Martial Peak

1408 Goodbye Star Emperor Order

The last few things were auctioned, and Yang Kai was naturally looking on the wall. All the holy crystals he had taken from the concubine had already been used to buy the black gold, and he had no effort to fight for other things.

But having said that, although the last few auction items were very good, Yang Kai was not at all interested.

After the incense stick, Qing'er returned, brought back a jade box, and handed it to Yang Kai respectfully, congratulating and saying, "Congratulations to the senior for his wish to take this thing."

Yang Kai took it with a smile, opened the jade box and looked at it, and found that the box was indeed the black gold that had been seen before, the size of a goose egg, and the whole body of red gold, which was sealed by a ban by an expert, but still could not stop the pure one. The overflow of metallic auras, which are like sharp blades, cannot be taken lightly.

It is best to describe this black gold with a sharp edge.

Yang Kai happily played for a while, and threw it into his black book space.

He will need this piece of black gold, naturally for practicing the quenching body exercises, and preparing for the inexhaustible five-element sword. If he wants to practice this set of quenching body exercises, he must find Qiwu Xingbao!

In the Five Elements, he already had Leimu, Xuanyin sunflower water and the sun essence. Now that he has obtained the Xuanjin, only the earth attribute treasure has not fallen. Once he finds the same, he can start to practice the Five Elements Sword.

Or you can let Jubaolou take care of yourself. After all, this force is dedicated to doing this kind of thing. With this in mind, Yang Kai secretly decided to visit Mr. Xiyan Pei after the auction is over.

If you want to come to the other party, you should not refuse, as long as you start paying the price.

In a good mood, Yang Kai will not be stingy. With a wave of his hand, he won Qinger several bottles of elixir, a secret treasure and many holy crystals.

Elixir is made by himself, the quality is not to mention, the secret treasure is taken out by Yang Yan, and of course it is also a good secret treasure, which is suitable for girls to use now. Although there are not many Shengjing, only tens of thousands, but for Qinger this For the warrior of the rank, it is already a lot of gains, enough to support her for a long time.

Naturally let the other party grateful.

Ren Tianrui's slightly excited voice came from below: "You, this auction is here, it is considered to be a successful conclusion. Thank you all for coming here to support the show. Well, everyone, please don't be impatient. Although the auction is over, However, I was entrusted by an expert in the hidden world in Jubaolou, and I wanted to ask one thing from your predecessors. "

"Ren Xiaozi, what does this mean?" When even the powerful with strong influence asked.

Ren Tianrui smiled slightly, gestured towards the rear, and bowed slightly, everyone looked down at his gaze, but he couldn't help but toss his lips.There was no reason for him, and Yan Pei's old black face walked from there to the high platform.

"Oh, you don't have to be nervous. Since the auction is over, there will be no more things to be auctioned. Yan is only entrusted by an old friend to come here to discuss things with you." Yan Pei said without hesitation. .

"What's the matter for discussion? If you have something to say, there's a fart quick release. I don't have so much time to fight sloppy eyes with you here." Obviously not everyone believes Yan Pei and is still vigilant.

"My old friend wanted to exchange an item with you!" Yan Pei didn't sell Guanzi either. After a slight smile, he flashed the space in his hand and took out an object from it, holding it high in the front.

The strongmen in the large chambers protruded out of their minds and examined them carefully.

A moment later, a burst of exclamation sounded.

"this is……"

"No, is there such a thing?"

"There is a little bit of Diwei left. It looks like it can't be wrong. I didn't expect the legend to be true!"

In the private room on the 13th, Yang Kai also stared at Yan Pei's hand with a weird expression on his face. He seemed to be aware of it. He turned his head and looked at the sun, and suddenly found her look surprised. And there was a sense of excitement and hesitation in the beautiful eyes, two pink fists clenched tightly, and the nails were both pinched into the flesh before they noticed.

"Star Emperor Order!" Mo Xiaosheng's exclaimed voice sounded, "Brother Yan, forgive the old man's eyes, but you have the legendary Star Emperor Order?"

Yan Pei smiled slightly: "Since Brother Mo sees it, why should he ask Yan? Presumably, most of you present have your own judgment?"

"Really star order? Not fake?"

"If it's fake, how could Yan take it out?" Yan Pei lightly snorted. "Yan Mou and several friends in Jubao Building have personally identified it. This is indeed the order of Emperor Xingdi. After all, there are a few Diweis left in the interior that no one can imitate. ! "

"It is rumored that the Great Emperor Xingkong had refined ten orders of the Emperor Xingtian, and each of them sealed the great magical power of his old man. The power is enough to destroy the world and move mountains to fill the sea. Is this one of them?" 'S voice is not calm, very excited.

If this is really one of the ten Star Emperor Orders refined by the Star Emperor, as long as it can be possessed, it is invincible.

Starry Emperor, that is beyond the existence of the virtual king realm!There is not even a virtual king realm on the dark star. Who can contend with the magical power sealed in the Star Emperor's Order?

All the powerful people thought of this. In an instant, the eyes looking at the Emperor Xing Ling became hot, and the atmosphere of the entire Jubaolou auction hall immediately became a little weird.

