
X170 Desired Back (Brave Challenge 3)

"It's refreshing what you're thinking!

In the temple guided to refrain. The young man with dark blue hair can't hold back his frustration and his tone has been rough since just now.

Seems to me that personality is pretty rough on a good guy with a look like his boxed daughter. I'm the same age as I am, so to be honest, some things are difficult to convince.

You look too young for the Devil's Land, don't you?

"Why did you let the Virgin go alone?"

A young man dressed in a priest's coat for disguise throws several questions at him, distorting his righteous face.

"If Mariel says that's okay, it doesn't translate to disobedience."

"I usually do whatever I want. Fuck me. I don't know if I can just pretend to be submissive at times like this!

... stop, do as you please.

"I'm obedient from time to time?

"Ha! Which mouth are you talking about"

Hate and I only have one mouth.

I'm not seriously going to work for you, but why are you always told to do this, like, anywhere you want? I don't care if they get used to me, but only the questions that don't fall into my heart remain.

You're not convinced, exhale one more time at the way it manifests your anger, scratching your head in a tight way behind you.

"Relax a (...) s (...) ta (...) s (...). That's still the Virgin. Mariel is no match for a bunch of temple knights."

"I know that best. Come on! But that's not what I'm talking about!

I know what you're trying to say, but I'm here to buy a sold fight. There will be quite a way to do it for those who buy it.

This kind of way doesn't seem right for a dark-blue furrat youth who is now humanizing.

It was my first ear that Farrat could be humanized like Warwolf, but Astas said he was special among Farrat. Even so, it seems to be the direct report of the Demon King, and he came to Alistair to replace Mr. Lefia and the others. As a liaison with the Land of Demons.

When we went to Devil's Land, you said you were dealing directly with Mariel.

How worried are you about the person who drove you to a serious death injury? The relationship is still short, but I just think he's in quite a hall of honor, too.

"... hey. Can I ask you one thing?"

Put your hands together in front of your face and set your posture forward to correct your expression. In response to my voice, which changed the atmosphere strictly, Astas also took a breath and looked back.

A silent affirmation is returned to the tempered gaze.

I feel the strength of my unwavering will on the other side of my serious eye, and I realise that he is one man.

That's why I want to ask you something.

"... What is Bel Adne, did you already Ya (...)?


Bright red with a white face, Astas exclaimed.

"What are you talking about at a time like this? What the hell! Are you an asshole!? You're an asshole. Absolutely! What are you thinking? You!

"... well. Not yet."

"How can you be so convinced by yourself! On the whole, why is that, Beh, Bel Adone coming out! It's got nothing to do with Bebevel Adne. Ha!

He was almost in the middle with the intention of wearing a camel.

I'll watch you raw, warm and nibbly as you show off the overt upset.

I put it on something and it felt like that from the end of the word, so I just wanted to keep up with it.

"Because it's not! Bel Adone and I don't have that kind of relationship!... Are you listening? You didn't hear me! Stop that niggered face. Yikes!

... That's funny. Koitz.

"Don't worry. The value of a woman is not the size of her chest."

"So who's gonna be relieved of what? Yikes! You're not listening at all!

Gently, narrow your eyes to Astas, who cries bright red to his ears.

I can't stop thinking about what's going on.

I couldn't help but be irritated by anxiety and impatience.

Then it's better to sit here with one belly and think about the woman you like. That's what I say about being ready.

"... what about brave people like that"

"Heh?... Me?

"How long have you been single in a good year? It's okay to have one of the floating stories."

No. Same age.

I won't tell you, it's a flower.

I know it's meant to be revenge, but I guess I wouldn't dress up if I said it with a fuzzy face.

Return the bitter laugh and think of it as a fudge.

"It's me... I don't know, because I've lived with all the rough stuff. I've come a long way, but... I've never had such a sweet relationship."

As I say, the matter of a (...) a (...) tsu (...) comes to mind.

There's one shadow I can't forget, though it wasn't about love or love.

"What are you talking about?"

"... well. But there's one guy I can't forget. He's in there."

The woman who enjoyed the night with the momentum on the spot is there. We've lived together for a while, but after a while, everyone, we're not looking for another place.

I thought that was fine.

Until then, I thought that would be good.

Reflecting nostalgic shadows, I lean just a little towards unsightly sentiments.

"He was such a creepy, disturbed man who felt guilty about living like himself."

I'm not myself. I'm forced to dress myself up.

It was just more frustrating every time I looked at my face, also feeling as if I was being shown such a stupid mirror of myself....... he.

"She was a good woman. I admired them together on the same back and lost them at the same time. That's all I had to do."

