Master of Ninja World

Chapter 245 Crisis [First more]

Such a short distance is impossible to defend, and the movement ability of Suzuo Nenghu is not dexterous, so when the small tail beast jade sprays towards Wuchen, it is destined that Wuchen can only resist this deadly attack. .

The weakness of any creature is the head, and the same is true of Suzuo Nenghu right now, especially the dustlessness in the golden frame of Suzuo Nenghu's head, where it is exceptionally fragile.

Nine Tails also took advantage of the situation and jumped, jumping to a place more than ten meters away, their bodies gathered together and turned into a golden round sphere to resist the impact of the tail beast jade.

"This old fox who has lived for a thousand years has turned into a demon, very cunning and treacherous."

He calmly looked at the roaring black energy sphere, Wuchen's performance was exceptionally calm, and his eyes stared at the tail beast jade slammed at him flatly. He sighed helplessly, and cold light appeared in his eyes.

The withered chakra inside the dust-free body burst out again, all pores opened, and the full-bodied chakra erupted again, and the ultimate body must be able to swish dazzling luster.

The chakra pouring out of the dust-free body is all filled into Suzuo Nohuri.

"Could it be that he will grow bigger?"

Nine Tails looked at Suzuo Nenghu who had absorbed the dust-free chakra in amazement, and the blood-red pupils appeared astonished. This terrifying ultimate body Suzu Nenghu had reached fifty or sixty meters, and now he still wants to see this momentum. Get bigger!

"Asshole, isn't this technique without boundaries?!"

Naruto Uzumaki, who was hiding in the mouth of Nine Tails ~ Barry, also realized that something was wrong, and suddenly cursed inwardly. He could clearly feel that Susao was constantly growing his body.

Rao is a peerless beast that has lived for thousands of years, but also has a dull body, a gloomy and unbelievable face.

The golden Suzuo Nenghu's body flashed a dazzling luster, and the stalwart and tall body suddenly rushed. Chakra layered on top of each other, straight into the sky, and under everyone's horrified gaze, another 30 or 40 meters high height!

Amazed to reach a height of 100 meters!

"Damn it, it really consumes too much, and this temporary body is really not very useful."

Perceiving the rapid depletion of Chakra in the body, frowning without any help, and at the same time, he decided to quickly decide this boring task. Chakra exhaustion means that the "Shenzhen Revolving Technique" ends here.

Looking plainly at the flying small tail beast jade, Wuchen smiled nonchalantly, and Susao Noshi's Kikatota sword also cut straight to the sphere.

"Boom boom boom!"

The fiery flame instantly swallowed Suzuo Nenghu, and the tail beast jade condensed by the high-density chakra exploded directly, and Suzuo Nenghu's body was completely destroyed by the fire waves in the depths.


With a sneer, I saw the tall golden body coming out of the engulfing of the fire, and exposed to the sun like a human being. As long as the huge body stepped gently, the whole ground swayed like a dance, stirring up the height. Of gravel.

"Sure enough, this guy can't take common sense. This evil pupil power fluctuation has surpassed Uchiha Madara's back then. Judging from the scale of this Susanoh, he has completely become a transcendant, breaking Uchiha Madara's treatment against Uchi. The curse of the Bo family has become the only person who has surpassed him in a hundred years."

Kyuubi’s thoughts fell into the memory, and the past recalled his mind again. He was tamed by Uchiha Madara, and was dominated by him to fight with the "Ninja God" Senjuzu. In the past, Kyuubi is still unable to forget.

Uchiha Madara is dazzling like a curse~ Kyuubi's heart has finally been broken, and the dustlessness in front of him has surpassed him.

"You can only make a bet."

Scarlet eyes showed craziness, and Nine Tails hoarsely said that it is impossible for him to sit and be collared by the dust-free jacket, so he can only let it go.

"I won't let this guy kill my companion."

Naruto Uzumaki in the mouth of Nine Tails squeezed his fists tightly, and didn't relax until he sweated, and his tone was also hysterical.

"Oops, it seems that Naruto and Kyuubi are not his opponents yet."

Kakashi, who was watching from a distance, suddenly calmed down. Before it was a 50-50 outcome, Wuchen's body suddenly climbed 30 to 40 meters high, and the triumphant Tianbian had faintly fallen to the dustless side.

The increase of thirty or forty meters does not simply mean that it is just the height, and the strength and attack of the body have increased a lot.

"At least there is still something I can do."

Kakashi said in an awe-inspiring tone. After a short break, the side effects of his use of Shenwei have been minimized, his body has been intact as before, and the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel can still be used.

Staring at the 100-meter substantial Chakra giant, his divergent eyes regrouped, and his tough eyes were not wavering.

"Kakashi should leave it to me, as long as I use that, I can kill that kid instantly!"

Commanding eyes locked on Kakashi's eyes, Metkai spoke: "Even if you continue to use Hitomi, you may not be able to defeat Uchiha Wuchen."

"Enough, Kay, I want to try anyway, this time I will use all my strength!"

Without waiting for Metkay to refute his words, Kakashi's pupils stared at Suzuo's huge body. It was easy to attack him with such a large body without being so precise.

The cobweb-like bloodshots spread to the entire eyeball, and the time and space beside the dust-free Zuo Nenghu suddenly twisted.

The surrounding void was like a spring in the deep sea, and it began to twist violently, full of irresistible gravitational force, it seemed that it came to the depths of the universe, and if you were not careful, you would step into a place where no one can recover.

"Is it the'shenwei' with dirt again...damn Kakashi."

Susao Nohu's body suddenly stopped, and his feet fell fiercely on the ground, and the surface suddenly began to dance.

The sullen gaze examined the twisted space around him, and the dust-free cold hair suddenly rose up, and there was no room for turning back if he was swallowed by the divine might.


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