Marielle Clarac’s Engagement
A story you don't know.
Mariel doesn't have a lot of friends, who were always just stuck in the landscape and looking at people from around her. Leaving the aristocratic society, some close opponents, such as publisher humans and Turantur prostitutes, seemed to have little interaction with the ladies in the same position.
Marry me, and sooner or later I'll be more than a countess. That's not a good idea. We need to interact extensively and network. Mariel also knows and says she will try her best to socialize in the future, but she still seems to enjoy talking to someone she feels comfortable with. When I was with Miss Julienne, a relative and best friend, she seemed to have so much fun that I couldn't even interrupt her.
In a corner of the garden, each with a book on his lap, he talks enthusiastically and sometimes laughs. Is it exciting with reading sentiment? I talked to His Highness like that as a boy, too. I'm sorry to interrupt the girls that looked like fun and I watched from a short distance without speaking.
"You're not going"
His Royal Highness notices and walks over here. I stood my finger on my mouth and asked you to keep your voice down.
"Because it sounds like fun"
His Royal Highness nodded and looked to the girls in the shade, just like me.
"That's a rare sight. She seems like a fun daughter anytime, anywhere, but I feel like I've never seen a young lady thrive like that before."
You whisper, but I nod, too.
"Yeah, because she's been close to Miss Julienne since she was a young girl and she doesn't hesitate to relate like her sisters"
"Oh, you look like a regular maid."
I laughed a little at the words of His Royal Highness. Usually enough not to even be noticed by being present, but if you are as shaky as you are now, it does make you realize that you are there. Exactly what a "normal" girl looked like.
... just what it looks like.
It's just everywhere it looks, yes, it's a sight the painter painted for a bit of practice. Girls leaning in the shade of flowering gardens. It is a beautiful and mediocre structure. I think of this again as mediocre, whether the contents of the chat are about whispering treats, fashionable, or yearning for love that I haven't visited yet...
Totally well done just for appearance. Few people would be interested where they noticed them. The people who now take the streets on the nearby trails also paid all their attention to His Highness and me, and never saw the Mariels.
I'm probably the only one who can accurately predict the contents of a conversation between girls that no one is deeply interested in.
"Why don't you go for a minute? I'd like to talk to Miss Julienne, too, although this will interrupt the conversation between your ladies."
Looks like fun girls look adorable, His Highness and a young man, it was natural to be distracted. But I didn't feel like recommending it.
"Stop. You'll regret it."
"Why not. Just to say hello."
Whatever stops me, Your Highness will just step out. I had to follow the rest. A busy voice approaches me. He seemed obsessed with the story, and Mariels hadn't noticed this one yet.
"Stabbed wow......! Most adorable here these days...... God, just God!
"Mariel is adorable to the enemy's prime minister anyway. It's easy to understand."
I could hear the conversation, and His Highness's footsteps were dull.
"Because! That rude tone! You look sweet, but when you open your mouth, you can't stop being cold as ice! My loyalty to the prince is serious and hot, and I like the fact that it makes me feel human!
"The general looks better for his age and appearance, though. Bi-perfection of wisdom and courage is not an iron plate. A prince who can follow these two is the perfect picture."
"Perfect, or almost imperfect. Well, it would be great if the prince was a little more abusive and looked cute and stepped on the prime minister and general."
"What do you want from a beautiful twelve-year-old boy? But I understand. I agree. I want to see it super."
The two enthusiasts still don't notice us. You won't notice that until you speak up. We are totally into our own world. You usually care about your physique and hide it, but when the story gets exciting, I forget all around you. It's their fault. It may not be something that you can speak loudly in public.
Your Highness won't understand very well what you're talking about. But I stopped completely because of the difference in enthusiasm that came through.
Mariel's chatter continues.
"You're not a thirtieth prime minister and a twelve-year-old prince... that's not a good combination. I don't know if you like it."
"You surprisingly like the classic Julienne, don't you? Well, I'm a little out of defense with your kid, too. My thoughts on the prince are only loyalty, and I like Jeanne, the knight in love."
"Princess Madeleine has more contacts than Jeanne, though?
"I don't hate princesses, but they're too common to adore them."
Your Highness looks back at me. I shrugged my shoulders back as I asked for an explanation.
