The four midwives and Clinique all looked pale, kneeling tremblingly.

Especially the midwife also holds a baby boy in his hands.

When Yang Shuqing saw the intruding party, the whole person was struck by thunder and his mind was blank. After careful planning for so long, the last step fell short.

Grandpa Li, the two grandmas...

Confused Royal Bloodline...

The warm, spring-like room seemed to turn into an ice cave in an instant. Yang Shuqing glanced at the expression of King Qin and lowered his head. The blood on his face faded away a little. It was over, everything was over.

Now it can only block Qin's feelings for her.

She doesn't want to die, she can't die!

She has not stepped Jiang Ningbao under her feet, and has not seen Jiang Ningbao's scenery no longer after Ding Guo Gong's death!

King Qin looked blue, and his eyes were full of disbelief. He closed his eyes and walked step by step to the delivery bed. His steps were unusually slow, and he walked for a long time before reaching the delivery bed.

Qin Wang Dingding looked at Yang Shuqing and asked with difficulty.

"Why do you do this, why do you deceive me?"

He has been looking forward to him and Shu Qing's children, who knows that all of this is false, fake... Thinking of himself kneeling in front of the mother princess just to help Shu Qing to be upright, when he is the only woman.

Yang Shuqing lowered his head, exposing a fragile and slender neck, which could not help but feel pity. Hearing Qin Wang's question, he raised his head in the most gentle and timid attitude, tears in his eyes, gazing at Qin Wang with infinite affection .


Evidence and material evidence are all there, and it is still on the spot to capture the bag. Sophistry is useless, it is better to simply admit.

Yang Shuqing hates the weak woman. At this moment, she has to bet on Qin Wang's feelings and bet on her pity for her.

Qin Wang looked at her straight and stubbornly asked for an answer: "Shu Qing, why do you want to do this? If you are honest that you can't have a baby, I can give you children born to other women!"

King Qin's eyes fell on the baby held by the midwife, and his anger was agitated in his heart, and his voice suddenly increased: "But I can't accept you confusing the royal blood and holding wild seeds of unknown origin!"

After today, he will surely become a joke.

Yang Shuqing moved her lips, but couldn't say a word. At this time, she couldn't quibble. Her eyes gave Clinique a casual look.

The explanation cannot come from her mouth.

Clinique suddenly kowtowed back and said, "My lord, please be angry, please listen to the slave servant. The lady on the side concubine never thought to confuse the royal bloodline. The mother loves the prince too much. I dare not tell you the fact that you can't bear children. Qian Rong gave birth to a baby, but she stole away a few days before her mother was born."

"Qian Rong is pregnant with your child, Lord Ye!"

"The empress finally had to take a substitute from the outside first. If Qian Rong was found, she gave birth to a little prince, and she would replace it at that time. If not, the empress would kill him and not really confuse the royal blood! "

Finally, she explained the house where Qianrong was placed, taking care of Qianrong's grandma and the doctor who diagnosed Qianrong's pulse.

After Clinique finished his talk, he blew his head: "Slaves and slaves are true, please check it out!"

Yang Shuqing was very cooperative with tears.

"Clinique said everything is true, and Lord Ye can check it."

King Qin was stunned by this tremendous thunder and his body wobbled. He didn’t expect that... he didn’t expect that...the truth was so, no wonder that Qian Rong’s maid would be released...

Everyone present was silent.

The two court grandmaes were expressionless. They had seen more of this kind of thing. They couldn't afford any ripples. Li Gonggong did the same. He would only act impartially.

Concubine Yang confuses the royal blood, and blames it!

If it were not for Anyuan Hou to have severed her father-daughter relationship with her long ago, this move must be implicated in Anyuan Hou.

Such a good opportunity, the emperor will certainly not let go.

When he looked at King Qin, he found that he was shaken and shook his head silently. King Qin was almost blinded by Yang's, his sons and daughters were long-loved, and was pinched by a woman.

"Your lord, the emperor has a purpose, confuse the royal bloodline!" Li Gonggong said indifferently, glancing over the kneeling maidservants.

