Master of Ninja World

Chapter 792 Perfection Is A Flaw [Fifth]

Recommend a sacred book to a friend: [Fire Phoenix's addiction to war and Thor], written by a soft girl, personally feels pretty good, friends who like it to see, may wish to collect it, nothing more than a hand, thank you!!!


Through the reflection of the faint light, one can clearly see the more black shadows on the ground, confronting Frankie and Spandam, the image of the person standing in the dark is a javelin, and he is not afraid.

"Mr. General..."

After Spandam was stunned, the panic in his eyes was fleeting, and he said with a sneer: "Could it be that I want to escort Frankie himself? Thank you!"

He pushed Frankie to Wuchen's side.

Wuchen looked at Spandam with deep meaning, and withdrew his gaze in silence for a while, "You are really despicable. Pluto's design is actually in your hands...too courageous, even me. Dare to lie."

Spandham's expression became rigid, and then he said blankly: "Frankie has a stiff mouth, and he hasn't said a word about Pluto's design until now."

"If you don't believe me, ask him!"

Spandham pointed to Frankie with a flattering smile, this expression more intimate than meeting his father.

Frankie was silent, but looked at the ground quietly. His face was no longer as violent as before. It seemed that this cold ground was more attractive than Dust-free and Spandam.

"You bastard...huh!"

Spandham was about to step forward to teach Frank, and now he was tied up with chains and the fish on the chopping board. Spandham was naturally not afraid.

"Your acting is really rough and inferior, Spandam." Wuchen suddenly stopped his movements.

"You must be mistaken!"

Spandam argued arguably: "No one can get the answer to Lu Qi, but he is the ultimate killing weapon trained by the government!"

"I don't plan to admit it now..."

Wuchen just glanced at Spandam, and then said to himself: "You are wrong... It is precisely because Lu Qi is the ruthless ultimate killing weapon that he can't get the news of Pluto's design. Lu Qi His behavior is about bloody killing...that is, dark justice. He really can't do this kind of torture to extract a confession. Not only him, but the entire CP9 can't do it. The only person who can get to this point is you. ."

Wuchen talked about it, but Spandam didn't know what to say, and asked blankly: "They can't do it, only I can do it? No way, I'm just an ordinary person!"

"Ordinary people?"

With a smirk in his eyes, Wuchen said with deep meaning: "An ordinary person can't do the position of CP9 supreme officer. The reason why you can get the design of Pluto is because you are...deserier than them!"

In the end, the dust-free voice increased by several decibels.As Spandham said, he was just an ordinary person, but in the end he achieved the position of CP9 chief, which is even more despicable and knows how to survive better than others.

Therefore, Spandam is more suitable to deal with Frankie's hard-talking people. He also knows how to work around. It will not be like Luchi who only knows blood, violence and killing.

"The green pheasant seems to have given you something..."

A gentle voice made Spandam's face greatly changed, and cold sweat dripped uncontrollably on his forehead.

"That is, the golden phone worm, the necessities for launching the [Devil Killing Order], is this thing." He took out the special golden phone worm, Wuchen pointed and said.

"Why do you have this kind of thing too?!" Frankie said in horror, and he was obviously more confused when he was nervous.

"As the admiral of the admiral, why don't I have something that the blue pheasant has... But you know the golden phone worm, which means that it coincides with my idea."

In addition to the generals in this world, Spandham is the only one who owns the golden phone worm. The reason why Frankie understands is that in the past few days, he has seized the opportunity of the gap and explained the golden phone to Frankie. The role of insects.

Wuchen's voice was very soft, but it was endlessly wise, and he broke Spandham’s mind in a single word, "If you are right, you should be threatening Frankie secretly, and without surrendering the design of the Pluto, you will start [Tu Mo Order] Destroy the entire city of seven waters."

"Only a despicable person like you can do this kind of thing. Your father and son are both virtues. This kind of inferior method is simply not used by people like Lu Qi."

Spandam looked ugly, raised his head, and saw Wuchen's eagle-falcon's gaze. There was a burst of despair in his heart. In front of those shiny eyes, all his secrets were exposed in the air, allowing Wuchen to read and browse at will.

"You only have three seconds to consider, don't force me to do it myself."

Wuchen said blankly, his mouth exhaled cold, the air flowing around his mouth was frozen into ice scum, obviously he was not joking.

Spandham lowered his head. Indeed, as Wuchen said, the Pluto design is in his hands. He intends to give the Pluto design to the five old stars instead of the Warring States Marshal of the Navy Headquarters. Spandham wants to take it alone. Credit!

"How could you know? What I did should be dripping, and Frankie dare not reveal the secret!"

Spandam roared furiously, his eyes were red, and when he encountered the admiral of Wuchen, the Pluto design in his hand was about to change owners.

"Dripping water does not leak? Every ant dare to say dripping water does not leak. In this distorted world, there are always countless people like you who like to be self-righteous."

Wuchen couldn't help but shook his head, feeling very ridiculous. This guy is just an ordinary scum, relying entirely on sloppy beard and horseback, and his father's reasons to barely reach the top, his own strength can't even beat ordinary navy soldiers.

"Take 10,000 steps back, even if your drama is truly flawless, it is full of flaws."

The light voice was full of supreme wisdom. Seeing that Spandham was still puzzled, Wuchen explained: "Don’t understand, sometimes perfection is a flaw. It’s because everything is normal that he will It looks abnormal, full of errors and omissions."


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