Martial Peak

Chapter 5864

"Moja is probably out!"

The General Secretary Division, in front of a huge Qiankun map, Mi Shuon said.

The Qiankun map is a military thing that is specially created here, which is used to wear a military domain of all major domains. This Qiankun has included all the big domains known to today's people and even the ink battlefield, presented in a translucent manner. before.

The zone of nearly nine-nine nine is full of ink, which represents the place occupied by the Mu Fu.

Only a few positions are not doped, which is the big domain that the people of the people can control, including several big domain battlefields that have been recovered.

During the speech, the rice is lifting slightly raised his hand, pushing the power, and the Qiankun furnace in the vision of everyone has changed some changes, very fast, one of which has a large domain around ink, and the ink is retracted.

Everyone see is clear, it is where the rain is located.

In this case, the general is a giant agility from all selected, and listens to the , ..., .. . ...... . .

These people have a low, high, and there are only four or five products. Although they don't have to kill the enemy on the battlefield, it is undeniable that these years have huge huge attacks. contribution.

The combat instructions sent to the various big domains are all discussed by them with the rice economy.

In this moment, Mi Jing has been applied, and some people exclaim: "Yu Lin recovered?"

Only one big domain is recovered, and Mi Jinglong will change something on this Qiankun.

Mi Jinglun's first, one jade simple in his hand: "This is the battle report from the front line. The Qing Yang Jun teamed up with Yulin Jun, which was over before the Talent Camp before the three days, and went to the rain."

A group of people will be around, they have been seen, and many people have revealed the highlights, but they also have a frowning, and the feelings are not very right.

After a hundred years ago, the Qiankun furnace projected once again, and the preparationful people were prepared to give the Mu Fu to the headstick, killing many ink.

There is also the return of Niangshan Ouyang Lie to Jinzheng, and each of them is handsome. Junior Machinery, only two major domains.

During these years, the people of the people in the people of the people have a rainy, and they have recovered the big domains in the field of Thunder, and they are basically fixed in the two domains of Qingyang and Wolf tooth, more than ten large domain battlefields. Received six.

However, after brilliant, it is hard to pull and confront, and the war is coking.

The monument of Tens of pseudo kings in the Mu Fu born, sprated the advantages of nine products from the nation. In the past few years, the people have no progress in the past few years, and they have no more demo.

However, in such an analogy, Yulin Domain has been recovered, and it is really strange.

And the information sent back in the battle report, and some problems, the sleek person of thinking has been noticeable.

In the first sentence that Microstruach is initially said, some people can not help but ask: "Marshal, why will it break the Moza?"

Mi Jinglun looked at the Qiankun chart was thinking, heard: "Let's talk about this battle, what is the idea?"

The person who said to speaking: "At first glance, the people are victorious, killing the enemy, there is no problem, but carefully, the number of strong people who are killed by the Mun people are too small, and the false prince is one Not dead. "

Many people nod appendedly, those who are not realized, and they woke up at this moment.

Such a battle with the gains and gaps in a domain, the Mu Yi is tilted, if so, it is impossible to only be so strong.

In the war of all the big domains received, which war did not have a false king of the false king?

However, this time is not, the pseudo-princes have a simple three-talent, and they can compete with the nine products of the nation, and a three talent that is consistent by the false king is often required to have eight lineups. The six-in-one maintenance is counter-out.

"The Trien is still there?" Someone looked low.

Mi Si dynasty It is also to be recovered. "

Although the recovery lost land is pleased, the people have been working hard in this year for so many years, only to recover the loss of land, the sacrifices of the countless soldiers are meaningful.

In her eye, it is not what the people want to see.

"Striry, draw a front line, indeed there is a taste of Mo'nay." A voice came from the corner.

For many years, everyone has confounded by Mojing, with Moza, and arranged on the battle of the two national army. For Moja, everyone is more familiar.

The ink has been in a hundred years, it has been embarracking, but it is now remained that the strategy is suddenly changed. It is obviously that some people will plan their strategy, and this high person may be Moja.

In fact, when he had recovered six big domain battlefields here, Mi Socquel said that it was not a good thing.

