
220Joining the Demon King's Army

The smell of iron and sweat mixes with the wind.

An army of red and white, symmetrical colored flags will crash into each of them on the plains ahead that ran up a small high hill.

The number of reds is clearly higher than that of whites. But the white circled around that red army.

It also looks like the army of the white one surrounding the circle is unilaterally attacking the army of the red one with no escape pushed into the center.

It would seem difficult to move if it was that dense.

I'm not sure about the battlefield, but I guess the troops flying Haz's white flag, who are losing by number, are more dominant than the red ones. Something's awesome.

"Don't slow down! Drive him away!"

Adolphus, who later came up the hill, shouts out and inspires the soldiers around him.

Leanscheid asked me to return to my original position. God was very lively. The Commander-in-Chief of the Demon King's Army is a Lean Shade, nominally acting Demon King, but Adolphus is in charge of the actual command. It's like inside, and it's a little hateful.

Under Adolphas' direction, the warriors of the Demon King's Army drive up an army of enemies defeated to scatter spider sons.

I look back to Carlisle, who followed me from behind, and to Anessa, who rides on his back.

"Mr. Anessa!

"Ha, ha! There's a solar flag on the redlands in Southland, and a blue moon-like print on the whites is a Russian flag! Rosidia is on our side, so red is the enemy!

Red is the enemy, white is the ally.

You can't make a mistake with a joke.


"I know.... the enemy is the red one's flag! Aim for the red one!

To Adolphas' instructions, the soldiers of the Demon King's Army raised a grunting roar. Seems motivated enough.

... then so am I.

Raise the knife high against the brave men of the demon king's army who rush through it with great success, and hope for its magnificent fruit.

In the light of my life.

The movement of the rolling flesh and its courageous wishes.

Into a fierce glow, thoughts.

Wishing thoughts turn into particles of light, gently enveloping the bodies of 30,000 soldiers of the Demon King's Army.

The magic of 'Blessing' is responsible for raising the bottom of vitality.

The soldiers bathed in particles of light made a louder roar and turned it into a roar running through the battlefield.

I'm a lot better at building magic, too.

I'm also already used to my magic power being 'blessed' by nearly 30,000 troops in one shot. Myself, around me.

"It's a good sight, I'm sorry!

I nod small at Adolphus, who rarely praises me.

... I mean, it's really rare.

Maybe it's the first time something's happened.

I feel sick about the gap between my usual mouth and poor attitude. Seriously, it makes me nervous. Are you so happy? You must be happy. Above all.

"Master Lefia!

Leanscheid, riding a big wolf, fluttered down directly beside him, creepy about how he was doing so well.

Gaze at each other and get confirmation.

"Mr. Carlisle, please, Mr. Anessa!

I entrust Mr. Anessa to Carlisle, who is somewhat puzzled, to run down the hill with Lean Shade.

No, because... yeah. Hey.

There's no reason to leave Mr. Anessa alone, and for some reason he seems happy to be with Mr. Carlisle.

Well,... I was wondering if that's okay.

Anessa told me about the plan to raise a bee in the Sacred Capital while we were preparing to recapture the Sacred Capital.

Pull Rosidia, who was originally on the ecclesiastical side in the mood, into your side and multiply it by the execution of the Master of Law to do things.

Boulder or whatever, Alistair, who gave up badly until the end, was Alistair after all. Falling doesn't just sink.

It was Adolphas' decision to timing the internal bees and bypass them to the south to a large extent, where he accidentally attacked the opponent.

There was an itch in the march dispersed for each unit so that it wouldn't be noticed, but I think it just worked.

"All hands down the enemy!"

Soldiers of the Demon King's Army rushing down from the top of the hill to the battlefield in front of them. Running through that group of people accelerating with roar alongside Leanscheid.

He was lining up to surround the other side, sliding between the ranks of the armies on the side of the allies and thrusting into the enemy formation.

Troops gaining momentum penetrate through the middle of the other party's formation.

A massive mass of chunks and chunks hit hard.

The core of the body is heavily shaken by the vibrations of the atmosphere that mix with anger and screams and strike the tympanic membrane hard.

"Lean Shade! Sacred capital heh! Molvadot leads the Kingsguard with Leanshade!


