Martial Peak

Lot 4440

It seems that the woman has committed herself to Yun Feibai and reduced it to his plaything. It is not willing, just because of some reasons.

It is a pity that the strength is low and the resistance cannot be resisted.She killed Yun Feibai by killing Xuanyang Mountain herself, so that she saw a glimmer of hope, and then she ran to find it and provided herself with the information.

Putting away the jade slips, Yang Kaixing left.

Now that the injury has not healed, he is not sure whether the woman's words are true. If she is attracted to a group of chasing soldiers, it will be troublesome. It is better to shift the position first.

A moment later, in another barren mountain, Yang Kai hid in a burrow and meditated on his wounds.

The injuries on the neck and neck looked terrifying, but if the remaining power of Yun Feibai was dissipated, it was just a skin injury, and it was not difficult to recover. With Yang Kai ’s strong physique today, it has recovered in three or five days As always.

A few days later, Yang Kai took out the jade jade again, checked his position, compared the information in the map of the jade jade, and transformed himself into a streamer, going straight in a certain direction.

Most of the day later, he stopped on a huge crater and looked down. He saw that the crater was deep and bottomless, and the fiery red magma underneath was tumbling and terrifying, and the crater was still thick and thick. The black smoke is thousands of miles away, and there are countless such craters. From time to time, magma erupts and flows into rivers.

The environment here is worse than in other places. According to the jade jade information given by the woman, the lady boss took the cook and the tent to hide here.

There are not many places that can resist that shadowless wind throughout the shadowless cave. Except for the main altar where the three major forces are located, this crater is one of them, but the effect is not very good, although it can be avoided The influence of some shadowless winds is far inferior to that of the three major forces.

Yang Kai touched his nose, a bit sour, thinking about his wife, Liupin, the god of heaven, she was very delicate and expensive. In order to find a spiritual resource for herself, she fell into this shadowless sky and was forced to hide here. This kind of terrible land can't help but blame myself.

At first, if I wanted to achieve top quality, I didn't listen to anyone's dissuasion. Was it too willful?

Taking a deep breath, the pungent smell flowed into the heart, as if the needle was stuck in it. Standing at the crater and looking down, Yang Kai shouted, "Is anyone home?"

Under the volcanic volcano, a ban road was set up by some people to become a place of containment.

The big-chested cook suddenly opened his eyes, listened to his ears for a while, and poked his elbow into the account room next to him, whispering, "Have you heard anything?"

The account room opened a pair of dead fisheyes and squinted: "What did you hear?"

The cook scratched his head: "How come I seem to hear Yang Kai's voice."

The account room quickly glanced at the lady boss, the dead fish eyes whitened more, and glared at the cook: "Mo Xiao said, that kid is not the emperor's realm, how come you come to Wuyingdongtian, you must have heard it wrong . "

The chef nodded: "It's also ... not right, you listen ..."

The account room also had a strange look. When he was talking to the cook, he did hear a familiar cry, but the movement of the magma seemed weak. If it was not for the cook to remind him, he didn't care.

Not far away, the lady boss also opened her eyes, and her eyes were suspicious and puzzled.

After a while, the lady boss suddenly had beautiful eyes, and she gritted her teeth and scolded: "Fuck!"

Standing up, the skirt fluttered and came out.

The cook and the tent looked at each other and quickly followed.

On the crater, Yang Kai called for several times without seeing any movement, and secretly thought that the woman lied to herself?The proprietress, they are not hiding here at all.

But she didn't need to be involved in danger to do these things, she was sure she would not kill her?What if she kills her and kills her?

When I was about to delve into it, I suddenly looked, and raised my eyebrows to watch the magma below.

In a few moments, the magma seemed to be fiddled with invisible forces, and it quickly turned into a huge vortex, and in the very center of the vortex, a figure fluttered out, and a snow-white palace costume was extremely conspicuous, even in this terrible extreme In the environment, that pure white is also like a lotus on Daxue Mountain, pure and immaculate.

Before the person arrives, the familiar breath is already coming.

Yang Kai grinned and smirked, shouting happily: "Boss Lady!"

When he spoke, he rushed over and opened his arms, holding the boss in his arms, strong and firm!

The lady boss was almost able to drip water with a cold face. She hadn't had time to say the last sentence. Suddenly she encountered such a blow and suddenly froze there.

The cook and the accountant who rushed out of the vortex of magma immediately behind her looked up and were dumbfounded.

The chef's mouth widened, as if he could cram a fish into it, and then stared at it for a while, before stabbing the tent and saying, "Am I dazzled? Our boss is hugged?"

