Marvel Super Venom

Marvel Super Venom Chapter 164

Hearing this, Little Naughty looked up at Logan affectionately, just about to say something, but found that the train had already started, and the atmosphere was instantly broken!

"So, what do you say, give them another chance?" Logan looked around helplessly and said with a smile: "I will take care of you!"

"Do you promise?" Xiao Qi asked softly when he heard this, feeling extremely tender in his heart.

"Yes, I promise!" Logan smiled and stared at the little mischievous eyes, promising word by word.

The little mischief immediately turned from sorrow to joy, and decided in his heart to follow Wolverine back to the mutant academy!

But I don't want to change suddenly!

The advancing train suddenly stopped, the entire carriage began to tremble, and then a big hole was torn open by an invisible force, and an old man wearing a cloak and a helmet floated in!

Seeing this, Logan immediately stood up, with both hands, the alloy claws immediately stretched out, and he wanted to step forward!

But I didn't want the old man to lift his hand, the Wolverine drama found that he couldn't move at all, and his heart was shocked!

"You must be Wolverine Logan, your whole body bones are made of super alloy?" The old man walked over and laughed. He wanted to resist when he saw Logan, and immediately increased his strength. The invisible great power made Wolverine motionless. Suspended in the air!

"Why are you looking for me?" When Logan saw the old man's actions, he knew that he was Magneto. Because Professor X's remarks were misled, Logan thought that Magneto was looking for him!

"You? Please, who said he was looking for you?" Magneto sneered. With a push, Logan was immediately pushed to the back of the carriage!

Little mischief wanted to save Logan, but was easily subdued by Magneto with a tube of tranquilizer!

At this time, outside the station, the toad and the saber-toothed tiger have also solved Storm Girl and Laser Eye!Toad carrying a comatose little mischief in front, Magneto and Sabre-toothed tiger behind, walked out of the station waiting hall. Due to too much movement, the policemen with guns and live ammunition were already outside!

The situation is imminent!

Chapter 215: Disputes

"Wow, it's great for us." Eric said in a slightly teasing tone as he looked at the team outside.

"Don't move, don't move all, raise your hands, put your hands on your head." The leading policeman shouted, judging by his rank, he is the highest among these policemen.

"You are already surrounded, hurry up!" Everyone in the police station mobilized to surround the train station.

Among these policemen, some were holding a pistol and some holding a shotgun. These policemen pointed their guns at the black hole, Magneto and others.

It's just that Magneto doesn't take these guns in his eyes. He can control their bullets and pierce their heads.

"These are all useless work." Eric shook his head dismissively, and when he reached out his hand, he directly lifted the two police cars in front of him. The look of the police around him changed drastically, and he hurried to the side.

Then, they saw the two police cars, as if they were rubbed by an invisible big hand, turned into a pile of scrap iron, and then floated towards many policemen.

"Oh! Mygad!" Many police officers subconsciously exclaimed when they looked at the police car crushed into scrap.

Under the control of Magneto, the two lumps of scrap iron slowly lifted into the air, and floated above the group of cars enclosed in front of him, releasing the control on the two lumps of scrap iron.

The next moment, the two lumps of scrap iron in mid-air fell down instantly and hit the police car used to block the road.

All the police cars withdrew back in horror. For a moment, the tight defense was directly exposed to a huge flaw.

After several police cars were scrapped, although many people were scared, there were still many policemen who stood by their duties, pointing their guns at Magneto.

Although they didn't know whether the gun in their hands had any effect on this guy.

Seeing this scene, Eric smiled disdainfully, waved his hand, and all the guns flew towards Eric uncontrollably.

In the air, these guns changed direction, aimed at their original owner, opened the insurance, and went on the trip.

All the policemen look at me and I look at you, completely at a loss.

This power is already inhuman.

When they dealt with crimes in the past, it was not so difficult to deal with. In the face of these super-powered criminals, ordinary people like them can play very little role.

The policemen who were still very critical of some superheroes in the face of this situation were also screaming and speechless. If there were no such superheroes, ordinary people like them would face these criminals, I am afraid there is only a dead end. Portion.

At this time, Professor X was a little late with the piano, and Natasha and Steve also followed and came to this train station.

Seeing this situation, even Steve, who was full of justice in his heart, frowned slightly and stepped forward without impulsiveness. It can be said that Magneto holds the lives of at least hundreds of people. He is Captain America. He wants to treat these Americans. Citizens are responsible.

"Natasha, how sure are you to solve this guy without hurting the hostages?" Steve asked quietly.

"I don't have much confidence, hundreds of people, he was able to react as soon as I shot, we can't save everyone, at least a dozen of them will not be able to take care of us." Natasha shook her head and said.

Let her fight, she is fearless, but it is impossible for her to rescue hundreds of hostages while subduing the gangsters.

Steve sighed and hesitated, not knowing how to choose.

Professor x glanced at Natasha and Steve and closed his eyes. He knew that if Eric did something extraordinary and was seen by Steve and Natasha, maybe they would change People's intention to integrate into human society will be shattered.

Eric looked at the guns pointed at these policemen's foreheads and smiled disdainfully: "Useless humans and weapons."

Suddenly, the saber-toothed tiger beside Eric suddenly grabbed Eric's neck and said, "Eric is enough."

The frogman on the other side also looked at Eric and said, "Let them go."

Obviously, they were controlled by Charles' psychic power.

Seeing this happen to his subordinates, Eric looked around and said coldly: "Charles, stand up if you have this."

Inside a car, Charles sighed helplessly, and controlled the saber-toothed tiger and asked: "Why do you want to hurt her? She is just a child, an insecure child. If you do this, your conscience will not hurt?"

"Charles, can't you read my mind?" Eric sneered.

Without waiting for Charles to speak, Eric sneered and said: "Charles, do you want to save her? You have to kill me first, but what's the point? They passed laws to let humans number your forehead."

When he said this, he was not speaking harshly, but because he understood Charles's character, and there were so many hostages in his hands, he was completely confident.

"It won't be like that." Charles said, trying to persuade Magneto, but is Magneto an unsteady person?Can you be moved by Charles so easily?

If his mind is not firm, he might not do such a thing.

"Then kill me and verify it, or let me go." Eric looked at the saber-toothed tiger and said coldly.

Charles sat in the car, shook his head helplessly, did not continue, nor promised Eric.

It just controlled the frogman and slowly walked towards the human side.

Seeing this, Eric was also anxious.

"Very good!" Eric sneered, and immediately took heart.

The look of the police chief standing in the front changed, because after the pistol in front of him was loaded, he slowly aimed at his head, and Eric controlled the pistol and pulled the trigger.
