Master of Ninja World

Chapter 777 The Purpose of Blackbeard [Fifth More]

Recommend a sacred book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix's addiction to war Thor], written by a soft girl, personally feels good, friends who like it to see, may wish to collect it, just give it a hand, thank you!!!


The weirdness of ninjutsu is beyond imagination, including all things. Huoquan Ace, including the yellow ape and the green pheasant, are all staring at the sudden appearance of dustlessness.

Come and go without a trace, you can't detect it at all, and the so-called domineering look and hearing is completely useless!

"Obviously, I just used the domineering, but I didn't realize his existence."

The green pheasant frowned slightly, and after the dust-free body disappeared, he began to use the domineering look and feel to perceive the movement around him, but the whole person in the dustless color was like a ghost with no entity, completely shielding the domineering perception of the see and smell color.

"Space Ninjutsu?!"

When Huang Yuan heard this, doubts appeared on his face, and he immediately guessed the meaning of the words, "Maybe it is the ability to move in space, and only in this way can he avoid the domineering perception of seeing and hearing."

The green pheasant nodded noncommittal when he heard the words, and only spatial movement could avoid the domineering perception of seeing and hearing. Besides, there were no other tricks currently known.

Picking up the iron chain on the ground and the Hailou stone handcuffs again, the green pheasant found in front of Huoquan Ace again, and looked carefully at Ace, who looked decadent, his eyes flashed with indifference.

"Since you are so ignorant, you can only re-chain your chains."

After that, the green pheasant tied the fire fist Ace very skillfully, locked him like a zongzi again, and put his hands in Shanghai Loushi handcuffs again.

I originally hoped that this kid could be more interesting, but he didn't expect that he was hard to change by nature, the way was his own choice, and he would have to pay for it!

Firefist Ace looked at the iron chains all over his body, his face as gray, especially the sea tower stone handcuffs on his hands, which were as terrifying as a secretly sneaking black hole in the universe, swallowing all his power.

Not to mention the use of the power of the devil fruit again, the power of the whole body seems to be swallowed and annihilated, revealing the weakness that penetrates into the bones.

"Let's two send Huo Fist to Pushing City. I can't get out of my body if something happens, so I won't be able to accompany you." Stretching my waist, Wu Chen made an expression that I was busy and not free.

The green pheasant and the yellow ape looked at each other, and they could see the envy in each other's eyes. Such a laid-back admiral like Wuchen was definitely the first in history.

Almost any task is done voluntarily, it depends on the mood to do it or not!


On the shore of Marigioa’s port, the green pheasant and the yellow ape were sent here.

Firefist Ace, who was tied up with various iron chains, followed closely. His expression was weak, his eyes were blank, and he was full of hesitation about the future. He was pumped away from the flowing blood, and the whole person was skinny and only skinny.

However, people in their twenties are more like candles in the wind, full of indescribable decadence and listlessness, and the whole person loses the motivation to survive, which is no different from the zombie.

For the current Huo Fist Ace, life is more painful and terrifying than death!

"I knew why now... I stepped out and repented."

Wuchen sighed, staring into Ace's eyes, he clearly read regret, but what can he do?You have to pay a price for everything you do, and there is no path to regret.

"When will the Warring States execute Fire Fist?"

Close to the green pheasant and the yellow ape, the green pheasant and the yellow ape, who are chatting with their big mouths, interrupted and asked.

"This one……"

The green pheasant's eyes flashed hesitation, and then recalled the status quo of the navy headquarters, and couldn't help shaking his head. At the very least, he couldn't execute the firefist Ace right now. Everything was not prepared enough, and a lot of time was needed to perfect the defense of the navy headquarters.

"The other party is [Four Emperors] Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world. His arrogance just set himself on fire." A solemn look appeared on the face of the green pheasant. "Besides, there are so many white beard wings. The New World helps him with pirates. ."

"The place of execution is the headquarters of the navy-there are many Marlins, and the underground defense agencies will be replaced with new ones this time, and the many residents of Marlins have to be evacuated.

Huang Yuan took a puff of smoke, his eyes shot awe-inspiring light, "This time the Marshal has laid his blood, and intends to completely annihilate the Whitebeard Pirates."

The critically ill tiger, the Warring States Period will definitely not let it go. It has been his dream for many years to eliminate the White Beard Pirates!

Nodded without a trace. Judging from the current situation, it is indeed not suitable for the execution of Ace. The navy has not yet fully prepared. Now the navies from all over the world have not yet convened, and the "Seven Martial Seas under Kings" are also in separate teams.

"By the way, the guy with the black beard is very weird recently." The green pheasant turned and went straight down sharply, with a little dread.

The Warring States ordered the green pheasant to observe Blackbeard's every move secretly, and any sign of him could not avoid the eyes of the green pheasant.

"Advancing the city?" Wuchen was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately asked tentatively.

With a surprised look at Wuchen, the green pheasant nodded lightly and said: "It is indeed concerned about Pushing the City, the purpose is unknown, and he is the only one in [Qiwuhai] where he is the most strange."

Wuchen showed a mysterious smile, and walked into Mariejoa leisurely.

"Blackbeard... his strength is rising now, and his courage is also getting bigger and bigger. It seems that he is impatient with the idea of ​​advancing the city."

On a small road with dense flowers and plants, the winding path is secluded, and the dust is walking straight ahead, with a sneer of conspiracy on the corner of his mouth. About more than ten years ago, he had already tamed Yu Zhiliu, and this time just let him lurking. To the Blackbeard Pirates!


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