Marvel Super Venom

Chapter One Thousand and Twenty Seven: Start Strike Back

You can search for "Marvel's Super Venom Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Hearing Peter's question, Harpy's face wrinkled and said, "Is it me? Yes! Of course it is me."

Hapi walked towards Peter quickly. Just as he was about a dozen steps away from Peter, Peter directly stretched out his hand to stop and said, "Stop! Tell me something that only you know."

Even if Harpy said he was himself, Peter still didn't quite believe that he was really caught by the mysterious guest.

Now I see any acquaintance who thinks it is the mysterious guest who pretended to deceive him.

When Hapi heard it, he spread his hands and said, "Is the only thing I know?"

Harpy is very speechless. Why did I come to pick you up like I'm still a criminal?

But seeing Peter so vigilant, Harpy also realized that Peter had suffered a great setback.

Just looking at the blood stains on Peter's face, he knew that he was still covered with scars.

So Hapi did not froze with Peter as before, but directly said: "Remember the time we went to Germany? You stayed in a hotel style because you clicked a paid video. Although it was not written on the bill, when I checked out, Just look at the price and say, you must have watched an indescribable movie. You can't figure out how I knew it, but..."

As Hapi talked, the expression on his face became excited.

When Peter heard the whole person's face blushed, he immediately let Harpy stop and say, "Stop talking, stop talking, it's really you, all right, I see, don't say it!"

Peter stretched out his hand to signal Harpy not to continue, and walked quickly towards Harpy. He could finally catch his breath.

Peter became aggrieved after confirming that the Hapi in front of him was Hapi, he hugged Hapi directly, and then sobbed: "It's nice to see you!"

Hearing Peter's crying sound, Happy's expression became serious. Happy, who had been in contact with Peter, knew that although Peter was a high school kid, he never cried because of difficulties.

But at this moment, he was crying like a tearful person, and aggrieved like a baby. It can be seen that Peter must have suffered a major blow.

Harpy gave Peter a solid arm like Tony at the beginning and said: "Peter, tell me what's going on."

On the plane, Hart put on his glasses to treat Peter's wounds, and listened to Peter by the way.

"Okay, don't move, very good." Harpy sews a needle for Peter and was hit by a train. Peter didn't die entirely because the black Spiderman suit has a strong defense.

However, when a fast-moving train crashed into it, Peter's body was still severely injured.

"It hurts!" Peter used the hand holding the water glass with twelve minutes of strength.

Hapi stitched slowly: "Aren't you super strong?"

Peter touched the cup and said, "It still hurts, Hapi, lighten it."

"It's okay, take it easy, it's almost done." Hapi's stitching technique is like an old man typing.

When he said that he was almost healed, Peter almost thumped the table with his fist in pain, but Harpy still said to him, "Relax, it's okay."

Harpy went down for a while, and Peter jumped up in pain directly and said: "Hapi, don't tell me to relax, how can you let me relax when I've caused such a disaster? I believe in Baker so much, understand? I thought he was a friend, so I gave him the only thing Mr. Stark left me, but now he is going to kill my friend and destroy half of Europe, so I beg you, stop calling I take it easy." 000 Literature

Peter got to the opposite position. After yelling, he kept holding his hair and crying. Peter calmed down while grabbing his hair and said, "I'm sorry, Hapy, I'm sorry, I shouldn't yell at you, ha , Ha! I really miss him."

Peter said he was Tony.

Hapi's expression also showed nostalgia and said: "Yes, I miss him too."

Peter’s eyes started to flush and said, “No matter where I go, I can see his face. The whole world is asking who will become the next Iron Man. I... I don’t know if it will be me, I Not Iron Man."

Peter covered his face, and Hapi said, "You are not Iron Man. You will never become Iron Man. No one can compare to Tony. Even if it is himself, Tony is my best friend. Bai Kong, he regretted a lot of things and his life was a mess. The only decision he never regretted was to choose you. I think the reason Tony would do those things is because he knew that even after he left With you here, now your friend is in a dangerous situation, single-handedly, and unarmed, what on earth do you want to do?"

Happi said a lot of things, not some spiritual chicken soup, but just telling Peter the will that Tony had originally brought.

After listening, Peter got up from his seat and said firmly in his eyes: "I'm going to beat that bastard away!"

Hapi quickly stretched out his hand to let Peter sit down and said, "I mean...I mean now, what are we going to do now? You know we have been hovering over the tulips for fifteen minutes."

Peter began to look at his palm, and then said, "My friend's cell phone is monitored. I can't call them. Give me your cell phone."

"My phone? Okay." Harpy took his phone out of his pocket.

"Yes." Peter turned to the other side after receiving the phone and asked, "What is the password?"

"Password." Harpy's face paused.

Peter turned his head and said, "Tell me your phone code."

Hapi explained: "It's the password, the full spelling of the two words password."

Peter closed his eyes when he heard it, and then opened silently: "As the security chief, is your mobile phone password?"

"I also know something is wrong." Harpy did not deny it.

Peter turned on Harpy’s phone and immediately came to the live broadcast room of a person, who was lightning.

Peter immediately gave Lightning a gift, of course, the money was paid by Hapi himself.

When Lightning saw that someone had given him so many gifts, he naturally had to be a licking dog so that the boss would continue to give him gifts comfortably.

Lightning grinned and said with a smile: "Hello, boss, would you like a cup of tea? I'm in London now, so..."

As soon as Peter heard about London, he pointed the screen of his phone at Harpy and said, "They are in London."

Hapi got up from his seat and went to the cab said: "Hole, London."

Peter immediately said to Harpy: "I need a suit."

"Battle suit!" Hapi had already prepared the door behind the plane.