Master of Ninja World

Chapter 611: World Government Conference [Sixth more]

At night, Mariejoa did not become as peaceful as before, and many ports did not stop opening. Suddenly, there were many differently dressed kings from all over the world visiting Mariejoa.

Every five years, the world government will hold a meeting with the members of the participating countries. The content of the discussion is naturally meaningless topics such as world peace, and the revolutionary army that is eyeing the eye.

The quiet Mary Joa also became lively for a while, and the Tianlongren also quieted down strangely, no longer torturing the slaves, and no more depressing screams.

Wuchen had to sigh secretly, when did the arrogant Tianlong people value their image and influence so much.

"Hurry up, don't follow." Seeing Wuchen come, the faces of the kings on the side of the road changed drastically and took the initiative to give way.

Although Wuchen's surname is unknown, only the uniforms that the Tianlong people dare to wear, they are clearly abnormal. Some people who came with their family members grabbed the soil in the flowers and wiped the faces of the women's families!

Sometimes natural beauty is also a sin.

Looking at this nonchalant scene, Chen's expression is normal, like a sculpture without emotion, his face is isolated from the world with indifference, frankly passing through the crowd.

"La la la..."

The cheerful children’s voices are full of innocence, and they walk among the flowers like butterflies and laughter. Shui Lingling’s eyes are shining like pearls, and the waves of blue hair make people feel particularly refreshing, and there is a little helplessness from behind. Impatience.

"Don't wander around, this is not Arabstein, Vivi."

The immature girl turned her head and put on a grimace, and then continued to run forward, perhaps because she was too excited to play and did not realize the oncoming Tianlongren.

"Bang, it hurts!"

Weiwei held her head, with a few teardrops deep in the corner of her eyes. When she looked up, she saw the ugly and bubbling Celestial Man. The tears from the corner of her eyes were immediately collected, her face pale as paper.

"Sorry, she is still young, not on purpose!"

Kobula, who dared to come in a hurry, that is, Weiwei's father hurriedly took him into his arms, his eyes were desperate, and he looked at the disgusting Tianlongren in front of him with a nervous breakdown, resisting his inner fear and staring at him.

"Dare to hit this young master, so bold, looking for death."

The ugly Tianlongren glared at the father and daughter, with the exquisite pistol in his hand pointed at Kobula.

This sudden change attracted everyone's attention. No one offered a helping hand to Kobula's father and daughter. What's more, they put on the appearance that it didn't matter to them, and their expressions were joking.

Kobula's heart was broken, and he had already touched his knees unknowingly. When he was about to ask for mercy again, a gentle drink stopped Kobula's actions.

"You are the king of Alabastan. This kneeling does not matter, but your citizens will no longer trust you."

Looking along the place where the sound is sounding, it is Wuchen and Hancock who come by leisurely.

"So it's you clown."

Staring at the ugly-looking Tianlongren, Wuchen suddenly found that he had the impression that it was the Tianlongren who were forced by Luffy to be violent in the Chambordian Islands.

The name is Charros, and there is a younger sister named Xaluria.

"You are a stranger, Lao Tzu should also intervene to clean up a pariah? Where is your dignity of the dragon people, Loisnan!"

Charl Rose roared as Dust came.

The gun held high in his hand was put down wisely. He knew what it would be like to offend Wuchen, because a while ago, like many Tianlongren, he was thrown into the trash by Chenless men!

"You can shoot them down."

Just as if he swept Chalrose lightly, the corner of Wuchen's mouth followed with a playful smile, touched his chin, and made a thinking and incomprehensible expression.

"However, I really want to know what an unprecedented scene of the Tianlongren being chased by sharks in the sea... Maybe you will stay in the history because of this. Don't let us give it a try, Charl Rose."

The ugly Tianlongren was cold all over, looking like a devil in the dust, and immediately walked away without hesitation, his awkward pace was like a tumbler, extremely funny, and hurriedly fled.

He who had eaten in Wuchen's hands before knew that this was not a joke.

"Do you regret it now."

Gazing at the disappearing back of Chalrose, Wuchen turned his head and asked, his gaze fell on Kobula's frightened face, and he sighed and bound himself.

About eight hundred years ago, twenty kings established the world government. The royal family of Alabstein, now Kobla and his daughter Weiwei, were actually the same dragon people as Wuchen and Doflamingo.

But the Nafirutali family refused to move into the Holy Land Mary Gioia, and lost the identity of the Draco.

"Ancestors, ancestors are determined, and younger generations are not easy to judge." The shocked Kobula said with a trembling voice, full of fear.

Falling in Wuchen's ears, he could hear regret. If he and his daughter Weiwei were both from the Celestial Dragon, there would not be such a shocking scene as today.

The Tianlong people can look down on anyone like a bug, even if they are so-called powerful kings, they are just the lowest existence in front of them.

The unspeakable thing is the untouchables. The Draco society belongs to the slavery social system of the old age. They have a strong sense of blood, have a strong sense of racial superiority, and report serious discrimination to anyone except Dracos.

Simply put, they don't treat anyone as a human being.


Wuchen, who was about to speak, suddenly noticed a pair of cold eyes, peeping at him secretly, not daring to approach him deliberately, just looking vaguely.

"That's interesting."

The line of sight was suddenly as sharp as a knife, passing by the sea of ​​people, and a figure suddenly came into view.

Seemingly aware of the dust-free gaze, the peeping figure hurriedly fled and dived into the sea battle, disappearing as if it had never appeared before.

"I have forgotten this stuff...but you haven't gotten less courageous yet. You are as bold as you always have.