The midwives were ashamed and kowtowed, begging for mercy: "The woman in the village was confused for a while, and she received the silver from her mother, and also asked the emperor and prince to show mercy, and Rao will die..."

"Come here, escort a man, etc., into the jail!"

As soon as Gongong Li's words fell, a house of guards broke into the house and the midwives cried and screamed violently.

"Slow down, Shu Qing's matter, I will ask the emperor to sin!" King Qin saw that the two court grandma wanted to catch Yang Shuqing, and immediately stopped loudly.Tall figure stood in front of Yang Shuqing, protecting her.

"Please don't stop the servants from doing things!" Grandpa Li frowned.

Yang Shuqing looked at the tall body that was standing in front of him, and throbbed in his heart, his eyes were tearful. King Qin... King Qin... she slammed down from the bed and gave King Qin a deep look.

"Master, please take care!"

After talking, Yang Shuqing walked back to the two court grandmaes without looking back: "Go!"

King Qin closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He knew Shu Qing's meaning. She didn't want him to bear a crime of anti-decency. Shu Qing's consideration made him more uncomfortable and heartache.

Shu Qing never thought to confuse the royal blood, she just misread and believed the wrong person!

Damn it is Qian Rong's maid!

"Shu Qing, you can rest assured that I will ask the emperor to be gentle!"

Yang Shuqing saw that King Qin was not in trouble, and she was relieved in her heart. What she wanted was to save her life. She believed that King Qin who loved her life would not let her down!

The events that happened in the middle of the night of the Qin Dynasty were finally spread. The secretly concerned officials were shocked. Yang Yanfei and Jiang Ran boldly confused the royal bloodline. It was also her handwriting that Chen Taiyi became unconscious, because Chen Taiyi knew her Infertility...

Even Yang Shuqing's false pregnancy was involved, and Zigui's secret medicine was also passed on.

The house ladies were shocked.

The Jin King who carefully planned all this will certainly not miss this great opportunity to bring down Qin King and An Yuanhou!

When Yang Wanling learned that Yang Shuqing was being held in the prison, the big stone stuck in her heart finally fell to the ground, and the whole person rose brightly, and with the help of Jin King, could not wait to leave the Qin Wang Mansion.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Dingguo Government

Jiang Ningbao lay in bed for a long time, still not a little sleepy, even with the passage of time, even more and more sober, and kept thinking about the same problem in his mind.

What will Yang Shuqing end?

Will she be killed?

Jiang Ningbao was thinking about something. At this time, a long arm took her into her arms, and a low magnetic voice suddenly sounded in her ear: "Ningbao, why don't you sleep?"

Jiang Ningbao snuggled his head in the arms of Ding Guogong: "I can't sleep. I want to know the follow-up of Qin Wangfu. I want to know whether Yang Shuqing will be killed."

Ding Guo Gong smiled and put a kiss on her face: "What is the result, you will know tomorrow, don't think about it at this time, sleep well!"

Jiang Ningbao thinks about it too. It's useless to sleep around here. After thinking about it, she slowly closed her eyes in the arms of Ding Guo Gong and slept.

The corner of Ding Guo Gong's mouth slightly curled, and his eyes closed.

Early in the morning of the second day, Jiang Ningbao got refreshed and refreshed. After having fresh breakfast, she could not wait to ask Duke Guo Yang Shuqing's end.

She just saw the black guard sending a message to Grandpa Guo.

Ding Guogong glanced at her anxious look, and picked up the corner of her mouth unconsciously, a faint smile appeared in her eyes, and the voice replied in a low voice: "Yang Shuqing has been put in jail!"

Jiang Ningbao heard the words, and dazzled in her eyes.

"This time she is afraid of death."

The thought of Yang Shuqing who had dealt with her twice or three times was about to be resolved.

Ding Guogong thought of the news he had just received, and there was a trace of indifference in his eyes. There was King Qin here. This Yang Shuqing could not die. He said quietly: "Qin King has a deep affection for her and will plead for her. The emperor should not Give her death, death sins are exempt, living sins are inevitable, and sometimes it is a pain to live."

