Marvel Super Venom

Marvel Super Venom Chapter 838

Peter spit out a web of spider silk towards the door. After the Spider-Man suit is strengthened, the originally very sticky spider web has elasticity, like a bouncing ball that bounces to the other side when hitting the door.

Karen also said: "Bounce the net!"

Peter yelled really cool.

Then he constantly tested how many changes the suit can bring to his net.

"Separate the web! Cobweb grenade!"

Peter kept trying like a kid who had discovered a new world. When he got tired of trying, he lay on the container and looked at the ceiling.

Peter's left hand was pressed on his stomach. He was a bit hungry. At the same time, Peter was thinking. This was the only time he could only think and could not do other things.

Peter said to himself: "Should I tell Liz that I am Spider-Man?"

Peter was not talking to himself alone, he had Karen listening beside him.

Regarding Liz Peter was talking about, Karen asked, "Who is Liz?"

After all, Karen is just the auxiliary control system of the suit. He doesn't know Peter, and it is impossible to know the big and small things on the Internet like Friday.

"Liz is..." Peter's tone softened when he spoke of Liz. If it weren't for Spider-Man's hood to cover his eyes, Peter's eyes must be full of admiration now.

"She is the goddess of Xueba, my classmate, I... I really want to tell her, but it feels very strange, do you know what I mean? Hey, I'm Spiderman."

These words of Peter's heart have not even Ned said.

Karen asked, "What's so strange about this?"

Peter couldn't help getting scared and said, "What if the Spider-Man she was expecting was like Tony Stark? Think about it, how disappointed she would be to see me."

Peter's fear is not unreasonable. After all, he is facing the person he likes, and he is afraid that the other person does not like him and he is not self-confident.

Karen said, "Well, if I were her, I wouldn't be disappointed at all."

At any rate, Karen is also the system of the Spider-Man suit, so naturally he won't say something that hurts Peter.

Peter was warmed up, and he thanked him: "Thank you, it feels great that someone can chat. How long have we been here?"

Peter dangled his head. He was jumping around here and contacting the auxiliary function of the Spider-Man suit. The time should have passed for a long time, because the lights here are always on, so I don't know the specific time.

Karen replied: "37 minutes."

"What?" Karen's answer made Peter jump up from the container. "It's only 37 minutes? This is too much! I can't take it anymore. I'm leaving here."

Peter jumped back and took off his school uniform, ready to look for tools in the container.

"There must be something useful here, let me see."

Peter walked into the container that had been knocked open by his own head before, and then rummaged in his bag.

Peter found something that looked like a huge metal dog collar, then shook his head and said it was useless and threw it aside. There was also an ugly metal helmet that seemed useless.

Peter continued to search, and then found a purple luminous object. Peter immediately became excited and said, "Hey, this looks a lot like that luminous object."

Karen introduced: "This luminous object is an explosive zetaric energy core."

Peter was so frightened that he almost threw the Qitari energy core to the ground and said, "What? You mean we always carry a bomb with us?"

Peter said that he really threw the Qitari energy core back into the bag.

Karen said: "It is exposed to radiation to activate the explosion."

Peter took out the phone, and the lock screen on it was still Ned's picture. Peter spit out the spider silk and went to the gate to beat up and shouted, "No, no, no, come here, let me go!"

There is a Zetaric energy core that may explode at any time. Peter doesn't want to be blown to death. In addition, time is running out. He still needs to participate in international competitions. He has promised Liz.

At this time, Peter noticed that there was a time lock on the right side of the gate. He was inspired, so he said to Karen: "Karen, you must help me overwrite that time lock, good Karen, try low-pressure operation."

Peter started recording the sequence in his notebook, and Karen said, "The experiment failed."

Peter wrote down one by one: "Well, we have to try every sequence."

Peter is taking the time to break the time lock. On the other hand, the room where Ned and Peter live has already been knocked.

Outside the door, Liz shouted: "Ned, Peter, we are going to be late, hurry up, let's go."

Ned was anxiously waiting for Peter's return. After being called by Liz, Ned picked up the Zetaric energy core on the bed and said: "Okay, wait, come right away."

Peter is still trying to unlock the time lock.

Karen said, "Make the 247th attempt."

After the 247th attempt, Peter finally opened the door.

He yelled happily: "It's a success! It's a success!"

As soon as the door opened, Peter directly followed a driving car back to the International Decathlon Center in Washington.

At this moment, the game has started, and the players from both sides are ready to answer the questions.

The host stood in the middle of the seats on both sides and said: "Please make sure all mobile phones are turned off."

Because Peter hadn't returned, so Ned handed over his mobile phone and entered the game.

Peter sat in the car that was transporting natural gas and said, "Karen, take me back to the decathlon race. The sooner the better."

"No problem, tell me the location." Karen's words sounded quite letting go.

"It's across from the Washington Monument!"

Chapter 983: Energy Nuclear Explosion

Peter finally got a signal on his cell phone on the way back, so he called Ned, but he got a message reminder: "This is Ned's voicemail, please leave a message if you hear it."

Peter yelled, "Ned, call back! That luminous object is a bomb!"

However, no matter how Peter shouted the message, Ned couldn't hear him. By this time, Ned was already answering questions on the field.

And that dangerous Zetaric energy core was glowing in Ned's pocket.

Peter was reminded by Karen on the way back: "There is a hitchhiker on your right approaching."

On the field, the host said: "We have entered the deciding game, the next question will determine the title of the champion."

On Peter's side, the lonely white man with no friends rang the bell.

The host asked: "Central High School?"