Master of Ninja World

Chapter 188 A Duel Between ArtsVarious Requests

Deidara holds countless clay spiders in his hands, with real expressions and meanings. In front of him, these small spiders kneaded with detonating clay come alive, giving people the feeling of being as lifelike as a living thing, if they lived before dust-free In three dimensions, Deidara is truly a top master of art.

However, these gadgets are really angry and funny in Akatsuki's eyes, especially the Red Sand Scorpion, who is about to team up with Dedara, is directly violent, and can't wait to slap Dedara in the past. .

"This is my art, do you guys who have never seen the world understand it?"

Looking triumphantly at the small clay spider in his hand, and at the speechless "Akatsuki" people, Deidara's eyes lit up and she explained loudly, "The so-called art--"

"The art of shit!"

Seeing Deidara proclaiming his artistic accomplishments and bewitching people's hearts, the Scorpion of Red Sand had to stand up and maintain his face as an art master, and defied Deidara's remarks.

"True art is the pursuit of eternal beauty. The brilliance of an instant is worthless, just like a flash in the pan. It is meaningless. Even if the most beautiful afterglow blooms in an instant, it is after all a passer-by who is not worth mentioning in the long river of time. Eternal beauty is the immortal existence!"

The scorpion of the red sand educates Deidara with an old manner, and the eloquence is endless. The magical voice seems to penetrate the human soul, and organizes the "Amazing" group in a rough and stunned manner.

"It seems very esoteric!"

Gan Shi Guiyu tried his best to be able to understand, but his face full of doubts still betrayed him. Although he is very good at thinking, he really doesn't understand this kind of artistic point of view, especially the stubbornness." Wuchen couldn't help laughing with the expression "I know what you mean."

Chisada’s scorpion character and Zhuji explained, and at the same time he stared at Deidara ferociously. He was originally the number one artist in the "Akatsuki" organization, but Deidara started to confuse the crowd when he came. , Preaching his "moment" art, how to make the red sand scorpion not angry.

"Eternal art is art? It's really nonsense!"

Deidara looked at the Scorpion of Red Sand with disdain, turned a deaf ear to the vicious eyes, and his voice was exceptionally loud, resounding across the sky.

"The art of momentary beauty is far better than the so-called eternal beauty. The reason why you pursue eternal art is because creatures face the fear of time. When the surrounding things leave you, you will feel endless in your heart. The loneliness and loneliness will also produce the mentality of pursuing eternity."

Deidara shook his head and looked at the Red Sand Scorpion with an incorrigible look, and said contemptuously: "A mere mortal who is rid of a worldly heart can even dare to talk about art, it's ridiculous!"

Deidara's whole person is like dazzling stars, her sharp eyes pleated and her eyes spread out, staring at the faces of the members of the "Akatsuki" organization, and for a moment he feels that these people are the most important audience in his life.

Deidara swears in his heart that he will use his life's understanding of art to make these few hillbilly shows that are an eye-catcher and don't know the reason for art.

"The so-called art is an eternal existence that should not be pursued. Only the afterglow of an instant blooms with the most dazzling brilliance of a lifetime. This is the limit of art..."


"The nonsense of the concubine Xiaoerxiu is only eternal..."

Seeing this scene, Wuchen couldn't laugh or cry, and watched the two art masters spray the true meaning of art speechlessly. They were particularly entangled. They looked around subconsciously. The expressions of the members of the "Akatsuki" organization were quite different.

The two "zombie combinations" of Fei Duan and Jiao Du have obviously been fooled into it. No matter whose art it is, they will nod their heads and feel it makes sense. As for Payne, his face is still under control, dustless reality. I know, I'm afraid the most unknown is this kid who likes to solve everything by force.

"What's the news about the other head and tail beasts, absolutely."

Glancing at Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion who were still facing the art of spraying, Payne didn't bother to talk nonsense, so that the new combination that was about to be born was also good.

Juewenyan first glanced vaguely, and then said after seeing the latter's face as usual: "Kyuubi is still in Konoha for the time being, and Yao's specific whereabouts are unknown. Nanao Renzhuli is still in Takinin Village, and Niweirenzhuli is still there. In Yunyin Village, a human pillar is a little ghost called Gaara. As for the other beasts, they are all in the wild."

Naturally, he knew that Bawei was captured by Wuchen, but Wuchen did not mean to hand over him. He was too lazy to talk nonsense. He believed that Wuchen would take it out the day when the tail beasts gathered together.

In fact, Yao had been surrendered by Wuchen many years ago and became his psychic beast, but Uchiha Madara knew about it.

Akatsuki currently only has two tailed beasts, the four and five tailed beasts previously caught. As for the yin attribute of the nine tailed chakras, the kid Uchiha brought the soil out of the golem. According to his Meaning, this is to prevent Uzumaki Nagato from twisting his mind and to prevent him from borrowing the power of Kyuubi.

"For the time being, we will arrest other wild tail beasts. As for those people, let them live a few more years."

After some meditation, Payne said in a deep voice, with a dangerous cold light in the eyes of Samsara, with a monstrous killing intent, the little old man Oh Yemu dared to announce the news of "Akatsuki" to the world, and their actions were greatly affected. Big restrictions.

Although the effects of consuming too much combat power due to the Three World Wars cannot directly attack Akatsuki, these superpowers are able to recover extremely quickly. I am afraid that it will be completely restored before long. You don’t have to think about it then, absolutely not. Will easily let go of the "Akatsuki" organization.

Only when these ferocious tigers are licking their blood to heal their wounds, they can catch other wild beasts as soon as possible. As for the Renzhuli in Ninja Village, there is no need to provoke them for the time being. The people who are all the key protection objects are so unscrupulously strong. Robbery will inevitably arouse the backlash of these big countries. When everyone is in danger, maybe a special alliance will be formed against Akatsuki.