The people must not only take the target of the lost land, but also to kill the Mu Fu, if it can be recovering the lost land, it is the most perfect ending.

Because the number of three thousand worlds is too much.

The inqui family lost a big domain, and you can stand behind the next big domain. As long as the strong is dead, the inqui family is not too much, but only changed a place to fight with the people.

However, the family is different. This area has been recovered, and the front of the front will be thrown. One side of the family can.

The best way, naturally the situation under the situation, the people's army is constantly grinding the power of the inqui family, until the Moi is unable to compete with the people, and when the people of the people have, it will be able to recover three thousand worlds, and ink The family completely killed.

So in the past few years, although the people who have not recovered more of the big domains, they broke out every war, and the people of the people are full of efforts, and they can kill the ink power as much as possible.

The Mu Fu did not retreat at the battlefield of the big area, and the situation of the people who were willing to see.

However, now, the Mo people suddenly changed the strategy ...

This is very uncomfortable.

"Qiankun furnace is closed for a hundred years, Mo Na is not much raised, this time is not surprising, and he has more experience in the Mu Fu, now he is the king, the Mo Hao will only be more Visit him! "

Mi Society is actually a little sorry. Yang Kai is not an accident, Moje will die undoubtedly, and there will be such a trouble.

According to the intelligence, Yang Kai and Mo Nay are from the same place to the Qiankun furnace. After the Qiankun furnace is closed, they also consider simultaneous appearance, then Moza is created, and it will be Yang Kai's opponent.

However, after the shocking battle of the Qiankun furnace, Yang opened his trace and let Monas fertilized.

At present, when the Qiankun furnace is closed, Yang Kai did not appear in Mo'er, it was difficult to be trapped in the Qiankun furnace?

If so, I don't know how the Mono Moon can take off.

"Marshal, the Mu Yi should be such that what do we do?" Someone asked.

Mi Jing Dynasty smiled: "This is a positive, we don't have a choice, the bait that the inqui is thrown out, we can only eat!"

Yulin Domain is recovered, can you still don't want it? This is also true of other big domains.

It can be imagined. In the future, the people must have a successful newspaper, and the results will continue to be recovered.

Once the family has recovered more big domains, the front of the front will be constantly stretched. In order to guard against the big domain of the recovery, the people must leave some power defense.

Every big domain, the power of the national army will be weakened.

Until the front of the war is long enough until the Mo people have confidence to compete with the humanity, then the counterattack of the ink will arrive.

This is another war of fighting.

I don't have a meal of rice. In the next few months, there is a long-term news from the front to the General Division.

The Shenfeng domain was recovered in the bipolar and the gods of the gods.

Zihong Domain was recovered under the joint hand of Zihongjun and Xuan Dijun, killing the enemy.

Yunxiao sword field is recovered ...

The Vainan area was recovered ...

A Fengjie was sent to, until a year, the people of the people of the people had been in the ten-thousand years of the big domain battlefields, all the hands of the people, the people of the people of the people fierce, the morale is like a rain.

The news came to the star, passing to the world of the Wan Dynasty and even the new big domain, so that they settled in this world of people, the world jubilant.

Since the beginning of the ink invasion of the ink invasion, the darkness and haze enveloped the people for thousands of people. Until today, people finally saw the dawn. I saw the hope of victory. The big army of the family seems to be able to ruin, and will be set at a large area, but also This three thousand worlds have a Lang Lang.

Only a few people understand that such a beautiful expectation will not come true, the real war is just beginning.

Such a war of the fate of the two fate, I don't know how many people have blood staining, and I don't know how many people have to fill this endless abyss.

At this time, Yang Kai is being returned to the road.

The sound of Lei Ying in the mind: "The boss cheers, the speed is quick, let's get rid of it!"

That sound is very nervous.

No, this moment, Yang Kai is in a crisis.

I thought it was promoted to the nine products. The world is bigger, even if you encounter any strength, it can escape.

However, this is back to the torrentistic sky, or let him prevent it.

On this way, he is in the heart of intimate in the Qiankun furnace. The flesh will be controlled by Fang Tian, ​​in general, it will be around the sky.

However, this time I encountered the time that he did not respond.