sword Saint Zen.

A master of sounding swords, the anecdote remains everywhere as a gag in various ways.

It used to be a symmetry that I admired if I heard its name, but now that I've come to Demon King's Castle and had all sorts of encounters, it brings up another thought.

...... Sword Saint Zen.

In front of Suzumori. I mean, someone who is said to have killed Leanshade's mother.

This guy...

Complex thoughts tangle in adhesion.

I was staring and laying the leanshades on Kensei's appearance.