Marvel Super Venom

Marvel Super Venom Chapter 873

"Night Monkey?" Betty asked back.

Ned nodded and said, "Night Monkey...Night Monkey."

Ned himself was shocked after saying the name.

Betty shouted to Peter below, asking for help: "Night Monkey, help, Night Monkey!"

Ned also yelled along with Betty: "Night Monkey, save us."

Peter stood up and looked at the Ferris wheel behind him. He was dumbfounded.

Why did Ned and Betty, who should have been in the opera house, appear here?And it's on the Ferris wheel.

What's more outrageous is that they were still trapped on it and couldn't get off. Peter didn't even have time to be shocked, because the flame giant was running towards him with his fist.

Peter hurriedly spit out two cobwebs at the flame giant's arm, trying to pull the flame giant down, but the web was burned out the moment it touched the flame.

The fist of the flame giant blasted towards him directly.

The mysterious guest arrived in time and erected a huge green barrier in front of Peter to block the flame giant's attack.

Facing the circular green barrier, the flame giant kept hammering to break it.

Inside the green barrier, the mysterious guest asked Peter: "Are you okay? Use plan B instead."

The flame giant can quickly break the green barrier, so the mysterious guest will not last long.

Peter replied: "Okay! It has to attack him with something it can't absorb."

The mysterious guest said: "I am from the left, and you are from the right."

After the two were allocated, the mysterious guest removed the green barrier and flew to both sides at the same time as Peter.

There is no doubt that after both of them left, the Flame Giant still chose to chase Peter. Peter took this opportunity to take the Flame Giant away from the Ferris wheel to prevent Ned and Betty from being affected.

The flame giant rushed to chase Peter, and a large amount of flame burst from its body to attack Peter in front of him. Peter spewed out spider silk and jumped backwards on the chandelier next to him, jumping behind the flame giant, and then two. Kicked the flame giant's back, making it lose balance again.

"Take advantage of it now, attack!"

Peter initiated the signal to attack, the mysterious guest rushed towards the flame giant from behind, a green light burst out between his palms, and his fists hit the flame giant's abdomen.

The flame giant's abdomen was instantly stained with two green marks, and then his body kept retreating, as if he was about to fall.

"The attack is effective, continue!" The mysterious guest pursued the victory and continued to surround the flame giant to carry out the next attack.

Peter trapped a burning stone in front with a spider web, and then smashed it at the flame giant.

However, after the burning stone was smashed, it could not cause any damage to the flame giant, but instead caused the attacking mysterious guest to be fisted out by the flame giant.

Peter reminded: "Don't get too close to it."

Although the power of the flame giant's one punch is not enough to kill them directly, but after a few punches, it can't stand it.

Agents Fury and Hill were driving over, and they heard the mysterious guest say from the communicator: "Spider-Man, come and help."

Peter responded: "Received!"

"Can't let it get close to that Ferris wheel." The mystery also noticed Ned and Betty on the Ferris wheel, and the Ferris wheel is also a great tool for the flame giant to enhance its own power.

It just swallowed the carousel and made its body bigger.

"I know." Peter kept spitting out the cobweb and entwining it towards the flame giant.

Although the web will melt away soon, it can still limit the actions of the flame giant.

The flame giant hit the ground with a violent punch, and a magma-like crack spread to the far Ferris wheel.

Ned and Betty on the Ferris wheel felt that the Ferris wheel was tilted.

The flame giant then gave up Peter, ran directly to the Ferris wheel, and stretched out his hand. Obviously, it wanted to consume the Ferris wheel to continue to increase its strength, or its power was not enough, and it would not swallow it anymore. It's about to die, it must be prevented from getting close to the Ferris wheel anyway.

Chapter One Thousand and Eighteen: Eliminating the Threat

The flame giant stretched out his magma-like arm to grab the Ferris wheel.

The mysterious guest fired green light beams with both hands to block the flame giant from getting closer to the Ferris wheel.

The flame giant was fighting against the mysterious guest. Peter ran over and found something strange on the Ferris wheel. He wondered: "What is that?"

Peter spit out the cobweb and pulled the thing, then it flew out and fell into the side alley, where Michelle was hiding.

Peter doesn't have time to care about the flying things, he must first rescue Ned and Betty from the Ferris wheel.

So Peter spit out the cobweb and kept jumping towards the Ferris wheel. Betty was already screaming in fright, holding Ned's hand tightly, and closing his eyes.

When Peter jumped up to rescue Ned and Betty, Fury, Agent Hill and several of his men drove to here.

When the mysterious guest was showing great power to push the flame giant back, Peter began to rescue Ned and Betty, and at the same time praised the mysterious guest: "That's it, right, right, good!"

Peter's praise seemed to be poisonous milk. Just after he finished the praise, the flame giant turned his attack and pressed in again.

"No, no, no!" After all, the mysterious guest discovered that the Flame Giant was going to become stronger again, and they missed the first time to kill the Flame Giant.

Agent Hill also said after seeing the flame giant's state: "It's too late."

The mystery took off his helmet, then turned his head to look at Peter and the others on the Ferris wheel: "No matter what happens, I'm very fortunate to meet you."

With the sweat on the mysterious guest's face, tears flashed in the eyes of the whole person. After saying this, he turned his head and looked at the flame giant, looking like he was going to die.

Peter shouted, "Baker, what are you going to do?"

The mystery took the helmet again, and then burst out a green light in his hand and said: "Do what I should do last time!"

The green light gathered on the whole body of the mysterious guest, and then all rushed to his hands. The mysterious guest roared, and the whole person slammed into the flame giant like a cannonball, and then hit the flame giant's chest with a punch.

The dazzling green light spread directly to the flame giant's body like a virus. With the explosion of a green light, the flame giant was completely wiped out.

The mysterious guest also fell to the ground.

Peter quickly jumped down to see the situation of the mysterious guest. Since the flame giant has been eliminated, Ned and Betty on the Ferris wheel are also safe.

The most important thing now is to confirm whether the mysterious guest is still alive.

Peter turned the fallen mysterious guest over and asked, "Mr. Baker? Mr. Baker?"

The mystery guest’s helmet has been taken off. He is in a coma at the moment. At Peter's cry, he woke up and exhaled, "Thank God."

Peter pulled the mysterious guest up, and Ned and Betty were relieved after seeing this scene.

Betty turned her head to look at Ned and said, "Do you know, I really want to kiss you now."