Master of Ninja World

Chapter 105 Gears of the Times [Various Requests]

Seven days later, in the lush green jungle, you can see several agile black shadows shuttled through the forest. The agile movements are like primates. They are extremely skillful and extremely fast. They tend to appear in the next moment. In other places.

"That guy really deserves death."

The two galloping silhouettes are Wuchen and Datong Yuluo. As for Jue, they sneak in the ground obediently, and the witty and Wuchen, and Datong Yuluo pulls out a specific section. These two super-dimensional monsters are not monsters. He can reach.

Although Wuchen did not mention the strength of Otsuki Haru, anyone with the slightest brain can clearly figure out what kind of character Uchiha Wuchen is, it is absolutely impossible to find a woman with extremely powerful vulgarity to be the present. The only subordinate is at least the same level as the shadow-level powerhouses in each village!

So this point is definitely clear, and there is no need to clean up, I am afraid that subordinates can easily crush him.

"You mean Uchiha Madara?"

In addition to Wuchen, the only person who can make Otsuki Haraku gritted his teeth is Uchiha Madara. As the chief culprit of the Otsuki clan's destruction, it is not difficult to imagine how much hate she has towards her.

"Do you still use this?!"

An angry stare at Wuchen, Otsuki Yuro's pretty face was covered with frost. Although Otsuki was destroyed in the family's internal strife, how did she not easily bypass Uchiha Madara, the main cause of the internal strife? of.

"Don't be careless, that old guy is not as fragile as you think."

Seeing the murderous face of Otsuki Haraku's small face, Wuchen immediately frowned slightly, with a slight warning in his tone, although he defeated Uchiha Madara in the world within the system, he was ambiguous whether he could defeat the Uchiha Madara in front of him. , After all, Uchiha Madara is not alone, even though he is completely old and dead now, Wuchen also believes that he definitely has some unknown cards.

"I naturally know that he is extraordinary. The first person to open the eyes of reincarnation the day after tomorrow is something in the pool." Otsuki Yuluo said softly, not as repulsive to Wuchen as before.

The first opener of the eyes of reincarnation is naturally the legendary goddess of Utsuki Keiyahime, and the second one is the Yuki Yuki who is born with eyes of reincarnation, which is genetic.

Until now, thousands of years later, Uchiha Madara's ability to open the eyes of reincarnation for the first time means everything.

"But that guy is really a lunatic. Ten-tailed power is ruining the world. Doesn't he worry that his power is not enough to suppress Ten-tailed..."

Thinking of the outgoing golem that had just been seen in the depths of the earth, Otsuki Haru took a deep breath, and couldn't help but sweat over Madara's madness and the so-called plan.

At the same time, Otsuki Haruo put aside her position, she was also surprised by Madara’s wisdom and the city from all sides. She was able to count all the agencies half a century ago and anticipate all the unfavorable factors. And then remove the dross in the plan one by one, this kind of terrifying IQ, everyone will be willing to go down.

However, if Wuchen knew Otsuki Haraku's thoughts, he would definitely scorn it loudly without hesitation. Compared with playing with the black world for thousands of years, Uchiha Madara can only be regarded as the number of Ganges sand, not worth mentioning.

"Uchiha Madara is indeed a difficult enemy to deal with."

For Uchiha Madara, Wuchen is also in awe. After all, this guy's ability and strength are obvious to all. If it were not for the existence of the system, I am afraid Wuchen would not be able to chase his back for a hundred years.

Maybe you don’t need to chase Uchiha Madara, as long as Wuchen is willing to sink, the future Uchiha Madara’s clan extermination will be killed by Uchiha Itachi...

"Don't talk about him, you are not a good thing!"

The spear turned abruptly, and the big tube Yuluo hurled towards the dust-free. Although the big tube Yuluo had been replaced with normal human eyes, her temperament remained the same, she was still so innocent and charming. Gives the feeling of a goddess of ice and snow.

Hearing this, Wuchen was speechless for a moment, didn't he attack Uchiha Madara with his mouth, how come I changed it to Laozi!

"I never said that I am a gentleman..."

He smiled indifferently. For these good and bad, Wuchen is insignificant. If being a good person can make him continuously stronger, then he definitely doesn't mind changing his face and being a new person, if not, the opposite is true.


Looking through the dense forest, the dust-free gaze suddenly became awe-inspiring, clearly seeing the environment ahead.

"Master Wuchen!"

Hearing Wuchen calling his name, Bai Jue dared to get close to Wuchen. His face was full of restraint. He was created by Madara Uchiha, but facing a strong man like Wuchen, there is something that comes from the soul. The fear in the depths has nothing to do with Uchiha Madara’s relationship with him.

"Is that little girl named Ye Yuan Lin abducted by Wuyin Village..."

Frowning slightly, Wuchen Gujing Wubo asked indifferently. He didn't expect to teach Wuyin Village before. Instead of fearing them, it made Wuyin Village even harder.

The bridge of the gods is the confrontation between Konoha and Yanyin Village. Now the people in Wuyin Village even intervened ~ and came in, indicating that Konoha's Sannin and Wuchen were still hated last time.

"It's really troublesome... let me help them."

There was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth. Naturally, he was sentenced to death for the little lover Nohara Lin. As for the so-called feeling of guilt, Wuchen has never experienced it. Ninja is so cruel, and she becomes someone else without knowing it. If you don’t keep pace with the times, you can only follow the trend, and you don’t even have the possibility of becoming a pawn, so you will be directly obliterated.

Wuyin Village's meaning to capture Nohara Lin is naturally understood, and it is nothing more than to seal Sanwei in her body, and then return to Konoha to destroy Konoha Ninja Village.

"Fool, I can't ask for it!"

There was a cold light in his eyes, and there were dust-free sneers. This practice of the foggy village just happened to be his embarrassment.


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