Master of Ninja World

Chapter 434 You have a record of being caught alive [second more]

People are greedy and greedy. The so-called gentleman loves money to get his money. This kind of strange thought does not exist at all. The world in front of us pays attention to strength, and people with big fists can plunder everything.

The world government can exploit the world because of its big fist, and the same is true for the pirate industry.

Now the Golden Lion Shiji feels bigger than Wuchen's fist. He is a master of kendo, and Wuchen is just a little pawn who just started. It is reasonable to plunder him and rob him.

What a wonderful artifact, it's a pity that it was ruined by a monk who was a monk halfway through!

"Wishful old man, if you want to take the first generation of ghosts, just let go, I'm afraid your hands are not long enough!"

Staring at the incoming golden lion Shiji without fear, she sneered in a dust-free cold voice, and at the same time, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he carefully looked at the two famous knives tied to his feet, which could match the golden lion Shiji. People who are domineering in nature are naturally not mortals.


No nonsense, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, where the pupils were focused, it was the Golden Lion Shiji, the first generation ghost holding high fell, and a crimson sword swept straight out.

"Little carving skills, the first generation of ghosts will only bury his glory."

Perceiving the harshness of the incoming red light, the golden lion Shiji laughed wildly up to the sky, with the domineering look of all things, his shiny golden hair dancing with the wind, his right foot was raised high, and it was another more brutal slashing homeopathy. Fly out.

It is several times more ferocious than the previous white light!

"Boom boom boom..."

The void splashed out a ripple again, and the momentum of the silver slash was obviously slightly better. The previous two forces offsetting the trend no longer appeared, but simply swallowed and annihilated the dust-free slash.

Like a beast full of food and drink, the silver light became larger, and it struck toward the dust-free location with more ferocious force.

"It's worthy of the legendary big pirate. It's undeniable. As far as kendo is concerned, I, a beginner player, really can't compare to you, a big pirate who has been riding the sea for half a lifetime."

After taking a deep breath, the turbulent heart became quiet and calm, and the chapped lips swept strange arcs. As a strong energy fluctuation fell, the powerful and favorable sound spread into a wave of destruction.

"However, just as a swordsman... and in other respects, you are too far behind!"

Substantial evil energy fluctuations continued to erupt, and the skeleton holding the too large light was clearly visible, the simple long sword hand raised and fell, and a powerful blade wind followed.


Looking up, the oncoming whitening slash was easily torn into two pieces, the blade wind was extremely awe-inspiring, and the void left a trace that never collapsed.

I can clearly see that the invincible sword wind turned into a thousand frost, swallowing towards the unconscious Golden Lion Shiji.

"Armed color hardened!"

Perceived that the situation has taken a turn for the worse, Golden Lion Shiji opened up his arms for the first time and strengthened his strength. It was the first time he was swallowed by the hurricane.


Any attack and defense has his bottom line, and so does the armed color domineering. Being corroded by the sword energy of Suzuo Nenghu, the golden lion Shiji has several blood marks on his chest.

The same is true for the whole body, easily tearing up the "armed and domineering" defense.

"Asshole, I won't let you go!"

The gorgeous golden hair is messy like grass, chaotic like a chicken coop, and his ferocious eyes are obviously bleak. The golden lion Shiji has no previous supernatural powers, and he has a wild look like nine days.

Even in spite of this, the provocation of not admitting defeat.

The golden lion Shiji inherited everything from the lion, the lion's ferocious and wild nature, the king's power of refusing to admit defeat, and the momentum of refusing to admit defeat, he was vividly reflected in his body.

Being able to enter the navy headquarters alone, one can see from the side how arrogant and arrogant the Golden Lion is. Of course, it is undeniable that he does have rampant capital, and he can despise everything in terms of strength and reputation.

"It's difficult to control power... That old guy said he would kill you by himself, so, you'd better be obediently, so as not to suffer from the flesh and blood."

With a helpless sigh, Wuchen earnestly "good words" to persuade him.

Moreover, Suzuo's strength is really difficult to control, and he is usually used to rough dustlessness, and it is naturally unsatisfactory to use. The previous slashes have retained a lot of strength.

"Joke, you just let me wait and die? Who do you think you are?!"

Hearing that, the wild and unruly laughter of the golden lion resounded through the sky, but with a faint meaning of sadness. Throughout his life, the formidable enemies in the confrontation are like crucian carp who cross the river. There are countless. Who expects the impermanence of the world, and now he will lose to the first-order Tianlong people. Kid.

It is a shame to be defeated by the Tianlong people. They are the greatest incompetent rubbish of mankind, and if captured alive, it will be the biggest stain.

I would rather die than be captured alive!

"Besides, you have seen lions captured alive, and their fearless death in battle is the true portrayal of them!"

The ferocious eyes are as powerful as a tiger, and the powerful and advantageous roar carries unprecedented determination. The golden lion Shiji is bleeding from his body, and under the setting sun, he is awe-inspiring and domineering, like the graceful and peerless God of War. The arrogance in his bones is so impressive. Ashamed, he lowered his head and dared not look at each other.

But all of this is extremely ridiculous in Wuchen's eyes.

"The portrayal of the lion is all fearlessly killed in battle? Crazy talk, I don't know which majestic lion was put into the deep sea prison by the Warring States and Karp in the past few years..."

Looking at the golden lion Shiji jokingly, he ridiculed and unceremoniously lifted the scars.

"Strong enough, with a mouth, but it's even cheaper."

A cold remark made the corners of the golden lion's mouth twitch. The male lion was willing to give up his life and fight to protect the territory, but his lion was indeed captured by his life almost seven or eight years ago...

"Don't understand yet, you are a man who was captured alive..."


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