After talking, he and Jiang Ningbao talked about what happened in Qin Wangfu.

Jiang Ningbao: "..."

She was really happy too early. Yang Shuqing, the heroine, was not so easy to die. Although it was a bit regretful, the father-in-law was right. After this, there will be no good ending without dying.

The fact is exactly what Jiang Ningbao thought, although the scandal that confuses the royal blood has not spread, no one in the aristocracy knows about it.

The four midwives and Clinique were killed, and none of the people in Yang Shuqing's yard were spared. Dr. Zhang in the palace left an absolute letter and then died after drinking poison.

The insiders who had served Qian Rong had been killed in abundance.

In just a few days, everyone involved in the matter was dealt with cleanly.

When the emperor Qianyuan of the Yuan Dynasty was in trouble, Anyuanhou turned over his military power sensibly, abandoned Mrs. Anyuanhou, and then became a Houye without real power. Everyone in the Anyuanhoufu hated Yang Shuqing.

King Qin knelt at the door of Yushufang for three days and three nights. After turning over all the forces, he finally got the results he wanted. King Qin was reduced to a county king and became an idle lord without power.

When King Jin knew, he was silent.

He didn't expect his brother to fight evenly before, but in the end he was willing to fall to this point for a woman.

Yang Shuqing survived and became a criminal slave. Carrying his identity as a criminal slave all his life, he was assigned to work in Huangzhuang, and there was no one around him.

This kind of life is more uncomfortable than death.

But Yang Shuqing did not dare to die.

With the care of King Qin, even if he had to work, it was a lot easier.

In my heart, I regretted my greed. If... If Qian Rong confessed to King Qin after escaping, how good it is, but unfortunately, if not, now she has become a criminal slave.

Life again, but the ending is worse than the previous life.

Yang Shuqing stayed in the cold servant's room, trembling with cold, she looked at the heavy snow in the imperial village, and looked back at the other servant in the room—Qianrong.

Qian Rong, who escaped, was also caught back.

She gave birth to the little prince of King Qin Jun, and was sent to Huangzhuang and Yang Shuqing as partners without giving birth. Yang Shuqing did not listen to Qian Rong's sophistry. The biggest daily pastime was to scold Qian Rong.

Qian Rong did not resist at first, and finally wrestled with Yang Shuqing.

The management in Huangzhuang received the words of King Qin Jun and looked after Yang Shuqing, but it only saved her life and gave her a relaxed buddy. Others, the management did not care.

In the Dingguo government, there was a group of cheers and laughter at this time, which was very lively.

This day is the day when the twins reach their first birthday.

The twins grabbed Zhou Li and the guests were like clouds.

This time, Emperor Qian Yuan attended the twins' grasping Zhou Li. Qi Geer and Lin Ge looked like Ding Guo Gong’s appearance, healthy and sturdy, but their personalities were different. Qi Geer was quiet, but Lin Geer was lively and naughty, The ladies who came were amazed.

Xiao Ran, the little prince of Ruiwang Mansion, squeezed the faces of the two little guys very politely, and his heart was dark, he did not dare to face Ding Guo Gong, but he could pinch his son, haha!

At the beginning of Xiao Ran, there were several princes or noble ladies who followed suit, and the two little guys were not vegetarian. Xiao Ran’s lord was able to succeed because he shot too suddenly.

Jiang Ningbao saw that the two little guys ran to Ding Guogong with their faces that were very similar to Ding Guogong, and smirked. Ding Guogong in the distance looked up to Jiang Ningbao with some sense, and their eyes were on The air meets, and the tenderness flows before the two.

Hold your hand and grow old together!

Xie Jingyi looked at the scene far away and smiled.

The author has something to say: Thank you all for the flowers, the text is over, and the rest is just outside, and explain the ending of some people clearly.

By the way, ask for advance receipt, click the author column to enter and you can see the new article in advance~~

This October from October 2nd, the author has been repeatedly repeating the cold and low fever, the update is not satisfactory, something happened at the end of the code, here to say sorry to everyone.