Yan Peicha said that he knew that countless people had greed in their hearts, and they did n’t worry. They explained slowly: “It ’s the Star Emperor ’s Order, but the magical power of the internal seal has been inspired. Do n’t think about it. . "

There is a slight warning in the words.

It is said that many strong men, like being poured into a pot of cold water, calm down instantly.It's the same thing when I think about it. If the Star Emperor makes it intact, the fool will take it out, and Yan Pei will not make it public.

"It was actually inspired, but it's a pity, it's a pity." Mo Xiaosheng's tone was extremely lonely, and he sighed for a while.

"Huh, Mo Lao Gui, do you still want to get the unexcited Xingdi Ling? Did you think too much?" Cheng Pengxuan sneered.

"Don't Brother Cheng think so?" Mo Xiaosheng didn't take it seriously, and readily admitted.

"But Brother Yan, you take an already useless Xingdi Ling, what do you want to do?" Someone asked.

Yan Pei calmly said: "Although it is an inspired Star Emperor's Order, it is not useless. After all, this is a treasure that the Star Emperor personally refined. Let's not talk about the remaining Emperor Wei in the interior can make you feel, maybe there will be some gains. , The material of this token alone is something that I can't identify at Jubaolou. Maybe someone knows the other uses of this Xingdi Ling. "

"That being said, the value of such a Star Emperor Order will not be too high. I don't know what Brother Yan wants to use it for?" Mo Xiaosheng asked after a bit of contemplation. There is still great research value, and of course Mo Xiaosheng is not willing to miss it.

There are many people who share the same thoughts with him, but even the strong one agrees: "Yes, Brother Yan, the sect gates that can speak on the dark star are all here, and you can always find what you need. May say Let ’s see if we carry it with us. If there ’s no words, maybe there is also storage in the Zongmen storehouse! "

Yan Pei said lightly: "What my old friend wants to change is not easy to find!"

If it is really easy to find, with the strength of Jubao Building, this star emperor's decree has been exchanged for a long time, why should I get an auction?So although there are many people here, Yan Pei did not have much confidence to help the hidden old friend get something.

"What is it, let's hear it!" Cheng Pengxuan said impatiently.

"Liuyan Feihuo!" Yan Pei revealed the answer.

"Actually Liuyan flying fire?"

"Where can I find this kind of thing?"

"The last time Liuyan Sandy opened was 400 years ago. Although it was opened a few years ago this time, I have not heard of any Zongmen disciple who got it by chance."


There was a lot of talk and noisy.

Another strong man inquired that he wanted to exchange the precious emperor's order with other valuable materials, and some people even proposed to use Shengjing to buy it. Emperor Kuaixing is not my thing in the treasure house, but Yan is entrusted by someone to come and exchange. The other party said that apart from Liuyanfeihuo, do n’t do anything else, of course, if you can tell where there is soul washing water If you can! "

"Sister Soul Washing, Brother Yan is not kidding. If there is such a thing, I can't wait until I enjoy it. How can I exchange a useless Star Emperor Order?"

Many strong men are deeply annoyed. I feel that the master of this Star Emperor's Order has indeed some lions who have opened their mouths. If there is really a flying fire, it is not a loss to exchange with them. First, the value is immeasurable, before the fool exchanges a used Star Emperor Order with him.

In the private room on the 13th, Yang Kai and Yang Yan looked at each other with strange expressions.

Others don't have Liuyan flying fire, Yang Kai has it!

Last time in the Liuyan Sandy Land, Yang Kai got a total of nine Liuyan Flying Fires. In addition to using a few of them, he gave two to Yangyan and three remained.Yang Kai was thinking of finding time to refine it and increase the power of the fire of consciousness, but he has been busy with other things and has been delayed.

But did not want Liuyanfeihuo to play a role at this time.

Speaking of the Order of the Star Emperor, Yang Kai is no stranger. He has two pieces in his hand, one is from the ghost ancestor of the imaginary king realm, and the other is from Liuyan Sandy Land, but the piece given by the ghost ancestor is intact It hasn't been aroused yet. The piece obtained from Liuyan Sandy is the same as that in Yan Pei's hands, and the magical power of the starry sky emperor sealed inside no longer exists.

"Do you want to change it?" Yang Kai muttered to himself, his expression a little hesitant. If he exchanged, he was qualified, but he could only change a useless Star Emperor Order, which made him feel a little more than worth it.

"Change!" Yang Yan interjected firmly.

"Oh? Why?" Yang Kai looked at him suspiciously.

"I don't know, but I always think that the Xingdi Ling is definitely more than the seal of the Emperor Supernatural Power. There must be other secrets."

Other secrets are also possible.However, if you really want to exchange it, you don't have to use Liuyan Shuihuo. From the requirements of the other party, Yang Kai has some guesses and judgments, but I'm not too sure.After all, Liuyan Feihuo is very helpful to enhance your own fire of consciousness. If you can save it, you will naturally save it.

Thinking of this, Yang Kai nodded gently, already thinking about it.