Martial Peak

Chapter 346 Arrogance

Standing on the high platform and looking down, the evil spring water covering the ground has been raised to a high position.

These springs are not real water, but they look like water, with thick fluidity, which contains all kinds of evil and danger.

The evil spirits are rushing towards these springs and engulfing the energy in them, but if the warrior falls into them, there must be no good fruit to eat.

But now, Yang Kai, wrapped in black air, is not affected by the evil evil spring water at all, just like a fish swimming in the water, constantly swimming around.

Wherever he passed, all the evil spirits scattered outside were sucked into the body by him.

Occasionally, one or two evil spirits with short eyes were not attacked. Those evil spirits seemed to be unable to discover his existence, but turned a blind eye to him.

A group of people are dumbfounded!

The same thing happened to the old man on the high platform, his eyes cracking, his expression unbelievable.

The kid's state at this moment is very strange, the energy emitted from all over him is completely different from the one just now, full of evil and brutal atmosphere. .

What made the old man even more shocked was that Yang Kai was collecting evil spirits at the moment. The evil spirits were fighting each other to the present, and there are countless evil spirits below.The kid just swayed in the past, and he received dozens of regiments, which made him look jealous and jealous.

Moreover, he directly sucked the evil spirit origin into his body, and he seemed not to worry about what harm the evil contained in these origins would cause him.

"Hey, hey ..." Yang Kai happily swam in the evil spring water to collect the source, and he heard the cold laughter constantly.

There was some surprise and pride in the laughter, but more excitement.

Both body and mind are extremely excited, and even the whole body of blood is boiling, as if holding a naked beauty in his arms, he is putting his hands up and savoring the beauty.

There are rhythmic movements in the proud gold body. The evil spirits inhaled into the body just now make the gold body very happy and madly devour the evil energy in the surrounding evil spring water. These energies seem very alloy. appetite.

The body turned into a huge vortex, sucking all the evil around into the body.

Instead of feeling uncomfortable, Yang Kaifei looked happily.

He didn't know why this happened, but since Jin Shen liked this kind of energy, he didn't need to go deeper, just absorb it.

After sucking for a while, Yang Kai suddenly felt a sense of saturation.

It is not that the golden body is saturated. The golden body is a bottomless hole. It will not saturate how much energy it absorbs, but his current state has reached the limit.

Without breaking through this shackle, Jin Shen will no longer absorb it, or I'm afraid it will put a burden on Yang Kai.

Realizing this, Yang Kai couldn't help but feel sorry.

This mad sucking not only made Jin Jin make up, but Dantian also stored nearly 100 groups of evil spirits. These origins Yang Kai had no time to refine, and could only be temporarily placed in Dantian.

There is no way to save more.

Especially the special source left by that soul evil spirit makes Yang Kai very concerned. Compared with other sources, this group is undoubtedly somewhat different.

We must hurry up and refine it to absorb more sources, and we can also take the opportunity to break through the current state.

With such a thought, Yang Kai's heart suddenly became hot.

Looking around, the group of people on the high platform still looked at themselves worriedly, especially the Hu family sisters. The worries and concerns in their beautiful eyes could not be hidden.

Feeling warm, Yang Kai went to the platform and waved at them: "Give me all the Jingling bottles."

"Hey ..." Shen Yi sniggered greedily, "I know Brother Yang's righteousness!"

With that said, quickly collect everyone's Jingling bottles and throw them towards Yang Kai.

There are only five pure spirit bottles.Three of them were brought by the treasure sect, and the people of Ghost King Valley brought two. The Hu family sisters just fled and escaped here, naturally there is no Jingling bottle.

One bottle can hold twenty groups of sources, and five net spirit bottles are hundred groups!

With such a huge number, no one is tempted.

Yang Kai continued to return to the Xiasha Spring water to shuttle, wandering unscrupulously among countless evil spirits, constantly collecting the source with the net spirit bottle, filling one bottle and changing another one.

After a while, all five bottles were full.

The old man and the Xiaoyaozong looked at each other, and everyone's eyes were filled with greed and envy.

They were killed and killed on this high platform, and they didn't even have time to collect the source, but Yang Kai did well, wandering in the spring water without any worries, and receiving groups of eye-popping sources.

Comparing the two, why don't you envy jealousy?

The old man's intestines are now green, and the expression on the old face is brilliant, and the tastes in his heart are rolling.

I knew that this kid had such great ability, where would he tear his face with Yang Kai?But it was not until now that he saw his secret and power, and regret was useless.

The trick he just played with Yang Kai completely ruined his hope of making a good deal with Yang Kai.

Even if he can't be helped to get out his magical defense cover, it's good to let him help him collect some sources now!His action of collecting the source below is simpler than picking watermelon.

Fuck, it's really unfavorable for the fleeting years, so let go of such a good opportunity in vain!

