Mariel, who was checking the seal delivered, put her neck on one of them. The sender's name is Asil Dervancourt. It's a name I found out, but I don't know him.
The trees outside the window were completely sprinkled with leaves and the wind began to blow to inform the winter visit. The weather is still warm during the day, but we need a fireplace in the morning and evening. It was every day like that.
Much of the day has passed since my engagement with Simeon, and it's time for my social reaction to settle down. In the beginning it was made into something of a rumor, something that received the attention of the first to go, but it does not monopolize the interest of people forever no matter how disproportionate the rare couple. Every other person or person that can be talked about exists at any other cost, and people's eyes also shift to follow the fashion. At the end of the social season, all the locally resident nobles went home, and Mariel and Simeon became frivolous, and there was nothing at all to be broken, so that there was no more noise.
It was a single invitation that arrived around that time. The sender is so famous that he is comparable to his fiancée's house. Everywhere the title is Earl, and it's common to be a bourgeoisie. And even more so, if each other's oldest sons were the same age, we could deduce what kind of relationship they would have. I didn't even get along with the dog monkeys - they were the ones I often hang out with.
The eldest sons are Asil and Mariel's fiancée Simeon. Naturally the two have known each other for a long time, but I don't remember hearing they were in a friendship. Mariel pulled out the information packed in her head, wondering if she was somewhat unfriendly.
Cards decorated with embossed and gold printed patterns are followed by a desire to invite them to a tea party. Is it such an absurd tea party when it comes to sending you to the daughter of a much more sublime middle-class Viscount family? Mariel also made her debut and is recognized by the social community, so it was not uncommon to want to invite her to do so. Most invitees only recognize their names, though they won't remember Mariel's face or the color of her hair.
But it's strange. Invitations are usually sent in the name of the Principal or his wife. Especially since this is an invitation to a tea party. It is not hosted by men, but is usually open with women at the centre. The Del Vancoule family's wife is alive and well, so she couldn't have been sent in her son's name. Guests who gather will be mostly women.
Even more surprisingly, the tea party day was tomorrow. It arrives today and tomorrow. It is a much steeper invitation.
Mariel also sat on the back of the chair, holding the card in her hand as a leech. Apparently, this invitation hides an unwritten purpose.
"... ugh"
Mariel's mouth drew an arc of garlic. A cat jumping on a desk deliberately sits on the envelope or card that was placed and looks up at her. In response to her gaze, Mariel slipped her cheeks over her little head.
"Look, it's a nice invitation."
The cat snorted at the invitation shown and followed it with her front leg when she smelled a little. If I rock him thinking you're going to play, I'll lose interest and put him to sleep right away. They're not as attractive to her as strings and rats for not reading letters. I have shown my belly hair at this point and have made silent demands to be otherwise.
Mariel was in a good mood while doing her abundant belly hair accordingly.
"I've been through a lot of harassment from the ladies, but now it's from the lords! New and fresh! Speaking of Ashir, you're famous for being counter-conscious to Simeon! To be clear, Master Simeon is cooler, more competent, trusted by His Royal Highness Prince Wang, and he's not a great contender! But you don't think so yourself, and you're going to be a competitor. After you put something on it and grabbed it by Master Simeon, you haven't been dealt with much, but now you've got your eyes on me. I wonder what you're going to do. So you're going to make fun of Simeon for making me a laugher and engaging such a boring woman - might be a little troublesome..."
Exciting words disappeared after losing momentum. The invitation that was swinging in one hand is also put back on the desk.
Nodding his face at the cat's belly, Mariel became Hmm.
"I don't mind being ridiculed at all... I'd rather be welcome to cover it... but Ashir's real purpose is Simeon. You want to make me a dashi and make me a Simeon. You're in trouble for that."
The cat starts licking her front leg as she leans on her back, letting the owner do whatever she wants. I've raised it since I was a kitten enough to ride one hand, so I wouldn't be jerked around my stomach, which is a steep point. Mariel was stretching her throat as she sounded comfortable because she knew how to please her.
Daily care is important because soft, long hairs occasionally come together to make hairballs. Mariel gently pulled her hair apart and wondered if there was anything on it.
"If it's a challenging letter from you ladies, I'll take whatever you want and stand... they want to attack only me, and you don't have to worry because I admire Master Simeon. But Master Ashir... hmm."
Flip your little body over with corn, but the cat won't resist. I'll slap a ton of fingertips at the base of a thick chocolate-colored plush tail with my back that looks like chocolate powder all over my condensed milk. The cat's reaction changed and she twisted herself to calm down. The tail rose with a pin and the back leg moved with a twist as she lay asleep. tongues tongues. Mariel thinks as she stimulates her cat bumps to do it.
