Master of Ninja World

Chapter 81 Invasion of the MoonVarious Requests

Looking at the hesitating Bai Zetsu, Uchiha Madara's horrible old face was even more terrifying. He breathed cold all over, and the breath out of his nostrils was as cold as ice.

"What is that kid doing lately."

Uchiha Madara asked indifferently. In fact, he was also very curious about what Wuchen had planned during the time. Wuchen always felt like a cautious and careful person.

Leaving this period of time for no reason, it is absolutely impossible to practice the so-called pupil technique as he said before leaving. Even if he really practices pupil technique, it is definitely by the way.

"He robbed the eight tails of Yunyin Village...As for the specific motives, I don't understand." Thinking of the scene of Wuchen sweeping Yunyin Village, he said truthfully, without any concealment.

In front of Uchiha Madara, no one has a secret to hide. His vicious eyes can see through everything and grasp the opponent's scheming.

This time Uchiha Madara was really confused.


Hearing that, Uchiha Madara lowered his head, his eyes kept changing, obviously he was thinking of Wu Chen's intention to capture Yao, the thoughts in his heart surged, and the thinking ability in his mind was also used to the limit.

Although Uchiha Madara once told Wuchen that the Moon Eye project is actually to collect the tail beasts and then resurrect the ten tails, it is obviously too early to collect the tail beasts at this stage, and it is easy to reveal the plan. Wuchen also promised that he would not Rushing to collect the tail beast, now runs counter to the previous statement, really makes people have to delve deeper into the problem.

"Master Madara, it's hard for that guy to know--"


Uchiha Madara glanced at Zutsu, then waved his hand to deny: "According to my recent observations of that kid, even if he knows the fundamental purpose of our plan, he will not be able to stun the snake, he will just pretend to hide in the dark. "

Shaking his head, Uchiha Madara said very confidently and confidently. He believed that he looked at people's eyes. Although he didn't know what Wuchen was trying to catch Bawei now, but at least at this stage, I can be sure that Wuchen is absolutely the same as them. A teammate in a trench.

"Don't worry, let him go."

Uchiha Madara, who really couldn't think of a reason, quickly relieved. He is not the kind of person who likes to waste his time. Since he can't guess the purpose of cleansing, he should think about other problems in the extra time.

"The courage of that Sansho Fish Hanzo is really not small...the mere ants dare to be called a demigod, funny."

The voice suddenly changed, Uchiha Madara's voice immediately became cold, and the cold breath from his mouth could condense the air, with endless killing intent.

Sanjiao Hanzo's fear of Akatsuki is unquestionable, but there is actually a deeper relationship, that is, the reincarnation eye of Uzumaki Nagato, which is also rushing.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Madara couldn't help being speechless, and whispered Uzumaki Nagato's uselessness. Previously, Wuchen was paying attention to reincarnation, but now another character jumped out.

Uzumaki Nagato is not Uchiha Madara himself, but can apply flexibly to the reincarnation eye, shrinking and switching at will.You can only maintain the state of reincarnation eyes all the time, and naturally it will inevitably cause others to watch.

"That kid from the whirlpool clan is really disappointing."

After sighing, Uchiha Madara said helplessly. He also had to admit that Uzumaki Nagato couldn't use the power of reincarnation at all. If it were transplanted to Wuchen, it would be completely invincible by then.

Uchiha Madara's blood originally belonged to Uchiha, and Wuchen also belonged to the Uchiha clan. There is no reason why he could not be as half-hearted as Uzumaki Nagato, who can fully display the power of the eyes of Samsara.

"Some techniques of Nagato Nagato cannot be used at all, and it consumes the lifespan of their own life." Thinking of the scene in front of Nagato Nagato waiting for a few people to fight Wuchen, Bai Jue said.

"You don't need to worry about this kind of thing. Uzumaki Nagato is just a puppet standing in front of you. With his ability, it is estimated that even Kyuubi can't handle it."

Any move ability varies from person to person. Uzumaki Nagato is inferior to Wuchen, which is a fact, Uchiha Madara actually didn't expect him to help.

Finally, we still have to count on dust-free and dirt-free.

"How's the situation on Uchiha's belt soil?" Uchiha Madara asked Shirazu, his tone obviously and when talking about Uzumaki Nagato, he took a lot of attention. This is the tragedy of the spare tire.

"He is in the Bofeng Shuimen team, his teammates are Kakashi's appointment, and the object of his pursuit, a little girl named Nohara Lin..." In his mind, thinking about the materials with soil, Bai Jue Report truthfully.

"Really... It's so good. I'm worried that the kid has no weaknesses and I don't know how to control it, but it seems that I have been thinking about it. He is also a person who values ​​bondage and feelings. In other words, he is full of loopholes. People..."

With a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, Uchiha Madara's old eyes flashed a cruel look, and then he closed his eyes lightly, and began to figure out how to make Uchiha treat the world completely desperate.


And the other party.

Wuchen looked at the brand new world in front of him in amazement, and a deep curiosity inevitably revealed in his clear pupils.

Unknown places are potholes and potholes of different sizes, and the land is completely dry and necrotic. Looking at it, there are definitely no less than tens of thousands. There are no people in a radius of tens of miles, and the cold wind whizzes by from time to time.

This is where the dust-free plot has been for a long time, the place where the Dajianmu family lives-the moon!

"Sure enough, as desolate as imagined..."

The majestic perception is scattered in all directions, and there is no sign of life within ten miles of Wuchen without any accident. The only people living on this planet are the Dajianmu clan who guards the evil golems.

"Since the Outer Golem has been lost, the mission of your clan has ended, and then I will complete the mission of your clan..."

Lifting his eyes slightly, looking around, looking at the deserted surface of the moon, talking to himself with a clean face and expressionless face, the moon is really the most suitable tomb for the big Jianmu clan...


Ask for rewards, collect, ask for flowers automatically... all kinds of requests!!!