In an instant, the old man felt toothache, liver pain, stomachache, all over his body, and pain everywhere.

Yang Kai took five filled bottles and threw them up. Instead of hurrying back, he floated on the evil spring water, turned his head, and glanced at the old man with a gloomy look.

The old man burst into his heart, wondering what Yang Kai's eyes meant.

While struggling, Yang Kai grinned at him, and there was a different kind of smell in his scarlet eyes, but he flew over slowly.

Everyone on the high platform is facing an enemy and is on alert.They are now stretched to deal with evil spirits. If Yang Kai takes the opportunity to fall into the well, it will be over.

This was really a leak in the house and it was rainy, and the ship was late for the lead.

Yu Qing secretly blamed the old man for his recklessness, and laughed with Yang Kai from afar, and said: "This friend comes slowly, our Xiaoyao Zong has no complaints with you, please think twice before you start!"

Seeing Yu Qing's low-key seeking for perfection, everyone in Ghost King Valley couldn't help but a moment of secret pleasure, and no matter how Yang Kai looked, he didn't think he was evil anymore.

Nothing was said, no action, but the enemy was terrified and frightened.

"Be a man, as it should be!" Shen Yi's admiration looked loudly.

Leng Shan snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Friend, if you have something to say," Yu Qing saw Yang Kai silently and became more and more unsure of what he wanted to do, only to laugh.

The old man's complexion was also murky and silent, letting Yu Qing pretend to be his grandson, and also had the idea of ​​exploring Yang Kai's intentions through his mouth.

"I want something!" Just when Yu Qing felt uneasy, Yang Kai said.

Yu Qing must be in his heart, and quickly replied: "What do friends want? Despite saying that as long as I have a free run, I will offer it immediately!"

"Your Jingling Bottle!" Yang Kai grinned, and the white sensation of fangs in the black air was particularly terrible.

"It's easy to say, easy to talk about!" Yu Qing, who dare to neglect, quickly took out the Jingling bottle that his brothers and sisters carried with him.

They also carried two Jingling bottles, which Yang Kai knew, and these two bottles also contained several groups of evil spirits.

Putting it away lightly, turning to look at the old man, Yang Kai sneered, slowly squinting his eyes, and said quietly: "I don't need to say more?"

The old man snorted, his face unhappy.

He is a five-layer master of Shenyoujing. Although he also knows that Yang Kai is powerful and secret, he is not afraid of him.But he still has four juniors to take care of. Without the certainty that one blow will kill Yang Kai, the old man will not dare to take any extravagant actions.

Yang Kai so boldly asked for something from him, and it was in the face of the younger generation that the old man could not hold his face.

Face to face, the old man didn't want to stimulate Yang Kai's nerves anymore, after humming, he endured his anger and said: "Give him!"

"But ..." A young man beside the old man looked hesitant, obviously he didn't want to follow him easily.

"I told him!" The old man snorted.

"Yes!" The young man looked at Yang Kai bitterly, gritted his teeth and took out two Jingling bottles from his arms, and threw them towards Yang Kai.

Yang Kai reached over and took a look at him indifferently.

"I remember you, be careful!" Said the young man with a flesh-and-blooded arrogance and said that he had an elder to support him, and sneered at Yang Kai.

Yang Kaihan's face flashed coldly in his eyes.

Before waiting for his hands, the old man slammed the young man.


Extremely crisp and loud, the young man turned around several times on the spot and waited for a while, his cheeks swelled suddenly.

"You will die if you don't speak?" The old man looked at him with a stern look.

Fuck, the old man doesn't want to stimulate this weird kid anymore, you fucking crooked crooked crooked, really anxious him now and do it now, you don't want to go out alive.

The young man was obviously beaten by a slap. He did n’t seem to think that his master would do anything to himself, and he covered his cheeks in a daze. His eyes were filled with humiliation and anger. His face was red and blue, but he dared not say anything Then, swallowing in the belly with the bloody mouth.

"Are you satisfied?" The old man glanced at Yang Kai lightly.

"Hahahaha!" Yang Kai laughed wildly, unscrupulously, and nodded again and again: "Satisfied!"

"Please come back!" The old man said in a deep voice, Yang Kai stood next to their platform, always giving the old man a feeling of thorny back, always in his heart to beware of whether he would suddenly start, while still dealing with evil Spirit, don't mention the hardships.

"Not in a hurry!" Yang Kai shook his head slowly, calmly.

The old man's complexion changed slightly, and the weather became uncertain.

Yang Kaihong raised the Jingling bottle in his hand, and slowly began to collect the source of the evil spirits floating beside their high platform.

These sources are all left by a group of elders and Xiaoyaozong after they killed the evil spirits, and there are a lot of them. They should have been their loot, but no one has time to collect them, and they can only be left floating.


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