Master of Ninja World

Chapter 684 Furious White Beard [Fifth More]

Wuchen's old face turned green, and he could only smile bitterly. For this quirky daughter, he was helpless, and he could not beat or scold him, which was really a headache.

Every time she teaches this little girl, Yue Xi will go to Hui Ye Ji with a little face crying, and Hui Ye Ji will inevitably be slandered.

Rubbing his black hair, lying lazily on the bed without dust, closed his eyes and sniffed the girl's faint fragrance comfortably, and became active in thought.

Involuntarily began to think about the situation in the world today.

"I must have guessed it."

Seeing Wuchen's silence and speechlessness, Xiao Yuexi nodded earnestly, taking it for granted that it was Wuchen's reason, and then happily jumping around on the chuang mattress.

Like a little elf, she would rub against Wuchen from time to time. The coquettish and cute smile caused Wuchen to roll her eyes straight, but she did not stop Yue Xi.

"Father, I'm going to be a pirate!" Blinking her eyes, Yue Xi suddenly said astonishingly.

Wuchen didn't object, and looked at Yue Xi with interest.

"I need a proper reason, and the admiral's daughter to be a pirate... is bad for my reputation." Wuchen scolded.

In fact, he didn't care in his heart. The pirates and the navy were of little significance to Wuchen, and the pirates he raised secretly were no longer in the minority, and they were all of the best.

"It's more free and happier than now." Tilting her head, Yue Xi said the answer.


Wuchen squeezed Yue Xi's face, stared at Yue Xi's shining pupils, his gaze became awe-inspiring for a while, and he could see directly through her heart.

Seeing Wuchen's face with a faint and elegant smile, Yue Xi quickly avoided her eyes, did not dare to look at Wuchen, and acted coquettishly against Wuchen's belly, whispering: "I will spy on information for my father! "

Wuchen's face was speechless, he didn't expect this little girl to spy on intelligence.

"I mean the information of beautiful women, specifically for my father to search all kinds of beautiful women, to relieve your greed." There was an unshakable, firm flash in her eyes, and Yue Xi clenched her fists and said seriously.

The sonorous and powerful voice was like an oath, causing a tangled tangled in the dust.

The corners of his eyes twitched violently, Wuchen looked at Yue Xi in a dumbfounded manner, and ignored her, wearing clothes for himself. Sometimes the more you talk, the more mistakes you make, and the darker you describe.

The most terrible thing is that this little girl often reports to Kaguya Ji and Wuchen's other confidantes, and often wears shoes for Wuchen.

In the eyes of those women, Wuchen unknowingly changed from a gentleman of Qianqian to a sex monster... According to Yue Xi's description, it was still an extremely abnormal kind.

"Father is going to deal with those pirates again?"

No longer, Xiao Yuexi hugged the pillow, her voice that was still pleasant before was less crisp and sweet, and more reluctant and slightly lonely.

The dust-free pace stopped abruptly, and his face flashed complicatedly. In fact, he knew that Yue Xi was like Naruto Uzumaki, always attracting his attention with various amazing actions.

"In the last few years, my father will be with you every day."

Chong Du rubbed Yue Xi's long black hair, Wu Chen leaned over and walked to Yue Xi, her dry lips fell on Xiao Yue Xi's clean forehead, vowing to promise.

Hearing this, Yue Xi's pupils clearly flashed with joy, and the corners of her mouth were also filled with excitement and a smile.

But the moment I raised my head, I saw Wuchen’s unkind smile, his perfect small face suddenly became rigid, and the smile at the corner of his mouth disappeared in an instant, and he said insincerely: "It smells, don't touch me again, old man!"

After all, he wiped the remaining water stains on his forehead for fear of being dust-free.

"This little girl is really proud~ proud."

Angrily stared at Yue Xi, Wuchen then simply walked out of her room, observing Wuchen naturally knew that Yue Xi had deliberately pretended to show him.


As soon as the door was closed, cheers suddenly sounded in the room.


In the quiet study room, Wuchen quietly watched the information sent by Bai Jue, most of which were about the New World Pirates and the movements of the Navy Headquarters.

Catching Fire Fist Ace alive, Wuchen did not say anything, pretending that nothing happened.

Different from the calm and dustlessness, the Whitebeard Pirates are in a hurry. The whole world is looking for Ace's traces like crazy. For Ace, Whitebeard likes it tightly.

"That old guy pays too much attention to feelings before being used by the Warring States Period. If he pretends to be colder, the Warring States Period may not be able to fight Ace's idea.

Feelings are a double-edged sword that hurts others and self.

"Master Wuchen is planning to hand over [Fire Fist] Ace to the Warring States?" Bai Jue questioned.

Hearing that, Wuchen lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, and then resolutely shook his head. Even if he now handed Ace to the Warring States Lure~ Baibeard, the thoughtful Warring States might not be fooled.

Before the Warring States period, they were called the wise generals and the chief staff of the navy headquarters. These characters are all old antiques of the last era. The city is very deep and has a unique vision.

In other ways, it does not arouse the suspicion of the Warring States, if not, it can only be self-defeating.

Today's Warring States has been a marshal for more than ten years. Even if Huoquan Ace is handed over to him, he will not blindly fight with the white beard. If he is not careful, the navy may fall into a dead end.

"Speaking of which, [Fire Fist] How has the kid Aisi been?" Wuchen asked without a solution for the time being.

"He? He can eat and drink, he's alive and kicking, he's idle all day, he even satirizes me, and he seems to be talking about Luffy." Bai Jue said bitterly, his teeth itching in anger.

"The Straw Hat Luffy guy has a good relationship with Ace, so he can use it." The corner of his mouth flickered, and the corner of Wuchen's mouth raised a strange arc.


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