Master of Ninja World

Chapter 815 Dilemma in Dilemma [Second More]

I recommend a divine book to everyone: [Naruto: The Almighty Master], I feel pretty good, friends who like it, go and see it, it is best to collect it, nothing more than a hand, I am grateful!!!!!


Anyone who is targeted by Wuchen will not be able to escape the end of life and death. Even if they are lucky enough to escape his pursuit, they are still living in endless fear. Life is better than death!

Although it was just unfounded and simple speculation, the red-haired Shanks was extremely sure that even if the instigator behind this had nothing to do with Wuchen, he would definitely have nothing to do with him.

"What is your final choice, abandon Huo Fist, or choose to walk to the black, save him at all costs?!" The complicated thoughts in his mind were thrown out of the sky, and the red-haired Shanks asked directly.

Baibeard looked stiff, lowered his head in silence, reluctant to give up Ace, but he also reluctant to give up other "sons".

Even if the five flavors are mixed, he can't conceal the helplessness in his heart. For the first time in his life, Baibeard felt that being alive was so hard.

"Thinking about it differently, if I were you... I would definitely have a headache like yours. This strategy... really vicious!"

On the other side of the phone worm came the sympathetic voice of the red-haired Shanks. If he chose, he would fall into the same embarrassment as the white beard.

Obviously there are two options, but what leads to is not the light after the rainy day, but the boundless abyss of despair!

"It seems that I can only ming~jin~receive~ the soldiers... damn navy bastards, and the old woman Begummam... I will definitely settle this account with you!"

The hostile face was finally banned by wisdom. Whitebeard chose to abandon this mission. He was the father of the entire Whitebeard Pirates. He could not sacrifice everyone because of Ace alone. It would be too unfair and annoying. People are chilling.

A pirate group chilled everyone, which meant that the collapse was close at hand.

I can only turn the unwillingness in my heart into hatred for the navy and Bigumam, secretly vowing that one day in the future, they will pay their debts!

"Daddy Pushing the city is close at hand, and stepping down is just around the corner!"

Marco, who was holding his fist, looked unwilling, as did Diamond Joz, his body trembling, and his breathing was several times faster than usual.

"Although I'm very sorry to the brothers who died...but you know, daddy...The White Beard Pirates can't lack the important person Ace at present."

Diamond Joz also said solemnly, with other meanings in his words.

In addition to the importance of Firefist Ace, there are other factors. Ace's reward has reached 550 million Baileys, and he will surely support the Whitebeard Pirates in the future. This important figure cannot be lost.

The stage of the White Beard Pirates cannot lack Ace!

"These people..."

Hearing that, the Great Vortex Spider-Skuard, quietly exited, his eyes flashed sadly, he knew the importance of Ace, the future is the existence of the Optimus Prime of the Whitebeard Pirates group, but what about ?It would be cruel to sacrifice other people for his life and leave the other crew members alone.

As if the scene was too depressing, Skuyard walked to the stern alone, breathing the salty sea breeze.


The shining sun gradually receded, the breeze became cold, biting and biting, and the howling of ghosts and wolves could be heard.

"It's cold."

Perceiving the coldness of his body, Skuyard turned and walked back to the cabin. He suddenly heard a mess of footsteps, frowned slightly, and looking at the root cause, a pirate with a messy look hurriedly ran over.

"What's the matter? It doesn't look reckless!"

Skuyard's eyes flashed bitterly, and he scolded displeasedly. He immediately looked at the golden phone worm in his hand, and asked doubtfully: "Whose phone worm is this? The White Beard Pirates don't seem to have such a phone worm. .. It looks like a navy."

"I don't know this. This golden phone worm appeared out of thin air in your cabin like a ghost. When I saw no one answered, I took it to you!" The pirate who came running panted.

With that, he handed the phone worm to Skuyard.


The mysterious phone worm rang suddenly. The phone worm opened his eyes and looked straight at Skuyard's face. The latter trembled, filled with invisible pressure, and an inexplicable voice warned him not to answer.

He picked up the phone worm like a conditioned reflex, and when he was about to throw it into the sea, he accidentally touched the button on the phone worm.

"Yo, hello. I'm Admiral Loisnan..."

The indifferent voice came from the golden telephone worm, Skuyard's expression solidified, and doubts arose in his heart, he and the admiral had nothing to do with each other.

This general named Loisnan, he had never heard of it. He thought it was a lie, but a young figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Is it him?!"

Thinking of the dust-free figure, Skuyard said coldly: "If you have something to say, as a navy admiral, I hope you don't say such stupid things that I will try to trick the old man!"

"Of course not, this kind of vulgar provocative, only small people like Sakarski can do! Sudden visit, just to tell you a story, or just tell you a story." said Wuchen mysterious on the other side of the phone bug .

"Passing a message? This joke is not funny at all! Who can ask the general to pass a message? The five old stars or the Celestials?!" Skuyard sarcastically said.

"It's not them. You are very familiar with the person who begged me to spread the word..."

The front of the conversation suddenly changed, and the dust-free voice was like a black hole in the depths of the universe, capable of swallowing all things, and instantly attracted the mind of Skuyard, "The people who asked me to preach, they are from the heaven... The crew members who were unfortunately annihilated by the Pirate King Roger!"


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