After the death of Fascias, the previous brave man, he returned to his country, which is fabric, and I haven't seen him for a long time.

Ever since he disappeared, it seemed kind of vain to force him to wear it, and at some point, he had stopped wearing the red leather coat, which was a trademark.

I got tired of adhering to my hobbies, and my hair and beard remained inert.

... Would you be angry not to blame people for saying that? Can you not use yourself as an excuse for inertia?



What are you thinking?... I am.

"... brave man"

If I noticed, Astas watched me worried as I accidentally shut up and smiled at myself.

"I'm sorry. I'm stuck with things.... It doesn't look like it. Nah, I want to."

Where and what are you doing by now?

I wish I could find a place to live like myself and stay healthy, even where I don't know where I can be.

I just hope so.

Stand up with your spine and hips extended.

I just meant to tease Astas a little bit, leaning towards a sentimental nostalgia. It doesn't even look like it.

It was not a good idea to come to Ladalest in the first place.

When I get here, I don't like it, but it reminds me of him.

"Sounds like it's time"

When Astas and I checked with each other, the temple knights rushed in for a small run with Zorozolo, looking obscure from the entrance to the temple.

I don't care what you think, it doesn't look like an atmosphere of trying to get more friends.

"This place is so rampant, I just have to go home."

"... then you don't have to come from the beginning"

"... don't tell me you have no body or lid. I'm gonna cry."

"Cry. Okay, do it yourself!

That's not nice.

Flirting, to Bel Adone.

"Brave Eusis. I'm sorry, but I can't bring you back to Alistair."

The Knights of the Temple, who draw swords in the same motion with all the alignments, surrounding them. An old man appeared to be coming in from that line and wondered if it was any fun.

I'll just throw away the laughter at the tip of my nose.

"Do you honestly think you're going to back off? Mm-hmm. You have to.... Astas, stay back."

Pull out your favorite sword, try to hide Astas on your back and step forward.

Mariel tells me what Astas is capable of. He's not the kind of guy I have to protect against this kind of crap, but I don't need to bother to introduce him.

He's also our trump card.

You decided there was no question, your old man issued a decree to the Temple Knights around you. An inorganic mass of kill accompanies the brilliance of a white blade and protrudes simultaneously.

"You talk fast, but you lick too much"

Faster than the tips of the temple knights protruding like a needle mountain, magic into the great sword and shake it straight off with intimidation.

Sword pressure involves magic, and just becomes a rampant breeze of tyranny, sword-tipped swarms of impending knights away from every temple knight.



Ladalest temple knights whose intentions are easily blown away with pitiful screams for each one. Even though he's wearing heavy armor, he can't even stop on the spot.

... I don't know, you guys can't even stand the weight of your own armor.

I can't forbid my weakness, which is worse than fright, to a siege that just broke after waving a great sword.

"Hih, this power in one swing!? It's a monster!"

A deep sigh spills over into the words of an old man who really does.

"... evil will not pass. I don't even know how many of you have become a bunch. If you don't want to get hurt, pull in..."

The temple knights in this temple can lose their temple.... You're too pitiful, you guys.

When Xing shredded and tried to leave him alone, his whole body popped in the unexpected booming bomb killing.

He slapped the sword as he stammered, but with unlikely impact, the stomping did not work, and he was blown backwards for about two minutes.

"... Grr!?

"Brave man!?

Take shelter behind Astas, who rushes over worryingly, checking both hands to be paralyzed with Jinjin.

"The elite of this temple can hear you if you keep it surrounded by so many people and make it simple."

Soitz, who would have come late, poisons as he kicks the other temple knights who roll like no other.

Obviously only in Germany, it was heterogeneous.

It makes me realise whether or not the fear of not being able to get to me just because I'm facing each other makes me feel like I'm coming up from the core of my body.

The figure is nothing different from the other Temple Knights.

But it was so heterogeneous that it could not exist itself.

"... what the hell, you"

Keep in the mood by releasing your limbs and feet from the chains of fear that are about to creep.

"Dude.... you don't, brave (...) person (...)"

With a strange familiarity that handicapped him, the temple knight stopped his legs and clasped his shoulders.

"It's me. Don't tell me you forgot.

Add a big gesture as you say and remove the face of your helmet.

"... Huh!? What the hell!?

On the face beneath the face, my breath snaps.

There's no way I can misread that face.

I don't care who else you are, you know better than anyone else.

I can't forget, I can't forget that face.

Gentle eyes for a righteous face.

I admired it wholeheartedly and always chased that back.

... I'm still chasing him.

Fascias, an earlier brave man.

13 years ago and one of the things I kept admiring remained the same, with a definite presence, where I looked down with pleasure.