"Oh dear!?

Instructions from Adolphas flew among the deeply cut enemies, and Mr. Morbadot and Leanscheid gave their voices back to each one.

"Just go! Help me control the inside!... Lefia! Morvadots inside!

Adolphus lifts his voice as he slashes and knots with his enemy soldiers. I know, but like this, I'm still strong.

Even if one protrudes while skipping instructions to each of them, there is nothing disturbing about how it looks. On the contrary, it had quickly cut through the middle of the enemy formation, creating a path to the Holy City.

And I'm convinced of it.

It is also important to hold back the forces on the side of the kingdom coalition on the outside, but control in the Holy City will take precedence over it, and it makes no sense if the Holy Land is not reclaimed in the first place.

"Bassashi basil!


stroke the bassibasil's neck and cling to each body.

Unusual gear nowadays, I borrow something from a lightweight archer. What can be called protective gear is a lighter breastplate and a left arm gauntlet position, and this is the easiest to move.

A silver horse body rises and flies through the battlefield sky.

There is still a slight aversion to flying in the sky, but he bites his lips off and goes for the corridor of the far overhead castle gate.

"I'll be with you!

"... what, leanshade!?

A leanshade on a wolf jumped up in line in Bassashibasil rushing up the sky.

Speaking of which, you could fly, and that wolf.

... is not.

Hey, this is the general.

"Can't a demon king surrogate act on his own?

"It seems to be surrogate because it's surrogate."

They say it out loud and clear, and they realize who (...) the leanshade is acting for.

... Indeed.

It's going to pop out first, isn't it?

I'm kind of oddly convinced.

Maybe, Maori's bad. Yeah.

Shortly after he was admired for being a general, he descended into the corridor of the Holy Lock Gate, the castle gate of the Holy City. It came down so casually that it was not a foothold.

There were a number of figures in the corridor of the Holy Lock Gate, some of whom looked familiar. Definitely a soldier in the Holy Capital.

It seems that the Holy Lock Gate is already under control.

"I'm here for reinforcements, please open the door!

Then maybe, the conversation is quick haz.

"... after all, demon king's army"

"It's Mr. Lefia, the Demon King's Army is in reinforcements."

"Open the door!

Apparently some of them remembered me, and they welcomed me with joy on the full face.

"Open the gate!

The fury of Dami's voice echoed from among the soldiers in response to the desire to open the door, which he shouted again.

"... but not yet"

"Just open it! Much different than planned, but I'll take the blame! Get the Demon King's army into the Holy City!

Strong faces with the stature of a bandit's head in the back of some mountain to see directed me to open the door against a soldier to speak of.

That was a very familiar face.

"... Gama, Seiko? What, heh?

Looks like a bandit's head, though he does seem stronger than a regular soldier.

Why is Dr. Gamma, the town doctor, here?

"The Master will be executed, and I will be silenced! Open the gate, please, Lord Lephia!

"... Ha, yes!

Sensei Gama is furthered by the strong side.

Sure, he's not like that, like he can keep his mouth shut when the Master is about to be executed. Yeah.

"When I open the gate, give Lord Brave a red smoke signal!

"Mr. Gamma, give me that!

Then one of the soldiers on his side shouted out loud when Dr. Gama gave instructions to the soldiers around him.

At the same time, a fierce explosion sounds.

The pointing point of the soldier, inside the holy capital, near its center, was a big blast winding up.

"... explosion? Central square!?

The hurry color cages in Dr. Gama's voice.

"Central Square, no way"

"It's the scene of the execution.... There was no way to blow it up. I have a bad feeling about this, but fuck off!

"Master Lefia!

As Lean Shade screams, he pulls Bassashibasil's reins and jumps out of the corridor into the air.

"Dr. Gamma, I'm sorry, I'm rushing too far ahead!

"... please!

I suppose it would be better to act with Mr Morbadotte and the others if it were meant to be, but waiting for the Holy Lock Gate to open would take some time.

My instinct tells me you can't do that.

Entrust the gate all the way to Central Square.

I was kind of strong and conscious that the heartbeat of my chest, which was a little overwhelmed with anxiety, was getting a little quicker.