Jeanne the knight and Madeleine the princess, the prince, the prime minister and the general on the enemy? I mean, the book over there is Dawn Rose, right? I haven't read it, but I know the names of the key characters. Mariel told me a lot. And I also knew that the hero was not a knight or princess.
The two protagonists who will be romantic in that story are mercenaries (men) and young kings (men, of course).
- I mean, it's a romantic novel for women with that kind of hobby.
but mariel, i hear it's something that can also be enjoyed by people who like romance between men and women. The characters on the side also have a good personality, and each relationship is dug in and readable? Though often misunderstood from everyday words and deeds, Mariel herself does not prefer the story of love between men. She specializes in ordinary stories depicting the love of men and women. She just listened to Miss Julienne and, as she read the recommended novel, acquired a certain knowledge and understanding. It just seems like Mariel enjoys it enough in my eyes, too, but it's different from the readers who are stuck in plenty.
Such a Marielle, and the plentiful Miss Julienne, a novel supported by both, were "Dawn Roses". Do you think there are many female characters and adorable love on the side? (Mariel talking)
- And I would hardly have understood the conversation between the two of you without such preliminary knowledge. However, the signs of lightening appeared to have been felt, and the customer's face became uncertain whether it was possible to get any closer.
"... is that a play or something?
"It's a novel. I'm delusional about their favorite novel characters."
"Isn't that the kind of relationship that's written in the story?
"I don't know, at least not with a prince."
His Royal Highness once again sees the Mariels with the face that he is not sure. I didn't want to hear any more, but I breathed.
A novel is a rather special area, even a novel. A man should not approach inadvertently. If you don't want to be devastated by the spirit a lot, you should just watch from afar.
- Oh, yeah. It's a hands-on lesson. I took a hard blow! When I first heard those two conversations, I felt dizzy, not kidding. I was reminded that I hadn't seen enough yet.
I don't deny it. You can like it if you like. I'm not willing to stop them. But His Highness advised me to stay away from him because he would surely react the same way I did, and yet curiosity prevailed or he advanced his legs.
Shall I speak first? So those two will stop having special chats.
As a Kingsguard knight, I opened my mouth to protect His Highness in spiritual terms as well. But one step earlier, Mariel took up a new book.
"And this! It's a tremendous dig! I stumbled across that it wasn't talked about at all and was buried in the corner of the bookstore, but I was surprised to open it! I wonder if the author is not the twin of goodbye to poke me so far in the middle!
Tide your cheeks and put up a book. Was there anything more in the bump than a belly black prime minister? So you're saying the main character was a whipper?
"What... Hmm?
Miss Julienne receives the book and looks through. Parallax and quickly. But I must have looked up.
"I don't think it's a bad idea - but the offense is the other way around. Something's wrong with the setup."
"What are you saying!? Now you're not so right!
His Highness twists his neck. I felt something like a headache and held my temples down.
"Your Highness, let that one go now. I know I shouldn't be involved."
"No, but..."
Even if you don't know what's in the book, I know what you two are arguing about. Honestly, I can't accept either attack. It's a difficult topic for a man to follow.
"What's that book all about? Oddly enough, I care."
"It would be a romance novel anyway. I can't think of anything else."
"Why is there such a thing as an offense in a romance novel? Are you even at war?
"It must be a battle in a way. It's a battle we won't understand for life. Come on, let's go."
I don't want to tell His Highness any more. I am familiar with dirty stories and ugly strife in politics, but I tend to dream and be pure with women. I didn't want to put an evil paranoid tale in His Highness's ear without dirt.
I pulled my reluctant highness's arm and tried to forcibly take him off the spot. Turn your back on the girls who make you fight your opinions and hurry to get away from the voiceless as soon as possible. His Royal Highness also walked while showing his untrained.
"I don't care what you think swords and whips will attack!? The difference in offensive power isn't obvious!
"Cutier than offensive! Speaking of whips, the symbol of the animal belly black staff! There's no other way but to attack!
"What are you talking about!?"
I looked back and stuck around unexpectedly. Wasn't it a romance novel?!? No, it's definitely about romance, but why do swords and whips come out there!?
"... oh, Master Simeon?
"Gee, Your Highness!?"
Mariel and the others finally realize this way. Miss Julienne jumped up into Her Highness's figure and turned small in Mariel's shadow to hide.