I'm about to leave in an exquisitely easy and plain outfit, which is neither possible nor impossible as usual, but I can't even say that all this time. It is known at last that Mariel is once a beautiful daughter - nine out of ten would be regarded as mediocre and the other as malicious and insignificant. To that extent. Even though I had to freshly adorn it now, I needed to do so to the extent that I was not too inferior to Simeon's fiancée.
How long can you hold your hand? Mariel keeps up the idea. Unfortunately, all the dresses Mariel has are things that this doesn't flatter me. I had all those things made to be discreet. My parents could have made something more gorgeous. With the Clarak family, I have the financial resources to that extent. Mariel herself has pursued plain, not even listening to her mother's words that if she were a little more fashionable. I didn't think you'd regret that at all.
The tea party is tomorrow, so we don't have time for new tailoring. You'll only have enough hands to borrow from someone.
I thought of someone who seemed to have a lot of gorgeous costumes and would be consulted, and the first thing that came to mind were the prostitutes in the established whorehouse. In beauty and glamour, the flowers of Turantur, which are not great in a concurrent maid, will know how to be beautiful even in Mariel. Let's ask our friends, Mariel thought a little, but soon the plan was taken down. It is the highest ranking and most popular prostitutes in Turantur. I guess I still have an appointment tonight. It's annoying to suddenly push and do every such favor.
Besides, if nobles hang out with each other, they're more qualified than they are. Is there someone familiar with how to deal with the Del Vancoule family?
Mariel nodded one thing. Yes, she's the only one. You can show Simeon's mother, Countess Frober, this invitation and talk to Estelle.
She's a woman who loves fashion, and if she gets hurt selling it from the Delvan Cool family due to it, she'll stick it out and buy it high. There is no more comforting helper than her.
If that's the case, we have to hurry. Let's start with the Count's house and ask for permission to visit. There is a stronger aspect to confirming if Mrs. Estelle is home than courtesy. It was too late in the season for tea parties and banquets to be held, but it doesn't necessarily mean she stays home every day.
When I tried to move my hand to get out the card I had just bought, my little front leg pulled over. The nails pull in properly, reluctantly pulling Mariel's arm. Simeon's same water-colored eyes stared at Mariel, "Mi," she said sweetly, slightly dissatisfied.
"Oh man. You're already good at this! Yes, yes, yes!
I don't have time. No, but I can't resist the demands of my beloved hairball.
He was Mariel, complaining only about his mouth but letting his face melt and continue serving the cat for a while longer.
"He talked to me a lot. Good judgment."
Mrs Estelle, who welcomed Mariel, praised her son's fiancée by saying that she knew the circumstances.
"I didn't know about tomorrow's tea party. I didn't get an invitation. What are you going to do with only you? But you're not gonna say no, are you?
Bright blue eyes laugh provocatively and stare at Mariel. Mariel, sitting opposite her, nodded firmly.
"Yeah, because if you refuse, they're going to attack you for that."
"You're right. It's such a sudden invitation. I have no problem turning it down if it's not convenient, but then I realize I'm scared. I'm determined to say what it is. It would be a belly to ridicule my son's daughter-in-law, and from there to ridicule my son, and hence my Frober family. Don't lose, Mr. Mariel! Although it is a crappy challenge, the struggle against Delvan Cool involves the prestige of this Frober family. Good luck to you!
Get yourself out of the chair. Mrs. Estelle takes Mariel's hand. Mariel nodded once again, all a little distracted by the momentum. Yes, this battle, you can't lose. We have to protect the honor of our beloved fiancée!
"That said, there is no way I can be beautiful, or, at best, to a greater extent than usual. Will that be all right?"
Where I have worked so hard, it may be Mariel. I can't be the beauty that overwhelms me around. The opponent will attack you irrespective of where you dress, but how do I intercept that? Mrs. Estelle answered her future daughter-in-law with some anxiety.
"It's fine. What you need is an outfit and a gesture worthy of character. In this case, the Frovel family has the character. It's not nagging to say it's midstream, as usual, and it needs to be grand. Nothing, you don't have to be beautiful. There are many attractive women who have never rubbed them beautifully, but even if they don't. These people have a radiance from the inside, and they know how to dress to further enhance it. I want you to be that kind of woman."
Let go of Mariel's hand, and now he comes with it on his cheek.
"As someone who will marry the Count family, learn to behave without embarrassment. Don't be assimilated to walls or landscaped in Sumiko, but claim to exist in people's circles."
To this demand, it was Ugly Mariel.
"Well, it's... I had some kind of survival anxiety about being noticed as soon as possible by being present. It's very unsettling that you can't hide."
"This is not a wild kingdom, this is a Lagrange kingdom! You are a noble daughter, not a bug or a small animal!
"But when you can assimilate into the landscape, you can be confident that whatever you do is fine. 'Cause no one's seen it, and I don't even notice it."
"What are you going to do! We weren't talking about buying sold kemps!?"
"Oh, I was"
To Mariel, who remembered the subject, Mrs. Estelle exhaled tirelessly.
