Master of Ninja World

Chapter 791 Straw Hat Strikes [Fourth More]

Recommend a sacred book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix's addiction to war and Thor], written by a soft girl, personally feels pretty good, friends who like it to see, may wish to collect it, nothing more than a hand, thank you!!!


At the same time, on the other side, above the sea, a sharp roar cut through the void, and a winding and endless train was overwhelmed by thorns and thorns, and galloped across the sea without any blockage.

The destination is the looming judicial island hidden in the clouds and mist ahead!

"Finally here, kids cheer me up!"

Standing on the locomotive, Luffy looked at the propulsion city in the distance. His impassioned tone was filled with ten percent confidence. Today, Luffy is no longer the immature him he used to be.

There have been several fiascos in succession, the first is the dust-free, and the second is the green pheasant. Although the passionate and stunned green nature has not weakened and converged, it is much more mature than before.

"That is Judicial Island...unbelievable."

Usopp's face was dull, and the Judicial Island in the distance was hidden in the clouds and mist, as if floating in the sky, and the visual conflict was particularly shocking.

"We have rushed to accept the task of Bingberg, is it a bit reckless? After all, we have only known each other for a few days!" Usopp said in dissatisfaction, deeply disturbed by this.

Nothing more than ordinary enemies, this time is different from the past, not the navy, nor the pirates, but the secret spy organization of the world government-CP9!

Strength and stronger than any enemy ever seen!

"Shut up Usopp."

Sauron's eyes sparkled with the fierce light belonging to beasts, a ray of sword intent that was about to cut off the sea was scattered, and the sabre on his waist screamed with excitement, "We are pirates, and it is commonplace to confront the world government. It’s not bad to try the water now."

The words made the Straw Hat Pirates nod their heads, and after all, they will be invincible.

"Mr. Bingshan treats us sincerely... and he promised to help us build the ship for free and help him rescue Frankie." Sanji should have said so after smoking a cigarette.

Seeing this scene, Usopp closed his mouth with interest.


The harsh sound from the train's whistle was getting closer and closer, and finally inevitably passed into the ears of Wuchen and others.

"That should be the water train."

He stared at him, pierced through the layers of clouds, and collected the speeding train in the distance, whispering from the corner of his clean mouth. Because of his excellent dynamic capture ability, he could even see Lu Fei and others clearly.

"I can't wait to die...huh, this time I will send you all to hell!"

Spandam gritted his teeth and said, as if his dignity had been trampled on and insulted, his expression was hideous, and his glaring expression wished to slash the straw hat pirates.

"Lucky, Kaku, Kalifa..."

Looking back leisurely, Spandam glanced at the three of them, and then pointed to the devil fruits on the tabletop, "Those devil fruits will be eaten quickly for me, it can improve your strength!"

Lu Qi and the others frowned, although they were rather unhappy with the tone of the sub-command, they went to the table.

"After eating the devil fruit, immediately confront me with the Straw Hat Pirates. How can they be the pirates with a reward of more than 100 million yuan. They have defeated [Seven Wuhai under the King] Krokdal, and I must not count on the group of people outside!

Spandam sighed and said depressed, Judicial Island has the absolute right to speak, but the only real powerhouses are these few in front of him.

"As for me...I will personally escort him to the navy headquarters through the [Gate of Justice], where there are countless ways to make Frankie this idiot speak, Jie Jie..." Cruel eyes passed, Spanda Mu Yinjie sneered.

A group of CP9s looked at Spandham speechlessly. This guy was too shameless. He obviously took advantage of the situation and wanted to go to the navy headquarters to take the lead. He even said so righteously, so shameless!

Hearing this, Wuchen took a deep look at him, and then the old god was resting on the sofa.

"Boom boom boom..."

The messy and suppressed shelling resounded through the sky, and the Judiciary Island suddenly splashed a secret fire ball, the ground trembled slightly, and the direction of the shelling came from the sea train.


The amazingly powerful shell suddenly exploded where the dust and others were.


The harsh roar was particularly suppressed. Lu Qi, Wuchen and the others were fine. Only Spandam was so frightened that his feet were weak. If it weren't for Wuchen's presence, he would have run away.

"Speed ​​to meet the Straw Hat Pirates, I will send Frankie to the Gate of Justice first!" Spandham said with an iron face, and immediately dragged Frankie out.

The doubt in Wuchen's eyes turned into a natural color. By now, he has guessed the whereabouts of the Pluto design, exactly as he thought, among a few people, but someone played a trick to get him ahead of time.


"Hurry up for Lao Tzu!"

Inside the dark tunnel, there was a loud shout of anger. This tunnel connecting the Gate of Justice, there is no doubt that there are only two people, Frankie and Spandham.

"Don't delay me. Be careful. I send people to kill everyone in the City of Seven Waters. That's your hometown. You don't want the country where you were born and raised. If that's the case, let me know! "

Spandam warned with a cold voice, his tone full of endless violence.

"Spandam...the kid's play house is over, call out what I want."


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