The account room was also stunned, and suddenly recovered, and gave out his abacus with furious angris, and then rushed forward, and said: "The boss lady was taken advantage of by others, kill him together!"

The cook grabbed it: "Mo Pan, Mo Pan, the boss's discount is not so easy to take. If you really want to do it, it will not be you or me."

The account room squinted, silent for a moment, and nodded, "You are right."

Closed the abacus and stood by to watch the show.

Not far away, the boss lady ’s body was stiff, as if she had been conditioned, and she felt the great power from her arms, which contained a lot of care, which made her angry. Mostly.

Yang Kai's voice came from her ear: "Boss, it's great to see you all right."

The lady boss sighed softly ...

Yang Kai raised his head and grinned at the cook and the accountant who were not far away. "The two are also very spiritual!"

The cook said aloud, and the tent was smiling, but I didn't know what it meant.

As soon as the words were finished, Yang Kai raised his neck and neck, involuntarily loosened his hands holding the boss's body, and was shocked: "Boss, what are you doing!"

The proprietress grabbed Yang Kai's hair bun and pulled his body backwards. The cold eyes swelled in her beautiful eyes, and she gritted her teeth and said: "What do you ask me to do? I still want to ask you what to do!"

With that said, he flew a kick and kicked on Yang Kai's shoulder.

Although she is a woman, she is also a Sixth Grade Open Sky. This foot is angry and has great strength. Yang Kai is not afraid to resist. When she groaned, her body flew out like a rag sack, straight The ground hit the volcanic wall next to it, directly hit the volcanic wall into a human-shaped hole.

The gravel shattered, Yang Kai was dizzy for a while, and hadn't had time to react. The proprietress had already rushed down like a falcon, grabbed his ankle, and turned him a few times, turning him down. Throw away at the magma.

With a loud bang, the tumbling magma exploded into a huge wave, and the hot magma submerged Yang Kai.

The proprietress wanted to rush to the end, and ran down.

The cook and the account room jumped straight.

In a few moments, violent movements were easily heard under the magma. After a while, a scream screamed through the clouds, and Yang Kai was flicked out of the magma with a violent impact. Usually followed behind him, punching and kicking him in one pass, that was really merciless, punching to the flesh, Yang Kai screamed hard, the head rat was running, and the nosebleed was hit.

"Dare you dare to hide? You block me to see!" The lady boss was violently beating while verbally oppressing.

Frightened by the female power, Yang Kaina dare to resist a little bit, simply lying down, curled up, holding her head with both hands, protecting the vital point, and letting the boss lady vent for a while.

"Don't hit the boss lady, it's gone." Yang Kai shouted.

The boss lady was half angry, and when she listened to this sentence, she became more and more powerful.

The cook and the account room could not stand anymore and came up to pull the rack.

The proprietress's chest was ups and downs, her body trembling slightly, and she gritted her teeth and said: "Go away for me, the stink boy is mad at me, and today I must kill him!"

"The lady boss is furious, you need to take care of this kind of rough work, my two brothers will do." The cook said, squeezing his eyes into the account room, the two hugged each other, squeezing the lady boss aside, curled up against the head Yang Kai on the ground is a one-way punch, and the one he hit is called earth-shattering.

Hit by the boss lady, Yang Kai pained her body, but there was no complaint in her heart.

The proprietress must have noticed that she was promoted to Kaitian, and it would be so if she hated iron for failing to become steel.

Yang Kai couldn't bear being beaten up by the cook and the tent like this, and a sharp look suddenly broke out, which means the obvious. The two of you beat me today, and will definitely be back in the coming day.

"Dare you dare to stare?" The proprietress panted, standing angrily with her waist pinched.

"Don't dare, dare to be afraid!" Yang Kai hugged his head again.

When the cook and the tent saw someone standing on their backs, they became more and more popular.

Yang Kaixin counted silently ...

After a while, the lady boss suddenly said: "After you two, do you really want to kill him?" Saying to kill Yang Kai is nothing but anger.

The cook and the account room stepped back one step at a time, with both hands pressed, and Dantian sank, finishing work!

Yang Kai, curled up on the ground, let go of her arm, revealing a gap, and quietly looked at the boss lady, but she saw that the boss lady had beautiful eyes, gritted her teeth, and hurriedly showed a flattering smile to her.

It's just that the swollen and bruised face makes people angry and funny.

The proprietress stepped forward, Yang Kai excited, and quickly protected his head with his hands.

The proprietress bent over, held Yang Kai's collar in one hand, picked him up, looked at him with his head slightly raised, his eyes slightly reddened: "Is it promoted to heaven?"

"Hmm ..." Yang Kai nodded shamefully, and some dare not look directly at the boss lady's eyes.