Master of Ninja World

Chapter 321 Sweeping the Konoha Ninja Village [Fourth]

In the peaceful and quiet village, the flow of people is bustling and endless. As the village with the largest number of people in the five major countries, Konoha is a prosperous scene no matter what.

The bright afterglow of the setting sun set off Konoha, and the whole village was bathed in the golden torrent, shimmering and dazzling.

"Sure enough, it's a rotten village... even God thinks you are hopeless."

Payne, who was easily mixed into Konoha, stared faintly at the village in the golden coat, with a cold mist blowing from the corner of his mouth. In its eyes, this scene was mourning Konoha's disappearance.

God is mourning the last afterglow of Konoha Village!

The eyes of Samsara rippled, and the irresistible repulsive force broke out. Heavenly Path Payne was calm and Chakra began to roll and walk away.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The strong repulsion is like a giant rock falling into the sea, splashing monstrous ripples, and the scattered power smashes and decays, pulling the entire leaf into the whirlpool, a piece of erosion, and a huge deep hole on the ground.

Although the scale is not as powerful as the "Super God Luo Tianzheng", the large number of chakras that have been condensed for a long time by Heavenly Dao Payne are also powerful, and they are now causing unforgettable trauma to the surface.

Such a large range of movement naturally attracted Konoha's ninja's power, and a large number of black shadows, like ants smelling the syrup, scrambled towards the place where Chakra broke out.

"I wanted to help him attract Konoha Ninja's attention, it seems I was superfluous..."

Gazing tangledly at Payne above Konoha, Wuchen couldn't laugh or cry. He originally wanted to attract Konoha's attention and reduce the burden for Payne. Who expected Nagato to be such a high profile.

With a sigh, Wuchen was about to withdraw and leave, the unexpected guest immediately arrived.

"Danzo, you are still not old for so many years, you are very young."

Looking back leisurely, it was the dust-free old acquaintance, Shimura Danzo, the leader of the "root" department.

It is worth mentioning that Shimura Danzo has not changed much years ago, and still looks full of energy. It is obviously an old antique at the same time as the third generation, but the mental and physical strength is much stronger than that of the third generation of Hokage.

"Sure enough, it's Akatsuki again, a bunch of damn things, and you..."

The half-naked one-eyed stared at Wuchen, the biting gaze was enough to put a person to death, and the spiteful color flashed in his eyes, and he said in hatred: "The old fool of Sarutobi really is not a Hokage material. If it were me, you This evil family will never see the sun the next day!"

Danzo has repeatedly advocated the destruction of Uchiha, but the three generations of Hokage who have passed away have been dragging on. If people like Wuchen and Itachi were not born and slaughtered the Uchiha family, this kind of out-of-control ending would not happen.

"You are right. If you are Naruto, maybe Uchiha has collapsed..."

Wuchen nodded undeniably. With Danzo's cold personality, he might really get rid of Uchiha in advance.

Looking at Danzo indifferently, Wuchen's voice suddenly changed, and he laughed: "But everything has two sides. If you become Naruto in advance, Konoha Ninja Village may have already passed away with the wind..."

Danzo is a radical faction, or he is a war faction who advocates war. He became Naruto, and the Ninja War might not be as simple as just fighting three times!

Konoha will also be dragged into the abyss by him.

"The concubine is looking for death!"

Hearing Wuchen's ridicule at Uchiha, who had never caught a cold, suddenly became furious, his eyes were swallowed by dense bloodshot eyes, and his hostility began to agitate. If it weren't for the strength of Wuchen, he used Danzo's temper. He will definitely rectify the Fa on the spot.

"There may be people who can kill me... but it's definitely not you."

With his face raised and his sarcasm made no secret, Tuan Zang's action-less protest action was boring and boring.

"Huh, half of the chakras of Nine Tails have been taken by you, and now they are coming back again... Konoha is not a place where evil people like you can come casually, your darkness will dye Konoha into your own colour."

After all, Danzo stared at Wuchen with murderous intent, and Chakra secretly gathered in his mouth. As long as Wuchen revealed the flaws, he would strike a fatal blow without hesitation.

"Joke! I'm a good evil person, but you who hide the darkness like a mouse, what right do you have to say about me, and there is no place in this world that I shouldn't go, just come, no one can stop when you come I!"

There was a sneer on his face, and the dust-free and cold words sneered, the beams of light converged, and the palm of his hand was a golden sword.

"Go to hell and confess, clothed with sprites."

Frost hung his face, and faint ripples splashed in the void. Looking up, I saw the Tian Cong Yun Sword in Wuchen's hand walking easily, and the huge slashing directly whizzed out.

Shred Shimura Danzo easily.


Shimura Danzang's corpse, without even looking at Chen Chen, turned around and walked away.

"Oh oh oh..."

Suddenly, a deafening roar exploded, and the void clouds were directly destroyed by this destructive force. The overbearing and powerful Chakra turned into an endless impact, signalling his own power.

The golden luster enveloped the entire void.

"The people who are closely related to Jilai seem to cooperate with the beast very tacitly..."

Staring at the tall figure in the distance, Wuchen said with emotion that it would be extremely difficult for his stalwart body to ignore him. The nine fascinating tails were swaying in the wind, recklessly acting.

The entire body is completely condensed from the golden materialized chakra. The Uzumaki Naruto in the huge body is clearly visible. The civet cat's small face is confident and filled with a confident smile.

Staring calmly at Payne floating in the sky, especially the black windbreaker embroidered with red clouds, outlines Naruto's painful memories.

Similar to Sasuke's two or three points, a strange face suddenly appeared in his mind, making Naruto's smile suddenly stagnated, as if to see the nasty face looking at him indifferently and disdainfully, killing intent violently.

"Uchiha Wuchen, I will never let you go!"


Ask for a reward and ask for flowers automatically... At least five changes a day... Hokage is over recently. Friends who like this book will vote for the next world. If there is no world, you can leave a message in the comment area and you will write it later!!
