
135. I'm sorry.

I feel a strong tingling sensation in my throat.

Mr. Olorena's savel is an amateur and medium delicacy, and I don't think it's going to be that easy to find this kind of product.

It's called the opposite beauty of being full, it's called a balanced center of gravity to see, and it's going to be love to see.

Pretty sharp, I guess.

Honestly, I didn't happen to have that thing on my throat.

Looking at the gaps somehow, what a sweet little thought you're not going to forgive me.

I don't know if that's because I know it, but Lean Shade and Mr. Kensei don't try to move inadvertently either.

One, I have a meat wasting elf who is fiercely appealing to his own flesh in posing if he's bored, but I'll shake him not to look and let him go.


Even Bassashibasil says he reads the air or watches quietly depending on what happens without rumbling.... Uncle.

I'm going to sort out the situation for now.

When I came to find a place to crawl up from the bottom of the valley, there was no place to interrupt the rock walls even when I came to the end upstream, and there was a pockingly open entrance there.

So I tried to turn back, and a bunch of bunnies and flaming snakes came out of inside, surrounded, and Bassashibasil blew up,... taken hostage.

...... yeah. I don't know what that means.

"I don't know what you think, especially personally."

With cautious vigilance for Leanscheid and Kensei, who are still likely to jump, Mr. Orolena takes me closer to the entrance to the rock wall.

"From here on out, we need to be a little shy of the demons. If I don't do this, I'm not gonna ask you to do that."

Mr. Orolena speaks in a light tone that doesn't seem very different from usual.... On the contrary, I am afraid of its unchanged nature.

"Me too, I'd prefer not to go further from here..."

"I'm sorry. I can't hear that."

At least the mere expression of intent and the petition for a whisper of hope will be easily rejected.

...... boo.

"... you seem to have some leeway to say you're getting a blade stuck in your throat, Mr. Refia. I don't think so, but I'm not kidding."

"There's nothing to spare. I'm just not wasting any resistance because I'm also going to know Mr. Olorena's skill."

So far, I can't think of any good means.

I'm just trying to figure out the situation for the most part.

"That's a lot quicker to talk about, and even for me, it helps. That's not why you're giving up, is it?

"Isn't that natural?"

"I love that part of Mr. Lefia."

"... then why don't you stop imitating me like this"

Try to be calm.

Mr. Olorena didn't look like someone who poked a blade and made people listen. However, if you're telling me I didn't have eyes for people, then that's it, but if I didn't.

I'm sure the situation is not serious.

... and maybe I want to think so.

"... sorry"

Mr. Olorena pushed silently for a while, then spilled so that only one word could be heard by me.

"I won't allow one scratch on that one."

"I guess that depends on you."

Come to the front of the entrance, where Mr. Olorena once again speaks to the leanshades.

"At the corner, I was going to do a pretty elaborate performance, because they made it all go away. Now let's go without a show."

"... performances?

Doubts arise when I feel hooked on Mr Orolena's words.

What the hell are you doing...

The question I felt for a moment was given an immediate answer.

As if to respond to Mr. Orolena's words, a red magic formation emerges in the air where there was nothing. Indeed, a familiar red magic formation emerged one after the other as if it had pushed the umpire, quickly swelling to a friendly number.

This red magic formation...

Why is this, in response to Mr. Olorena...

I look up to the side in surprise.

Although in the form of looking up almost exclusively at the sight for the sake of the servel placed on his throat, in the sight he looked up, he could see Mr. Orolena's eyes dropping with regret.

"Was it you who was summoning the serpent of fire"

"I wonder if that will happen."

Countless floating red magic formations shed a demonic light, and once again the flaming snakes began to gush with bottoms.



Mr. Olorena,... have a flaming snake?

... why.

'Cause it is.


I can't keep up with the unfolding I never thought I would.

... because. Even Mr. Olorena was attacked.

Even the Goddess Pope's squire captain, a squad member, is burned to death by a flaming snake?

