Martial Peak

Chapter 15

Woke up early: Ask for votes ~~~~

In addition, I went to a place to register a number last night, and posted a post, but I was questioned as not a deity.Eh, I have to say that people are very vigilant now, and probably the little girl will be abducted by a lollipop. Xiao Mo is very pleased.


After the cultivation, Yang Hua spent more than an hour to do today's work well, and then ran to the Contribution Hall.

Although it was decided to go to the mountains to find medicine, Yang Kai did not understand the pharmacology, and even the three-leaf remnant soul flower and the Jedi dead grass were only known by their names, and they could not be seen.

So this preparation work should be done well, so as to avoid embarrassment when running empty, Yang Kai went to the Contribution Hall just to write down the appearance of these two herbs first.

I wanted to let Dream Shopkeeper open a convenient door to teach myself about herbal medicine, but I didn't think he lost a booklet directly.

Yang Kai took a look and found that this booklet is all about herbal medicine, including not only the pharmacology and pharmacology, but also the growth environment of the herbal medicine. There are illustrations on each page, and the introduction is quite detailed.It is a bit regretful that the herbal medicines introduced in this booklet are only ordinary varieties, and they are gone.

Human cultivation is divided into ranks, and herbal medicines and medicines in the world are also graded. From bottom to top, they are ordinary level, prefecture level, heaven level, mysterious level, spiritual level, and holy level. .

Such as the three-leaf remnant soul flower and Jedi dead grass that Yang Kai needs now, it is the herbal medicine of the inferior grade, the medicinal effect is low, so the value is not high.

After leaving the Contribution Hall, Yang Kai went to the Miscellaneous Office to take a leave. After all, he was still the sweeper of Lingxiao Pavilion. This day, he would definitely not be able to return to Heifeng Mountain.

The manager of the miscellaneous office did not embarrass him, and after three days, Yang Kai just started.

The foot of Heifeng Mountain is only twenty miles away from Lingxiao Pavilion, not far or near. Yang Kai used to go in and out of hunting, so he is still familiar.

But this is the first time the girl went to the flower chair to pick medicine.Yang Kai was also fully prepared. He brought some fresh water, made a few rice balls, a shovel, and a cloth bag.

In a hurry, Yang Kai came under the Heifeng Mountain and looked around. The dark forest was like a wild beast lying between heaven and earth, and there was no end in sight. The forest was lush, the rocks were rugged, and the scenery was unique. The oncoming breeze made Yang Kai feel refreshed.

There are many fierce beasts and raptors in the Black Wind Mountain, and many of these fierce beasts and raptors are even incapable of being defeated by the trained martial arts warriors.Therefore, people who generally enter the Black Wind Mountain do not dare to go too deep without any strength.Thirty miles from the outside is still a safe zone. After thirty miles, there is a crisis, and the more dangerous it becomes.

Yang Kai only wanted to find some herbal medicines of low value. Naturally, he wouldn't go into too much, so he was safe for himself.

At this hour when he was on the road, Yang Kai was not idle. He had been trying hard to recall the herbs he had encountered in Heifeng Mountain before. At that time, he did not recognize it. Naturally, he did not collect it.

This thought really made Yang Kai think of many places, even one of the herbs he needs now, has a place to grow.

Yang Kai was full of energy, and then entered the Heifeng Mountain along the familiar path.

After half an hour, a sorrel plant hidden in the bushes of thorns was smoothly put into the pocket. With a good start, the memories of Lin Linsan scattered in Yang Kai ’s mind became clearer and clearer, almost according to the picture, all the way. In the evening, Yang Kai had already picked four different herbs.

After all, this is the outer periphery of Heifeng Mountain. People often come and go. It is difficult for herbs to grow here. Basically, a long achievement will be taken away, so although Yang Kai only harvested four plants, he was satisfied.

None of these four herbs are needed by oneself, and the grade is not high. It is just the lowest grade of the ordinary, but if you take it back, you can change some points.

The sun was about to set, and Yang Kai was in a hurry, finally rushing to the last place in the memory with herbs before the sun set.

This is a very strange place, surrounded by lush greenery, but the place in front of it is empty. It is almost a dead place. There are no trees, not even weeds.

In the middle of this dead ground, there are three grasses arranged in the shape of a character, and the grass is yellowish. At first glance, I am afraid that when they are going to die, this herb itself is this color. .

Seeing that the herbs here were still there, Yang Kai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and ran over with a smile, and shoveled with a shovel.

In a few moments, the three herbs are in full possession.

Some were uneasy to take out the booklet given by the dream shopkeeper and compared it. Yang Kai finally settled down. It is indeed the dead grass of the Jedi. There is no doubt that the real thing on the hand is the same as the illustration in the booklet. The growing environment is also described in the brochure.

The dead grass of the Jedi, the dead grass of the dead grass, so it is quite convenient to find. Basically, if there is a place in the mountain forest that has become a dead place like this in front of it, it is definitely because of the growth of the dead grass.

Carefully put three Jedi deadwood plants into the cloth bag, Yang Kai took out the rice balls and ate and drank on the spot.

The main reason for this trip to the mountains is to find the three-leaf remnant soul flower and the Jedi dead grass. Only one species is found today, and the number is too small. You must continue to work hard.

But the sky will be dark now, and it is naturally inconvenient to move, so Yang Kai decided to rest on the spot overnight and look for it tomorrow morning.

Hunting in Qianjin Mountain is also the same day. Yang Kai has never spent the night in the mountain. But as the saying goes, have n’t I seen pork run before?Yang Kai naturally knows what to pay attention to when spending the night in the mountains.

Looking for a big tree nearby, Yang Kai climbed up, found a suitable and comfortable position to sit down, and closed his eyes to sleep.

After a while, he could not fall asleep. Yang Kai summoned the wordless black book again, and turned to the third page. When the thought moved, the incense burner emerged from the inside.

This is also the mystery that Yang Kai inadvertently discovered, and the things from the black book can also be recovered.After all, the Black Book is made of Soul Calm Stone. The Soul Calm Stone itself has the space to open up and store things. It is not difficult to understand that the incense burner can be put in.

The only thing that puzzled Yang Kai was that, except for the incense burner, nothing could be accepted by the black book, which made him a little confused. Could it be that the wordless black book made by the Soul Calm Stone had choices? Sexual accommodation?

After playing with the black book for a while, Yang Kai was also lacking. After all, after walking a lot of mountains today, he fell asleep.

One night without words, early in the morning of the second day, Yang Kai practiced half a hour of body quenching as usual, and the harvest was good. Not only did he punch a few more punches than the previous two days, but also his body's sense of air became stronger. It feels like a feeling that the barrier is about to break through. The air in the meridian seems to be reaching its limit. It can only go to the next level with one foot.