Master of Ninja World

Chapter 519 Kaido's Change [First More]

Moonlight Moriah talked a thousand words between his lungs, moved his lips, or chose to shut his mouth wisely. From the eyes of these people in black, he read the meaning of happiness!

The silent expression in the eyes of the man in black is that you should be grateful for not being valued!

The clenched huge fists were loose, Moonlight Moriah's heart was mixed, a silent pain, hard to express, his eyes lifted and stared at the disappeared back, wanting revenge but unable to resist.

"Asshole, is it possible that I'm not as good as an ant."

Lowering his head, Moonlight Moria snarled in anger and anger. The dust-free eyes were even more uncomfortable than giving him ten slaps. Even so, he could only endure it. Mariahia rushed to the Tianlongren. , What the consequences can be imagined.

Moonlight Moriah is not an idiot, and it is not difficult to guess that the one who passed by just now is a giant, at least in front of him in black, and the world government is extremely concerned about him.

After a long silence, several people started to move again, and Moria wobbled away into the fog.

The Red Earth Continent, like a peerless divine sword, divides the entire world into two halves. The dust-free high mountain above quietly looks down on the distant sea. A heart is unusually light and comfortable. From his perspective, it looks down on the sea below, a hundred kilometers. The sky and sea beyond are all entering the eyes.

It feels like a small view of the mountains.

The oncoming fishy salty sea breeze is disgusting, and it is also vomiting with the odor of erosive corpses of sea kings, and Wuchen is just an invisible air wave that separates this disgusting smell.

Suddenly, Wuchen's brows were slightly raised, and the closed eyes suddenly opened up, shooting deep gazes.

"Bai Jue, after a while, you seem to like these hide-and-seek games..."

The inexplicable voice spread out, full of repulsive fluctuations, and the surrounding mist dispersed in all directions. After about a few breaths, with the cracking of the "kakaka" land, Bai Jue broke through the ground. .

"Master Wuchen's perception is still as sharp as ever." Bai Jue exclaimed, his eyes admiring.

He had tried his best to conceal his breath, racking his brains and thinking about the strategy for several days, but he didn't expect that he would simply expose the dust-free under his eyelids.

"Don't use this kind of boring means in the future, don't forget, who is the one who created you." A casual glance at Bai Jue, dust-free and indifferent.

He was the one who created Bai Jue, and Wu Chen was still the one who taught Bai Jue's lurking skills. It is tantamount to idiotic dreams to try to deceive him from the world.

Bai Jue heard that he did not deny it, and then suddenly felt that his thoughts were really ridiculous and ignorant, and it was indeed dustless that taught him his skills.

"What's the matter?" He retracted his gaze and asked in a clean tone. When no major incident happened, Bai Jue would not come to him easily.

Bai Jue heard that his frivolous expression had abated, becoming extremely solemn.

His ability can swallow any human corpse, so his clones are spread all over the world, and he said without mercy that his clones exist on every island.

Therefore, many big pirates' movements are under Bai Jue's monitoring.

"The trail of the Kaido Pirates in the New World is very strange, and the target motives are all unknown." Thinking of the strange actions of the Kaido Pirates, Bai Juehui reported.

In fact, the fact that the Kaido Pirates group changed, the major forces in the entire world received the news for the first time, this behemoth capable of opposing the navy headquarters, no one can ignore its existence.

Any movement of the Kaido Pirates Group affects every move in this world, and even ruthlessly said that the "Four Emperors" have become a symbol of this era.

Anything they do will spread across the world like a storm and lightning.

"Is he not pampered in the new world?" Wuchen said curiously, with a few ripples splashing in the waveless eyes.

Since Kedorog Town escaped, he spent most of his time entrenched in the new world and enjoying the respect of the world. This was his first astonishing move after becoming the "Four Emperors".

The shock it brought was unimaginable. All members of the Kaido Pirate Group were dispatched. Such an exaggerated formation, in addition to Kaido showing off his strength, also expressed his confidence in destroying the enemy.

"I'm so courageous, he is not afraid of other [Four Emperors] taking the opportunity to grab his site? The island where he produces sweets, Bigumam has very hot eyes." Touching his clean chin, said cleanly.

"Just for the island that produces sweets and Kaido to fight, this reason is too difficult to convince people." Wen Yan Baijue widened his eyes in surprise, doubting this.

"I'm just guessing."

Wuchen didn't bother to explain, it sounds like a fantasy, but it's true.For sweets, many countries and islands have been destroyed by Pikumam.

For Bigumam, sweets are everything to her.

"The all-hands movement section cannot be a trivial mess, and monitor his objects, including the navy." Awe-inspiring gaze shot into his eyes, and Chen Chen said softly.

Since Kedorog Town escaped the trial of the pirates, the navy headquarters headed by the Warring States has been itchy. Now the navy has swaggered out and swayed, understanding it according to the nature of the Warring States, and watched him leave.


The other side of Mary Joa.

"As we guessed, [the world's strongest creature] has been dispatched."

In the bright room, the vicissitudes of old lady, but the full of breath of old voice spread, and the five bodies of different statures are clearly visible.

"Huh, the guy Doflamingo thinks he can get through the sky, but he's actually an idiot!" The golden five old star sneered, holding a disdainful attitude towards Bodo Flamenco.

The other four five old stars also nodded and nodded, and they didn't catch a cold to Doflamingo.

"Yes, no one will want to escape from this game this time, and that man is no exception."


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