Marvel Super Venom

Marvel Super Venom Chapter 401

Pike suppressed his breathing to the lowest level, and he didn't dare to move now, otherwise, with the vampire's extraordinary facial features and keen sense of smell, he would not be able to hear any information if he was discovered.

"Fernan, what is the thing that Brother Feith left behind?"

"I don't know. The box originally contained the blood of Brother Faith, but on the morning of Brother Faith's death, a skeleton flew in and got inside."

"Skeleton? Fernan, your joke is not funny. A skeleton flies in from the outside and doesn't say anything. Why is the box intact when it gets into the box?"

"You don't believe me? That skeleton is really weird, so I never took out the box."

"Since you said that, Fernan, let's open the box and see what's in it!"

Pike had already secretly turned on the recording function of the phone. He couldn't understand the connection between the skeleton and Faith's blood, but the Blade Warrior could definitely understand what he heard.

The sound in the darkroom suddenly stopped, and Pike guessed that they were opening the box.

After waiting for dozens of seconds, there was a horrified cry from the darkroom, which made Pike who was recording outside got goose bumps all over his body.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Fenan, save us, what is this?"

"Fenan, stop him quickly, we have to..."

Parker's heart halted, and the miserable cry inside stopped again.

The silence for a while made Parker's heartbeat continue to accelerate.

"Big... big..." Fernan's voice trembled in the room.

In the next second, just as Parker pressed his ear closer, one hand directly pierced the wall and broke Parker's head!

"Fenan, how many times have I told you to close the door!"

Parker's phone fell from his hand to the ground, and his eyes rolled to the side of the phone, seeming to make an incredible expression.

The phone was picked up, and then a number was dialed.

The Blade Warrior who was chatting with Sgard in the house got on the phone, and he planned to eat fast food after talking with Sgard about the new weapon.

"Hey, Parker, did Mercury buy it?" The Blade Warrior took a snack and took apart the disposable chopsticks.

"Hello, Parker?" The Blade Warrior yelled again. He looked at his cell phone and the signal was full.

"Pike?" The action of holding chopsticks in the knife's hand stopped for a while, and he realized something was wrong.

"Pike? Is that you?" The Blade Warrior shouted at the end of the phone, but there was still no sound in the phone.

The Blade Warrior immediately came to Sgard and asked him to track Parker's cell phone signal source to confirm where Parker was.

Sgard's hand quickly tapped on the keyboard, and after the signal tracking was completed, the Blade Warrior smashed the phone in a rage.

"Sheet! Faq!" The anger of the blade warrior broke out instantly!

When they saw the billiards club where the signal appeared, the blade fighter realized that Pike was definitely in trouble!

Dr. Whistler was arrested first, and now Parker had another accident, and the anger of the Blade Warrior could no longer be suppressed.

Natasha and General Rose walked over. They were still thinking about their own affairs, and they heard the sound of the blade soldier slamming the phone.

Natasha saw a location on the master computer, and he immediately understood why the Blade Warrior was so angry.

But letting Sgard locate this location is tantamount to exposing their tracking of Sgard.

Natasha glanced at Sgard's micro expression, his face was just normal because of the blade warrior's anger and a trace of fear and hesitation that wanted to comfort the blade warrior but did not dare to go.

If Sgard could see that they were following him, I'm afraid they will have to calculate each other upright!

Chapter Five Hundred: Burial

In the current situation, Sgard didn't know that they were already calculating him.

But the signal tracking of the blade this time exposes the billiard club. Sgard has just been to the billiard club, and even a fool can think of something.

"Blade, calm down first, things may not be the case, let's go over and take a look."

Natasha blinked at General Rose, motioning for him to stay here and watch Sgard.

The flesh around the corner of the blade warrior's mouth was twitching, and his anger had reached its peak.

Natasha drove out of the Blade Warrior's car and waved to him: "Blade, come up!"

The Blade Warrior got into the car, holding his fists tightly along the way.

If something happens to Pike this time, Natasha doesn't know what the Blade Warrior will do.

After all, according to what she and Yang Han knew, the last time the Blade Warrior was angry because Dr. Whistler was severely injured by Faith, but that time the Blade Warrior was able to hide the anger in his heart, but this time it broke out completely.

The Blade Warrior injected a new type of serum into the car. He closed his eyes tightly and bit his teeth.

"Natasha, if I rush into the enemy's trap for a while, don't come to save me!"

The voice of the blade warrior was full of a beast roaring continuously in his body, but now the beast was forcibly tied by a chain.

"Blade, in fact, you should understand in your heart, Pike..." Natasha has been an agent for so long, and has a keen sense of smell for all this than a blade warrior.

They rushed over now to collect Pike's body.

Even with Yang Han's power, Pike had been dead for nearly two hours when they rushed past.

Yang Han couldn't save a person who had been dead for two hours.

As the car drove across the bridge, bright sunlight came in, and Yang Han suddenly said, "I felt that part of the blood god's power appeared."

"What?" Natasha asked Yang Han repeatedly, "You said the power of the blood god appeared?"

When Natasha heard it, all this became confusing.

Why did the power of the blood god appear when Pike died, and what was the relationship between Pike's death and it?

"Well, I think it was the power of the blood god who killed Pike after it appeared, which means that the power of the blood god just appeared in the billiard club."

According to this kind of thinking, the person in the billiards club can never be Damaskinos. In that case, who will get the power of the blood god?

Yang Han couldn't wait to find out in the past, and he was looking forward to the complete blood god power.

As for who the opponent is, Yang Han is not afraid at all. He, General Ross and the three of the Blade Warriors are enough to break all conspiracies and tricks!

After more than an hour of driving, the blade soldier parked in front of the billiard club.