Marvel Super Venom

Marvel Super Venom Chapter 225

The mage who can sit on the New York Temple Lord, in addition to strength, is equally flexible in mind, and the aliens who invade the earth are naturally among the aliens.

He felt that with the dozens of mages in the New York Temple, it is naturally unrealistic to stop the alien troops rushing through the city, and as long as the portal is open, there will be an endless stream of alien reinforcements, so He made a decisive decision and made the same choice as the heroes of the reunion, first attacking the portal!

As for the aliens who have come in, hum!They are not mystical monsters, so they should be handed over to the army of ordinary people!Didn’t you claim to shock that country all day, this country can’t sit still, and grasp the lifeblood of a certain country?Since it is so powerful, pull it out quickly!

Moreover, the matter itself is that those mortals are just fooling around for a good day, and now they have broken the sky, and have some brothers to help you with it.

The mages in the temple also complained quite a bit, but for these aliens, it is impossible to leave them alone, they can only go up first.

"Master, we are about to control... we can't stop it! The portal is too powerful!" A mage shouted in a rather weak voice. This mage's face was pale and sweaty, apparently reaching its limit. People are not much better than him.

The New York Temple is located on a magic node and has huge magic power. Therefore, the Lord of the New York Temple naturally chooses to gather all the mages in the temple to cast spells collectively, and then turn the temple into operation. From this giant magic node Extract magic power to bless, and strive to close this portal.

This idea cannot be calculated wrong, but the portal opened by one of the infinite gems, the space gem and universe cube, can be closed by dozens of little wizards together?How can the power of the Cosmos Rubik's Cube be comparable to a giant mana node?

Therefore, they had no choice but to retreat and stabilize the portal at its current scale, so as not to allow it to continue to expand, so as to slow down the alien army passing through the portal.

But even so, it was too reluctant for them.

However, they also persisted in silence for a long time, which is why the space door has not been expanded. Loki didn't know, the Avengers didn't know, and thought the space door opened was only so big.

"Hold on, brothers! It is our responsibility, our glory! Our pride, to resist foreign demons and defend the earth!" The Lord of the New York Temple encouraged many mages with a sincere and proud tone.

The reason why the mages are arrogant, in addition to their extraordinary power, is also because they bear a sacred responsibility. They think they have seen the real world, so they dismiss ordinary people like birds in cages.

And they, who are proud to their bones, can give their lives to maintain this pride.

"For the sake of sacred responsibility, our generation will not hesitate to do this!"

"Do not hesitate to be here!"

"Do not hesitate to be here!"

To give up responsibility is to give up pride!Give up responsibility, what is the difference between yourself and those who are ignorant vassals?!

With these solemn oaths, the exhausted wizards cheered up like a sudden shot.But... it's more like a back light, the candle always burns very brightly before it goes out.

"I am proud of you, children." Just then, a voice of relief came.The yellow-framed portal opened, and a kind lady walked out of it.

"Supreme Mage!"

"The Supreme Mage is here."

"Sorry kids, I'm late." The visitor is the highest leader of the Master's Priory, the Supreme Master Gu Yi. When Gu Yi was in Kama Taj, he also noticed the other side of the earth, and also the movement of New York. She wanted to turn on the teleportation magic and came here, but because of the space gems in the universe cube, she also spent a lot of time here.

"I'm sorry, this space is extremely unstable, and I have to proceed with caution." Gu Yi explained, his gaze fell on the portal that was slowly expanding.

This is an extremely precious treasure, the same treasure as the Age Moto Eye on her body.

Gu Yi didn't have any fluctuations in his heart, and immediately shot, huge magical power poured out, and the trend of expanding the portal abruptly stopped.

"The portal has stopped."

"As expected to be the Supreme Mage..."

The Supreme Master’s shot was naturally extraordinary, and immediately stabilized the form as soon as he shot it. This made a group of weak chicken wizards breathe a sigh of relief. The entire Kama Taj, except for the ancient one, everyone just shouted. The weak chicken of 666 is nothing.

