Marvel Super Venom

Marvel Super Venom Chapter 121

Compared to Shavig's objection, Daisy was on Jane's side in this matter.

"Okay, no problem. I'll leave it to me to subdue him." Daisy said eagerly. She took out a stun gun from her small bag. She was relying on this last time. Told Thor's.

"I hope you won't use this thing." Looking at Daisy who was eager to try, Shavig said with a headache.

He felt that letting an impulsive woman hold this weapon was no less threatening than a strong mad man.

"I agree with this too!" Jane nodded in agreement, saying that she started her jeep and reversed backwards to leave the hospital, and this fall was a man's muffled sound coming from behind the car.

Based on the feedback from the car, Jane knew that she had hit someone again.

Jane's expression solidified a little, and she touched her wallet which was somewhat dry because of the advance payment of the inspection fee and the medical expenses, and some wanted to cry without tears.

"Oh! God! Why am I so unlucky?!" Jane slapped his forehead and hurriedly pushed the door to rush.

"I'm really sorry, I swear I didn't mean it." Jane hurried to the back of the car, and said sincerely.

As Jane said, she looked at the guy she hit, and then she found out that the person she hit was Thor that she had been looking for.

"Aha, Jane. You really have fate so that you can hit him. And it's the second time." Daisy smiled and slapped Jane on the shoulder, jokingly.

It was an accident that I was able to hit him the first time I drove. The second time I drove just backing up, I ran into this guy they didn't find for a long time. What is fate?

"Stop talking about nonsense, and get him in the car for me." Jane complained and opened the door. As the only male of the three, Shavig could only help her put the heavy blond man in In the back compartment.

After all this was done, the three of them were like robbers who had done a big deal, and left in a hurry.

Thor has got it, and the next step is to see if they can get the secret they want from Thor.

At the same time, in New York, a press conference is being held. Because the performance of Iron Man and War Machine at the World Expo has been highly praised by the government, an award ceremony and a press conference have been specially held for them.

Although the whip lock was not subdued, but was rescued by the Mandarin, but most people don't know that except for Roddy, but Roddy and Iron Man are so good that they wear almost the same pants, how could they expose Iron Man?

Besides, they did eliminate a lot of mechanical soldiers, and they deserved these praises.

However, to be reasonable, Natasha, if it weren’t for Natasha who went to Hanmer Industries and hacked Ivan’s computer, Roddy and Iron Man would have even gotten their brains out. , Let alone the battle behind.

Of course, even if Natasha didn't hack Ivan's computer, she could still sling these mechanical soldiers with her strength, not to mention that Spider-Man and Fantastic Four were present at the time.

Although she did not award prizes like Tony and Roddy, Natasha is not a person who admires vanity. According to the theory of merit, Natasha's merits can be separated from Tony and Roddy.

It's just that if you don't award awards, it doesn't mean you can't watch the excitement. Natasha sat down the court and watched Tony and Roddieville standing on the stage dignifiedly, while Senator Stern was giving them two medals with disgust.

That’s right, Tony asked Nick Fury to help invite a special award-giving guest, who was the Senator Stern at the previous hearing.

Senator Stern represents the government and the military. The government and the military have always wanted to get Tony’s Iron Man technology, and even pushed Justin Hammer, the clown, to the fore at all costs. Tony is not a gentleman. It will take ten years. revenge.

This Senator Stern made things difficult for him at the hearing. Tony had already written it down on his notebook. This time he had a chance to take revenge. Seeing Senator Stern reluctantly and smiling, Tony was simply It is physical and mental pleasure.

Originally, Senator and Stark Industries couldn't go together. Even if Tony wanted to retaliate, there was no place to retaliate. The arms dealers and new energy merchants of the Stark Group were not selling daily necessities. Tony can't fire a missile and blow up his house, right?

But who would have thought that Tony and Roddy actually saved the crisis of the World Expo, and Senator Stern would give them two awards in person. This is really a naked face!

His current mood is almost impossible to describe. I really have a word of mmp, I don’t know whether to be an oar or not.

Chapter 157: The Situation of General Ross

"Another glass of cider." It may be because it is too early, or the bar is not well known. There is only one middle-aged man in military uniform in front of the bar, and he is already half drunk.

Judging from his military rank, this man is a general, but he seems to be extremely depressed now. After smoking a cigar, he drank half of the new glass of cider.

This person is no one else, but the former father-in-law of Hulk, General Rose. He is indeed in a bad mood now, because he is finished.

In terms of the impact and loss caused by the Hulk and hatred incident, General Ross, as the main responsible person, can basically be pulled out and shot for a minute, but because of his personal connections, plus this incident It was handled secretly, and the result of the treatment was... almost no treatment.

Ross was unscathed, but his rights were also emptied by the military. That is to say, his general is no longer worthy of his name. He has no military power. This general only has military rank, and his connections are also due to this matter. Completely exhausted, his military career was over.

Without contacts, without money, it is impossible to go one step further.

It is because of this that Rose is in a bad mood. He is very obsessed with the study of strengthening soldiers, but he is not so obsessed with ignoring everything.

After he saw the catastrophic consequences caused by his arrogance and mistakes, he felt a deep sense of guilt, but he did not have the courage to stand up and confess everything to the people and accept a fair trial.

Although he had nothing, but he lost everything, including his daughter.

Betty hated him for this thing, hated him for persecuting Bruce, let him escape for three years, and finally got together, and because of Bronsky's affairs, Bruce had to leave, and they separated again.

The next time we are together, I don't know what year and month it will be.

Although the government and the military did not announce Bruce's name, the people of New York knew Hulk, they hated Hulk, this monster that destroyed their homes and killed their wives, husbands, and children.

So I had to run over to drink booze and use alcohol to numb myself.

Suddenly, the door of the bar opened, and the bright sunlight shot into the bar, and a man in a suit and elegantly dressed came in.

It was Tony Stark.

"I told you a long time ago that the general Ross super soldier program was terminated for no reason. I always think the hardware is better." Tony walked to General Ross's side, leaned against the bar, and said softly.

"Stark?" Rose took a sip of his cigar and glanced at the man beside him. With some drunken eyes, he couldn't see Tony Stark's face clearly.

"General." Tony nodded and exclaimed.

General Rose looked at Tony Stark up and down, and said, "You are always so bright and beautiful."

"That's right." Tony Stark smiled lightly.

"I heard you have a difficult problem." Tony looked at Rose and said.

What he meant is self-evident, Ross is facing charges, and will even go to a military court for this, and even lose his life.

"You talk about it." Rose said with a smile.

"Listen well." Tony looked serious, and Rose took the cigar off his mouth and prepared to listen to Tony's words in peace.

"We are now ready to form an alliance." Tony said.

"What are us?" General Rose asked.

"Transcendents, for example, I, Spider-Man, Hulk, Female Hulk, and Venom, an alliance formed by superpowers in this world, people with black technology armor," Tony said.

"But I'm just an ordinary person." Rose said with a smile.

"But you are Bruce's father-in-law. I believe that General Rose should be able to revoke Bruce's wanted warrant, and General Rose can also persuade Bruce to join us, right?" Tony chuckled.

"No, I can't revoke this wanted order. Although I am still a general, I am only a vacant position, but I am not able to cancel this wanted order. Moreover, the guy Bruce probably saw me, he probably just wanted to smash me with a fist. , I won't listen to me." Rose waved his hand and held the cigar to his mouth again.

"Where is Betty?"

"Betty? Tell you the truth, I have lost everything, including my daughter." General Rose said with a sigh.