I burned those people to death...


Mr. Olorena?

... why.

You said it was the power of the treasures stolen from the Goddess book temple that could summon the Flaming Snake. Didn't you come after the thief who stole that treasure?

From that thief, Mr. Olorena, who came after us to reclaim his treasure, is summoning the Flaming Snake?


I don't know what that means.

Then it's as if Mr. Orolena stole the treasure...

Even though you're the pope's sister?

... why.

While the information was not organized in my head, the flaming serpents summoned by the Red Magic Formation were once again creating a blazing carpet on the ground.

"Don't do anything extra. Mr. Kensei. I'm not going to hurt you, so could Kensei come over here?

"... what's going on?"

Mr. Kensei makes his vigilance obvious as a matter of course.

Mr. Orolena stops where he tries to faintly pull his shaft leg and put his hand on the sheath.

"I wonder if you're human. There may be some noise ahead. I was hoping you could come with me from here."

"... don't say no"

With a mild sigh of relief to Kensei's response, who also refuses without a nibble, Mr. Orolena continues with an even more serene voice.

"You can't, can you? I'm not going to let you do anything particularly impossible, but you're not going to let Kensei die here, are you? You know what happens to Mr. Leffia if you say no here,... right?

"Mr. Kensei has nothing to do with it. I'm the only one involved."

I dare you to be adulterous because Mr. Orolena doesn't actively try to harm anyone, and if he tries to harm someone for me as a shield, I won't tolerate that.

I don't mind a blade eating down my throat, I look back at Mr. Orolena.

My neck skin was cut off and my blood dripped down my clavicle.

"I'm deciding now, and I don't think Lefia's opinion or Kensei's will matters much."

There's no island to attach it to, Mr. Orolena, but he pulled the blade to the point where he could cut off a piece of skin..., it doesn't seem to be his fault.

... What are you going to do?

Halfway through, judgment is dull.

After much distress, Mr. Kensei asked Chirali and Leanscheid.

"There's no reason to worry about you. Don't think too much, just think of protecting Master Lephia."

"... sorry"

Mr. Kensei leaves a word of apology to advance to Leanscheid, who coldly discards without even a glance.

"And maybe Svajilfari. I don't care if it's swept away, like I just did.... Mr. Leffia, could you tell Svazilfari to come over here?

"I don't like it."

I can definitely say no.

That's right, Mr. Orolena's eyebrows reacted uncomfortably, don't you mind?

"... do you know what the situation is?

"Because I know, I don't like it"

"If they think it's just a threat, I'm a little out of my mind."

"I don't mind. It is unlikely that only Lean Shade will be left among a large group of flaming serpents in this situation. I will never follow that instruction. Kill me if you want to."

"... hmm. I guess this is a little troublesome."

"Bassashi basil!

I don't mind Mr. Orolena, but quietly I call on my silver beloved horse who keeps staring at this one all the time.

"Protect Lean Shade! Whatever happens, be sure! Never, never!


Thoughts are conveyed even if the words do not make sense.

When bassibasil is absolutely fine, I can't help but feel that dependable.

"... Dear Lefia"

"Hmm. Well, I don't know what else to do. That's not why I want to be aggressive.... and I guess this is it"

Mr. Orolena who unexpectedly and easily gives up.

As it is, they are prompted to enter the entrance.



I hate it......

I don't want to go in......

I don't want to go to the deepest part...

He stopped somewhat further, followed by Kensei, who was also invited into the entrance.

"Bye bye then"

Reacting to Mr. Orolena's words, the flaming snakes who were near the entrance shrink and circle, turning to about the size of a pebble.

The moment I thought it looked like a small, glowing spark, I made sure to involve the entrance and explode at the same time.

Block,... I'm going to.


... I'm sorry, Lean Shade.

I'm sorry, Bassashibasil.

Beyond the collapsing entrance, I saw Lean Shade staring straight at this one.