Master of Ninja World

Chapter 131 The Eve of Attacking KonohaVarious Requests

It is no wonder Wuchen is so worried about the safety of one tail. After all, it is about the resurrection of the ten tails. Although it can be reluctantly pieced together with Chakra, no one in the world has a chakra in his body.

"Follow the situation..."

He shook his head gently, Wuchen no longer struggled with this problem, whether he died or not, it is not something he can manage at the moment, there are still many things for him to do at the moment, Wuchen has no intention to be in this way, only God I've just spent time on the problem.

"Your pupil power hasn't recovered yet. Why don't I go to Konoha for you."

Watery beautiful eyes looked at the dust-free and pale face earnestly, Datongmu Yuluo worriedly said, dust-free is her hope for the future revival of the Datongmu family. Of course, this flower of hope cannot wither before it blooms.

"no need to worry."

With a comforting gaze, Wuchen smiled lightly at Datong Mu Yuluo: "Even if my eyes are blind, and there is a rebirth between the Qianshouzhu, Konoha will come and go whenever I want."

When talking about the Qianshouzhujian, Wuchen's mouth smiled contemptuously, Shibie should look at him with admiration for three days, even if he is resurrected, Wuchen can easily defeat him.

Not to mention the dust-free pupil power is now only a temporary overdraft.

"It's up to you..."

Seeing Wuchen so resolute, especially his confident and dazzling look, like a shot of strong heart, let the big tube Mu Yuluo fall silent, silent, just standing quietly beside Wuchen, usually giving She was so indifferent to the impression that she was so well-behaved for the first time.

At this time, Otsuki Haru is beautiful and delicious.

The elegant and natural scent pours into his ears and noses, and Wuchen suddenly stunned, like poison, his eyes are dumbfounded.

"No dust, you..."

Perceiving Wuchen's abnormality, Datong Mu Yuluo's face also changed slightly, and she was embarrassed to be stared at Wuchen, even though she was already an old husband and wife.

"Ahem, sorry, I lost my mind for a while!"

Wuchen's old face turned red, and he coughed awkwardly, and quickly changed the subject: "However, don't worry about certain things. As a man, it would be too shameful to worry a woman."


Hearing this, Yuluo looked at Wuchen quite tastefully, and said angrily: "Faces are things that fools care about. I just need to live in peace and stability. I don't have much luxury."


Clean and silent, looking at Yuluo quietly, with a rare satisfaction in his heart, and a rare expression of kindness on his face, so what is the need in life?


Deep in the dark underground, the dark and turbulent environment is extremely uncomfortable, especially the dark eyes raised at that time, it is extremely uncomfortable.

"It's really hard work... bring soil."

Wuchen, wearing a spiral mask, looked at Uchiha, who was breathing heavily on the ground. He smiled under the mask. This kid worked so hard all day.

In the deserted depths of the ground, only Uchiha belt soil and Jue two were left. As for the old boy Uchiha Madara, he returned to the West completely not long ago.

"Are you preventing me from attacking Konoha..."

Looking at the spiral mask of Wuchen, Uchiha didn't need to think about what Wuchen was looking for. In front of Wuchen, he didn't need to wear a mask to hide his identity. Wuchen was the only thing he knew except Uchiha Madara. A person of his identity.

If the thing that Uchiha Daito is most interested in right now, in addition to destroying the offensive Konoha, is Wuchen's identity. He once asked Uchiha Madara on the sidelines, but Uchiha Madara gave a clever answer. Up him.

Until Uchiha Madara completely died, Uchiha Daido didn't ask Wuchen who he was.

"That's not true, and I will not stop you, but will help you." Wuchen laughed, and uncharacteristically agreed, with a very flat tone, which also showed that Wuchen is serious.

"help me?"

Hearing this, Uchiha frowned suddenly and looked at Wuchen in a puzzled manner. Although he spent a very short time with Wuchen, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know what Wuchen is.

This is a smiling tiger, both in strength and in the castle, are at the same level as Uchiha Madara. He is definitely a master who cannibalize people without spitting out bones.

"Do you think I can trust you."

Looking at Wuchen faintly, Uchiha asked with the soil, although Uchiha Madara ordered to take the soil before he died, Wuchen is reliable and a trustworthy ally, but now he is no longer the original green and nothing. If he understands, it is necessary to explore the purpose of dust-free.

"Master Wuchen."

Bai Jue did not have the complicated mind of Uchiha's belt, knowing that Wuchen is a trustworthy existence, at least a trustworthy existence during this period of time.


Seeing the appearance of Bai Jue and Wuchen getting together, Uchiha took the soil with a cold snort of dissatisfaction, and immediately said coldly: "I don't care what the purpose of your visit to Konoha is, but Bofengmizumen, he will undoubtedly die!"

Speaking of this, Uchiha's eyes with soil shot a murderous look, fierce.


Wuchen saw this with a smile of contempt in his heart, and said in secret: "Even if you are the villain of Uchiha Madara's eponymous name, you are just a piece of mine after all!"

Shaking his head, Uchiha's belt soil is not a bit worse than Uchiha's spot.

"When Bo Feng Shuimen's wife gave birth, I would take the opportunity to sneak attack and extract the nine tails from Uzumaki Kushina's body."

After some meditation, Uchiha brought the soil to explain his plan. As for his former teacher, life and death were no longer important to him. Anyway, Uchiha brought the soil to avenge the dying Nohara Lin.

"That's okay, I will contain Konoha's other people for you."

Seeing that Uchiha takes the soil so obsessively, it was Hafengshuimen who killed Nohara Lin. Wuchen also secretly relieved. Fortunately, he used his reincarnated eyes to perfectly control the mind and body of Nohara Lin. Otherwise, with the present mentality of the city, say Maybe this can see the trickiness.