"Don't take it lightly..." Gu Yi kept moving in his hands, adjusting his spells all the time. The orange spell brilliance shone on her face, making the lavender in her eyes less conspicuous, Gu Yi said indifferently: " That treasure that opens the portal is not easy."

Gu Yi was also upset in his heart. You said that you Asgardians have not come to Earth for more than a thousand years, and you will do big things with this.If it's not that I can't walk away by myself now, I must teach that guy with antlers how to be a man.

However, although she can't walk away now, there are still many people outside who are fighting to protect the earth.

She only needs to control the situation silently to the extent acceptable to the earth.

In front of the portal, Natasha, who was killing the Zetarians, keenly sensed the expansion of the portal just now, and now it has shrunk.

"What happened just now?" Natasha was a little puzzled in her heart, but the Qitarians who were constantly impacting on her made her have no time to distract herself from thinking about other things.

"Tell me, how to close the portal, you must know what's right?" Natasha raised her hand and wrung off the head of a Qitarian. A dazzling light of thunder burst out all over her body. After emptying an area, her breathing was a little short. Asked.

"It's not very clear, but you can try. The scepter in Loki's hand may be able to close the portal. After all, the scepter in Loki's hand is a spiritual gem." Yang Han said.

"Everyone, find Loki, snatch the scepter in his hand, and be able to close the portal." Natasha called out in the communication.

Tony's voice came and said: "We already know, and you don't need to remind."

Chapter 297: Nuclear Bomb Launch

Chapter 298:

Natasha was a little confused, how did you know?Where did you get the news?

"How did you know?" Natasha asked in surprise.

"Dr. Shavig, we found Dr. Shavig, he was out of Loki's control and told us." Tony explained.

"Trouble you, I can't stand it anymore, there are too many craps." Natasha gasped.

"We'll be as soon as possible." Tony quickly turned to the Avengers and said: "We have to find Loki as soon as possible."

"We don't even know where Loki is, where do we look for?" Hawkeye frowned.

"It's very simple." Tony immediately told Jarvis to hack into the satellite and call military satellites to monitor this area of ​​New York, and Loki was soon discovered.

"Found it, Loki is three kilometers north of the Stark Mansion, but he is in a bit of a bad condition..." Tony's expression was a little strange.

In the picture he saw, Loki's leg was pinched in his hand by a green palm, and he was being carried by the big hand and slammed back and forth desperately.

Tony tuned the picture to the Avengers present, and seeing this scene, even the members of the Avengers who hated Loki had a pitiful emotion towards Loki at this moment.

"It's miserable."

At this moment, Loki felt like he was being used as a hammer. The difference was that the hammer was a dead object and there was no so-called pain. He was a life, and he could feel more and more intense pain.

He was misguided again. Originally, he wanted to use the psychic scepter to control Hulk while Hulk was slaying the Zetaru War Dragon and the Zeta Swiss Soldier, so as not to let those bugs continue to interfere with his plan.

Unfortunately, it failed.

But I didn’t expect that he had just appeared, he was grabbed by Hulk, like a club held by Hulk, rounded by Hulk, smashed a lot of Zeta Swiss soldiers, making him green. The blood is extremely embarrassed.

Then maybe Hulk felt his struggle. Because of his struggle, Hulk was dissatisfied, and it also made Hulk realize that he was not holding a dead thing in his hand, so it appeared that he was being turned by Hulk. The scene of falling.

When the big hand finally loosened his leg and slammed his wheel to the ground, Loki already felt that the bones in his body were about to shatter.

But obviously Hulk's anger won't stop there, especially when he finds that Loki in his hand is starting to yell at him.

Loki lay in a big pit that was smashed out of his body. Regardless of the severe pain, he raised his upper body, embarrassed all over, and shouted at Hulk angrily: "Enough! You brainless beast I am a god!"

Rocky’s voice was full of anger and aggrieved, but if Thor was there, he might still hear Rocky’s voice, uh, aggrieved?