"Well no, how long have you been there? They've been listening to you the whole time?
"I'm not hiding, I don't have to listen to you. It sounded normal."
His Royal Highness echoed Mariel's complaint.
"You must have been the one who didn't notice us approaching and was obsessed with the story. What were you talking about so much fun?
"I was just sharing my thoughts on the book."
Knowing his nature to me and to His Highness, Mariel answered with dignity, not even now willing to hide it. I'm going to show you a book that's been controversial since just now.
"I found a nice piece, but the difference in interpretation between Julienne and I divided my opinions"
"Is that such a difficult story? I thought it might be a romance novel if I read it."
"Yeah, it's a romance novel"
This is an unfathomable outfit with the title just in silver on the black cover. I couldn't see from the cover what it was about.
He said, "A sword is a whip, a weapon held by the protagonists?
Better not ask. Even though I knew, I couldn't help but ask because I was concerned. The words were so incomprehensible that I could not leave this place without pursuing them.
Mariel answers me with a smile.
"No, I'm the star"
"The sword and whip are the stars."
I didn't know what that meant, and my Highness and I looked at each other.
"What do you mean? A sword and a whip - someone nicknamed?
"No, it's the sword and the whip itself"
I don't know more and more. unconsciously frowning. The sword and whip themselves are the stars...... is there a story about sardines? A cursed sword, or something like that?
"It's the field of anthropomorphism. It is a vision of the sword and the whip to man, and it has further developed into love."
"I don't know!
"How do you fall in love with a sword and a whip!?"
My Highness and I stuck together at the same time. WHAT IS THAT!? WHAT AREA!?
"It wouldn't be a creature! It would be inorganic!
"So it's a story born of the imagination that if a sword had the will and personality like a man, and if a whip had been,"
"... can you imagine? Simeon."
I had no choice but to shake my head at His Highness's inquiry.
"If we're talking about animals becoming people, it's in fairy tales, but inorganic objects are... out of understanding."
"Right. Right. You'd be scared if the sword spoke out."
"Because you both have no more dreams!
Mariel mumbles in dissatisfaction. Is that a dream problem? What kind of dream is it when a sword becomes a person, whip and love?
"The whip looms supple and strong on the sword that strengthens when it is slashed. That's where adoration comes from!
No, I don't know. I have no idea.
"It will be the whip that is stronger. Whenever you feel like it, a sword that can be slashed and thrown away will create adoration where it leans without it."
Says Miss Julienne, who couldn't help but argue with Her Royal Highness. I don't know either. I didn't even want to know.
"... I don't know, but you're talking about love anyway. So, who's the man and the woman?
Even as I look like I have a headache, His Highness strives to follow the story seriously. But such an effort was not necessary. That's something you should never ask.
"Shit, isn't that what you decided?"
Mariel laughs. Don't tell me, don't tell His Highness beyond that!
Both are men - betraying the expectation, Mariel replied softly.
"... Yes?
The girls look at each other and laugh as if they understood each other.
"Because it's a sword and a whip. There won't be any men or women, will there?
"You just have to imagine where you want to be."
Even in the order of offense, are there any unanimous views there? Mariel and Miss Julienne said with a natural face.
... Oh yeah. Absolutely right. There is no gender in swords or whips. I would be in trouble if it happened. What should I do if the servel I raised on my hip is a woman? Don't make me imagine.
That's where you answer in common sense, so you don't question making me fall in love with the sword and the whip in the first place? I'm not even an organism before my sex!
"... Simeon, can you understand?
Throw us out that we can't follow, and the two of us start arguing again. His Royal Highness listened, looking at such a thing.
"Do you think you can understand?
"No, I was wondering if you could keep up with Miss Mariel"
"I was engaged to her, and I realized one thing"
I looked up into the sky once, and exhaled deeply.
"We don't have to understand all of each other's hobbies - there are things in this world that we don't understand."
I've read romance novels for women and intend to keep them as understanding as possible. But the more I try to find out, the less I can keep up with my understanding. There was still a world that I didn't know existed.
Maybe you shouldn't know. That happens too.
"... that's deep stuff"
Forget our existence, the two of us are obsessed with chatting again. The abandoned men, my lord and I, quietly left the spot.
... oh, the sky is blue.
You're at peace today.