When I talk to Mariel, most people become stuck. She thought again of the doubts she had had many times before, wondering where her son had fallen in love with her.
Appearance won't be the deciding factor. That's impossible. It's not that Mariel is clumsy, she's not so impressed as to be a decision-maker. Clumsier is more memorable to people. Anyway, Mariel doesn't have much of a trait.
The white spot is fine. Hair also has clean hair that is commonplace in color but glossy, and flows off like silk thread without creases. You have a pretty good mouth. It is not too big, not too small, and the lips are shaped just fine. My nose is a little low but not enough to worry about, and my eyes are never too thin. When I lined her up like this, I wondered if she had a good amount of weight, but when I looked closely at her, I couldn't even wipe the impression that there was nothing wrong with her. Is it still because of these glasses? Eyeglasses claiming a large presence in the young daughter's face made her wildness feel stronger than the effect of making an intelligent impression.
I don't think glasses are the deciding factor.
It was Mrs. Estelle who was anxious for a moment for her son, who often used glasses. No, no, no, there shouldn't be such a perverse preference. He shouldn't have been that obsessed with glasses.
Hoping that was the case, she bothered her head wondering what other decision-makers there were. Well, it's not a bad personality. A strange, pungent daughter somewhere, but basically a bright, honest personality I can like. I'm not familiar or careless, I'm a sociable person. Even with the first person I met, I wander off without telling them anything.
However, somehow in a place where people get together in large numbers, they want to sneak around to be discreet. Are you also anxious to be hunted by natural enemies? Indeed, the social world is, in a way, a world of weak and strong eating.
My son just makes fun of me when I ask him what he likes and he doesn't answer. Maybe Mariel has a charm she doesn't know and Simeon realizes it properly. I still can't find it at the moment, even though I think I should know.
Restore your mind, Mrs Estelle said.
"It's going to take a lot of time to get ready, and I'm going to have you stay here today. I'll take care of your house, so leave here tomorrow."
"You brought your engagement ring, didn't you?
In response to a communication from Mariel, Mrs. Estelle has accompanied her with instructions to bring her engagement ring. Nodding, Mariel takes the box of rings out of her bag. What's inside is a splendid ring with big diamonds. It was so splendid and awkward that I rarely used it. Mariel doesn't have enough piercing and style to make her look good. Neither does the dress in your hand match the character of the ring. Park's fiancée didn't know the circumstances of such a woman, so he gave her a luxurious ring as recommended by the store owner.
"Do you use this? Um, I can't tell you in front of Master Simeon... you don't look good on me. You lose the splendor of the ring."
Mrs Estelle assured Mariel, who said with a troubled face, that she was comfortable with everything.
"Yeah, I was a little confused about what to do when Simeon showed me too. I thought we should rebuild it... but we're going into this house, so we have to use this much."
"At last, I wish you were grand. You don't look so unsure because you choose the right dress."
Mariel shrugs her neck when she is told she is picky. I dropped my eyes on the box in my hand anxiously wondering if it was really okay, although I was unwilling to disobey the instructions of my aunt I depended on.
- That night Simeon Frober, Deputy Commander of the Kingsguard Knights, was hit by an unexpected situation.
"Welcome home, Master Simeon!
The welcome was neither butler nor lady, but her fiancée's smug smile. I was slightly surprised to see if he was coming, and I wonder why he's even here at this hour. I got a little longer work today and came home slower than usual. It's a good time to go home, even if you've been called to prepare for your marriage. He frowned wondering why Mariel was here now.
"I'm home now...... aren't you the time to go home already? Your family will be worried."
"I'm staying today."
The fiancée, who replied with a smile, approached me shyly dyed her cheeks.
"Ugh, what shall we do? Under one roof with Master Simeon - this is the only way to move on to the next development, isn't it?
"What development!?"
Push away the body as it creeps in and out. Either you're ashamed or bold.
"What the hell does staying mean?"
"Oh, welcome home, Simeon. You were late today. Mr. Mariel's staying in your room, okay?
"There's no way!
A mother who emerges from behind says something outrageous, as a matter of course. I know it's a joke, but if I thought so and was alarmed, I was also a mother who could really do it.
"Let it be! Because I read and studied all kinds of stories! Oh, but I have to go to a tea party tomorrow, so you'll have trouble having kids."
"I can't keep up with the story! I'm not going to do anything I can to make sure that I don't have enough kids to have trouble overnight, and it's the guys who should be left to talk about it - I don't care!
"Oh, something reliable. Well, I don't know if I was born before the ceremony. I'm sorry to hear that, but I'll be fine now...
"Don't be serious, Mother!
On a daily basis, the servants enjoy watching the quiet young man swing in surprise. That seemingly uncharacteristic and quiet lady brings out a side of you that they didn't know about. The servants, before our family, began to wait for the spring visit, saying that this hall would be more lively and enjoyable if she married me.