Master of Ninja World

Chapter 352 The Most Defying Pupil Technique [First More]

The pupils dilated, staring at the black iron stick deep into his chest, and subconsciously reached out to touch it. Unexpectedly, when he touched it, his entire arm began to fester and decompose.

"How is it possible,'Izanami' should be unsolvable!"

Forced to suppress the uneasiness in his heart, Itachi asked in a low voice, giving people a feeling of weight and weight, with endless incredible and incomprehensible tone in his tone. He could be sure that Wuchen was hit by the "Izanami" technique. .

However, it seemed like a okay person, instead using "Yin Yang Escape" to make him collapse and dissipate.

"No solution?"

Hearing that Wuchen just glanced at Itachi with a slight omen, and said softly: "Any technique in the world has its unknown weaknesses. Isn't this what you said in the past... The unsolvable technique is called unsolvable? Yes, it doesn't mean he is invincible."

The corners of his mouth moved slightly, and a touch flashed in his eyes. Itachi deliberately refuted but was speechless. It is good that all techniques have unknown loopholes, but so far "Izanami" cannot be cracked. This is Uchi No one can be immune to the ultimate prohibition of the Bo family.

"Shalunyan is known as the eye of the reflection of the soul. When the kaleidoscope is opened, different skills will be born in everyone's eyes. Of course, there are also some incredible situations. For example, our three brothers have the name'Amaterasu' in the eyes. The technique..."

Wuchen talked about it, although the tone of friendship was exceptionally affirmative, it was not difficult to see that the ninjutsu born of Kaleidoscope Chakrayan also had a subtle relationship with the inheritance of blood.

Wuchen still remembers that Sasuke Uchiha also had Amaterasu in his eyes. In the period when he captured Kiraby Yao, he didn't merge the eyes of Itachi, but he could use Amaterasu, which explained everything invisibly.

Amaterasu can also be used including Uchiha Madara.

"Could it be that your eyes are born with a technique that can resist'Izanami'?" Itachi himself is a wise man. After Wuchen reminded him such a slight reminder, his pupils seemed to wake up from a big dream, flashing a flash of light. color.

Such illusions as other gods and Izanami are irresistible and can be called an invincible and perfect existence, and the techniques born in Wuchen's eyes seem to be deliberately resisting these techniques.

Staring fiercely at Wuchen's left and right eyes, Itachi has a thousand words in his lungs. He knows that his life without Chen, compared with him and Sasuke, the childhood of Wuchen is extremely miserable, suffering from turbulence. Looking at the warm and cold world, perhaps it was just such a cruel life that caused his life to change, his temperament changed, and his pursuit of life also changed. Therefore, when the kaleidoscope was opened, he was born to resist this incredible technique.

"When the kaleidoscope was opened, the technique born from the right eye-omniscience and omnipotence, can ignore any illusion that I know of in the immune world, whether it is the so-called'other gods' or Izanami, it will not work for me."

Even the so-called infinite monthly reading without dust can be immune, even with thousands of methods, it can be dealt with one by one, just like the name, omniscience and omnipotence, knowing that all immunity is together!

"Knowing that I am immune to physical attacks, you can use illusions against me in a different way, much better than them."

With his gaze frozen, he carefully examined the itachi, who had disappeared in smoke, and said indifferently: "It's a pity that things are counterproductive. Not only physical attacks do not work for me, but illusions are also ineffective for me... From the time I opened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes, the world has treated me. No one can cause fatal injuries."

The dust-free voice fell, and the body of Ferret's dirty soil reincarnation was wiped out and disappeared...

"Next is you..."

His gaze pointed to the distant sky, and cold light emerged from the bottom of the dust-free eyes. At the same time, he looked at the spot teasing the "Five Shadows", and the cold light in his eyes became more profound.

The gloss of the whole body swept across the void like the sun, and there was no dust hidden in the void, no trace.

From now on, it also means that the cooperation between Wuchen and Uchiha Madara has ended. Whether it is Uchiha Daido, Uchiha Madara or Kurozutu, from now on, Wuchen's enemy will be.

"Ambitious kid."

Turning his head to stare at the vanishing rainbow light behind him, Madara sneered again and again, and at the same time Chakra climbed and burst out again, and Suzuo Nenghu's physique also increased.

The azure brilliance enveloped the sky, and the terrifying tengu armor was draped on the mature body of Suzuo Nenghu. A simple and heavy armor emerged all over his body, with his two heads, four arms, and two long swords on his waist clearly visible.

It is the perfect body of Uchiha Madara, Sano.

For the "Five Shadows", the azure light originally belonged to the light of hope, but at this moment, their hearts were desperate. For them, the hideous giant that was a hundred meters high was absolutely a god-like absolute existence.

The dimension difference between the two sides is too great, even if Uchiha Madara does not activate the reincarnation eye ability, she can sweep them by just relying on the complete body to be Sano.

"Master Madara..."

The hoarse and gloomy voice suddenly resounded in his mind, Uchiha Madara's invincible offensive stopped abruptly, and the sharp long sword held by Susano Noho also stopped.

"Black Jue."

Samsara's eyes skipped a gloomy tone, Uchiha Madara's tone was a little heavy, there was only one ten tail, but there were three competitors, and there was a ninja coalition staring at him.

"Uchiha Wuchen has passed, the target should be the nine big-tailed beasts?"

In his mind, Heijue's voice rang again, faintly worried. He didn't think that the half-hanger with the dirt was the opponent of the deep-sea beast of Wuchen, and the dust with its fangs and huge teeth could easily tear the soil. .

"Nine big-tailed beasts... shouldn't the ten-tailed be resurrected? The previous energy fluctuations shouldn't be what those nine pets should have"

The brows were slightly frowned, and Uchiha Madara's face was full of suspicion in the hands of Zuo Nohu. The fluctuations in the ability that were scattered just now were obviously not what the tail beast should have.

This is Uchiha Madara, the tailed beast that the world fears and fears. His eyes are nothing more than pets that he can handle at will. He doesn't even care about Tentails. It is just a playful existence. The world releases the attack of unlimited monthly reading.


Seeking speed to vote for the next world, Naruto is over recently!!!

