Martial Peak

Chapter 6006 Coincidence and Accounting

"No matter what the test is, I will eventually fail." Yang Kai Shen Sheng said, "Since the test, since the failure, then I will be a fake, when I am shot, I will kill me! But I am in the city, countless teaching The crowds are always welcoming, and after this news passed out, the people will inevitably turn the heart, this time, God can launch the sacred sacred sacred, calm the storm, the people need the real thing. Son, as for those of the Son, it is not important. "

The first way of holy girl: "The flag owners really want the person to stand in Taiwan in recent time, but I have a concern and have not agreed."

Yang Kai took the way: "The Son is born, this is a big thing, and the god is completely by this, and it is aimed at the action of the ink, and it is pronounced!"

The Saint-Daughter suddenly understood that Yang Kai's meaning: "This is good, just do it."

Next, the two discussed some details, and the sacred girl was re-put onto the mask and hurriedly left.

In this whole process, the animal husbandry has always been sent, just listening quietly.

Until the sacred woman leaving, she opened: "The cultivation of the real yuan is indeed enough to be in this frenzy in this sweep world."

Yang Kai helpless: "I have tried breakthrough, there is always a layer of invisible shackles, which makes it difficult to break through, seemingly the heaven and earth law, is the backhand left behind?"

Shendan laughed: "You are the people who have saved the world. It is easy to cause the host of the source of this source of the ink, so I will not be too high. But I have already reached this time, the strength will improve one point. It is convenient to act. "

As soon as she raised her hand toward the head of Yang Opening.

I finished printing, Yang Kai wrote a shock, only feeling that the shackles of the shackles in the body were broken, and the cultivation of the real yuan was climbed, and quickly arrived in the gods, and quickly climbed to the peak of the gods. This is smooth.

Compared with the cultivation of his own nine products, the peak of the gods is still small, but it has reached the limit of this world, and the strength is strong, and some of the transformation of the heaven and earth law will.

Yang Kai felt a slight increase, quickly adapt, lifted his eyes: "Shot out of the ink, the seniors may help me?"

He thought that the pastoral agreed, but he didn't want to scream: "I can do so much, I will rely on yourself."

Yang opened: "What is this?"

The silhouette of the animal, it looks like an ordinary person, but she only looks at the gods of her talents. Yang Kai knows that she is so simple that she seems to look so simple. If she can help, shell the ink, order this world The things in the ink must be easier.

But she refused her invitation.

Shepherd explained: "I am just a silhouette after all, I really can use there's not much power. Squiry is waiting for so many years, the power of this silhouette is almost exhausted."

"It turns out." Yang opened him without him, "It is a late child."

He slowly got up, holding a box: "Something, the younger generation will leave."

Masterp up.

When you travel to the door, Yang Kai suddenly remembered something, the opening: "The test of the predecessors, the test of God, what is it?"

Pomderly said: "Said to test, in fact, some of the inks collected in the year, there is there, the non-holy southern people go in, and they will be eroded by the ink, and the ink is naturally unable to pass the test. . Only when I approve it, I will secretly give a secret surgery before entering, free from ink infection, and naturally I can go. "

Yang Kai suddenly.

Is it a sacred child, the animal husbandry and one clear, the reason why the fascia is born, she will feel contact with it, just in this night, when it is now the current holy girl, give the secret, can be a lot of gods Under the high-level eyelids, we have a lot of high-level recognition.

"What can the gods now? How can I pass that test?" Yang frowned, not only the need for the tend to give the secret skills, he can be safe in the environment that flooded ink?

Grandi seems to know what he is thinking, shaking his head: "Things are not what you think ..."

Yang Kai is thinking: "What is the predecessor seems to hide?"

The animal husbandry hesitated, and the opening: "The last generation of saints once with the vibration flag owner, quietly blew the next woman, before the death, she left the secret to the vibration flag owner!"

Yang Kai looks micro-motion: "So, the vibration flag owner ... The seniors always know who the scenes behind the scenes?"

Shepherd lightly: "I am awkward, but I am concerned about what you said, the vibration flag flag is not to be ink, just a selfishness, it will act like this, He really controls God, and he will only stand in the opposite of the ink, and there are some reasons, so I don't want to expose him casually. "

"Can you make the seniors difficult?"

