Marvel Super Venom

Marvel Super Venom Chapter 663

At that time, Zuli, that is, James, had been with Nitrob for many years, and Eric had a very good relationship with him.

It was only because of his father's death that Eric was now the only one who had not recognized him and had revenge.

So even if it was Uncle James, who had a good relationship with him, Eric could kill him mercilessly.

With a sword through his body, the spear in Zu Li's hand fell instantly.

After Eric pulled out the sword in his hand, Zu Li fell into the water.

Techara climbed over and shouted, "No, no, no, no! Zuli, no! No, no, Zuli, Zuli! No, no!"

Te Chala was also coughing up blood constantly, and he saw Zu Li fall down in order to save himself.

At this moment Techara was already crazy, he even waved his hand into the air, like a weak person who wanted to hit Eric.

The way he shouted in embarrassment was really teary.

Eric took a step back and said to everyone present: "This is your king, look at him, this is your king!"

Te Chara stood up, shook his fist towards Eric without any strength, but Eric grabbed his arm directly and punched him in the stomach with a fist.

Wakabi did not show any sympathy in his eyes after seeing this scene on the stone wall.

He seems to have seen this scene a long time ago.

Techara was knocked to the ground again with a punch by Eric.

Chapter 814: The challenge is over, the painful price

After defeating Techara again and again, Eric shouted to the chiefs on the stone wall: "This is your king, the panther who leads you to the future."

Su Rui and the queen were already crying.

Su Rui cried: "Stand up, brother!"

The guards asked Okoye, "Are we just standing by?"

The situation is now falling apart.

The chiefs also took a deep breath, tears in their eyes.

Watching his own king be defeated fiercely, and Zu Li fell into the water and died.

For the Wakanda Kingdom, this was as heavy and sad as the last time the old king died.

Eric insulted Techara dismissively and said: "Trash, is he someone who can protect you?"

Techara stood up and rushed towards Eric. He was now a person who had completely lost his arm, only in the form of an arm, but actually weak and weak, even a three-year-old child could fight him.

Techara has now lost all means of resistance.

He was able to stand up entirely because of a wave of anger and unwillingness.

But this unwillingness of anger did not help him defeat Eric.

Miracles do not exist at all times.

Te Chara who rushed towards Eric was picked up by him, and Eric carried Te Chara all the way to the edge of the waterfall.

Below is a torrent of rapids and waterfalls, and falling down is definitely a life of nine deaths.

Seeing Eric walking towards the edge of the waterfall, the queen shouted to Princess Su Rui: "No, no!"

But will Eric listen to their plea?

will not!

Eric threw Techara in without hesitation!

Techara fell in the air, his ears full of the impact of water and the howling of his mother and sister.

Eric looked at him expressionlessly on the waterfall, and Techara's consciousness gradually lost.

With a bang, Te Chala fell into the rapids and disappeared.

This challenge is officially announced by Eric to win!

Okoye and other guards felt despair in their hearts when they saw Techara fall.

Zu Li used his own life to temporarily save Techara, but the final result did not make any difference.

Okoye and the others can no longer violate the challenge and the rules of their Wakanda Kingdom.

As soon as Techara fell into the waterfall, Eric would become the new king of their Wakanda kingdom.

This is the rule of Wakanda in the strong world.

The winner is king!

Everyone fell into great grief. Eric turned around and shouted angrily at them: "Now! I am your king!"

Eric's revenge anger has not completely dissipated after tackling Techara.

This is just the first step for his revenge. After taking over the kingdom of Wakanda, he still needs to do a lot of things.

He knew that even if he became the king of Wakanda like this, no one would really surrender himself.

So he needs to rule Wakanda with his own violence step by step!

The queen and princess Su Rui were crying together. Su Rui wanted to rush out to avenge Eric, but was stopped by the crying queen.

"no no!"

The queen hugged Su Rui tightly, and the great sadness and Techara's departure made them vent with tears.

Nagya was also holding Su Rui behind them, she was equally sad, but the more this kind of time they needed to turn their sadness into motivation.

"We have to leave now, Queen, let's go!"

Once Techara died and Eric became king, no one would have thought that Eric’s next step would definitely be to deal with Techara’s relatives.

So Nagia hurriedly took them out of here.

Eric put on a leopard tooth necklace that was a symbol of the king, and the chiefs and guards present had to admit that Eric was their new king.

So one by one raised spears to Eric to welcome the birth of the new king.

The challenge ended. After Eric saw that his own world was about to be born, a slight smile appeared on his mouth.