The animal husbandry looked at him, said: "The child who is born in the last generation is the contemporary sacred girl!"

Yang Kai is a little bit a little, slowly shaking his head: "When you want to win your daughter's right? This is really dark."

"He didn't know." Mu Wei said: "He didn't even know that he had such a daughter. Of course, the contemporary sacred girl didn't know that the Zhengen flag owner was her father."

Yang Kai smiled: "What is this happened? Is the last generation of sages tell him?"

The animal husbandry: "I created a god teacher, let the first generation of sages, although there is no clear teachings, but inherited many years, gods have been derived from many people who cannot be violated, one of them is a saint, must have ice and clear jade The last generation of sages and the vibration flag of the flag of the flag of the flag, has violated the teachings, according to the teaching, and death, and even her birth is not allowed to stay in the world, how can she dare to know this thing? Men, she also concealed. "

"Well." Yang opened helpless, "There are always many boredons in this world, and willing to show their solemn."

It is because the Zhengeni flag owner is the father of this generation, and he is a person behind the scenes, so the animal husbandry does not want to reveal him, really doing this, this generation is not only difficult to do, or even the position of the sacred Can't keep it.

"So, the last generation of sages left the secret, this vibration flag owner found a boy to pretend to be a sacred sacred sacred, let him in the right place, suitable time, appear

"No." Mu Yun said: "According to the truth I learned, the Si Division found that teenager. When it is just a coincidence, it is not a coincidence. Everyone discovered that the born qualifications were striking, and they would choose to give the secrets to each other, and the teenager was very low, and it was even unconscious. "

She suddenly said: "This may be a private desire, and it may be that the words of the gods have been circulating for so many years. The Son has never been in the world, can't see hope, so people create a hope! "

Yang Kai can't help but put the forehead: "This is a trouble."

I thought it was something conspiracy, the result is a coincidence, there are some people's calculations and private desires in coincidence ...

"Humanity, it is very complicated, so the growth of ink will be so fast. If these years, if they have been bonded to the town of the town, but they will take the darkness of human nature, I am afraid that I have already flooded all. Void. "

"This is, I have a mouth, pass your ear, you can't have a man." Mu Xiao said.

Yang opened and laughed: "The emblem understands."

He is interested in the rights of this world, what is interested in conspiracy, and he only wants to find the door of Xuanzang, refining it, and seals the Town of the ink.

"Okay, the old man will leave." Yang opened the boxing ceremony and turned and walked.

Working around a small figure seems to be a five-six-year-old doll.

Yang Kai didn't care, and when he was talking to the animal husbandry in the house, there were many dolls to play the movement.

Originally prepared, I didn't want the doll, I hit the neck, straight to him, and the momentum was.

Yang rose his hand and blocked his bomb, laughing: "How do you walk this little doll?"

The doll bite the teeth, but it can't be inch, and the angry is angry, and the great shot: "Let me go."

Yang Kai Kaiyou, surprise: ", is you."

This doll is that when he entered the city during the day, the mouth is in front of him, and the mouth sounds that Yang Kai can never be a sacred, because he hates him ...

Yang Kai, in the day, met his bold, tonight again.

"You let me go!" The doll is passionate to Yang Kai, but unfortunately, the arm is too short, full of flexing in the air, and suddenly angry: "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what to do?"

Yang Kai heard is more surprised: "Is this your home?"

I looked back at the pastoral, the animal husbandry helpless: "This child is a bitter man, always lives with me."

Yang opened could not help but cough, let go.

The doll immediately came over, and he hit the head of Yang Kai, and then ran to the shepherd of the shepherd, he had a head of the mountain, and he was able to make a face against Yang.

Yang opened his stomach, couldn't help but think about the scene when you see this doll during the day ...

At that time, the baby told him a few words. After running, there was vaguely a woman who reprimed his voice.

It turned out ... Amateurum was far away from him, but he didn't care at the time.

At that time, the animal husbandry has determined his identity, but he passed the guidelines to the early Uwout that controlled the first day.